Anything and everything goes in here... within reason.
Mon Feb 21, 2005 7:26 pm
Well in a little over a week and a half I'll be going on my senior trip. We're going to Florida. This is where I need some help or advice. I've never been on a plane before and I've never been away from my family that long. Any one have some tips for packing? We're going to be gone for six days. How big of a suitcase should I bring? What about airports is there anything I should be extra careful of?
Mostly I'm just clueless about this sort of stuff so I thought some of you guys might have some experiences to share or suggestions.
Mon Feb 21, 2005 7:55 pm
Airport advice: Make sure your suitcase has a lugage tag with a label that has your name and address. Also it can't hurt to tie a bright ribbon to it since a lot of suitcases look similar. Also, try to pack fairly neatly since it's more than likely your bag will be searched and it's easier for them to put everything back if it's fairly neat. Don't bring anything especially valuable with you, or if you do, keep it in your backpack since there are people who will steal from suitcases. It's highly unlikely that anything will happen to your luggage but it's always best to be prepared.
Also, the day you fly, drink lots of water so the recycled air doesn't dehydrate you and bring socks to wear on the plane. This will help make the flight a little more comfortable.
Good luck and have fun on your trip!
Mon Feb 21, 2005 8:04 pm
Oh thank you! I never even thought of ribbon, thats a great idea! It will probably save time in the long run.
SHould I bring water or drinks with me on the plane? Or would that not be allowed or a good idea? I was thinking of bringing some water...
Thanks for the help.
Mon Feb 21, 2005 8:08 pm
Bring something that will entertain you on the plane incase you dont like the movie tehy show or if they charge for headphones. And if the headphones are free make sure you keep them because your flight back may charge for 'em.
EDIT: I'm pretty sure you can bring water, when i went to El Slavador just about everyone brought on board the plane bags and bags of chicken along with some soda and water
Mon Feb 21, 2005 8:10 pm
Oh yes, water's a very good idea. Pack a small bag full of essentials for the flight. If it's a long flight, take a few snacks, something to drink, wash stuff, a sweater and a travel pillow.
Make sure you get up for regular walks when you're on the plane. Oh and a good book, travel game and magazines are good ideas.
Watch out for pickpocketers in the airport. You'd be surprised at what lengths some people could go to. Stick close to your friends at the airport because it's really easy to get lost.
Oh and have fun!
Mon Feb 21, 2005 8:29 pm
Bring gum.
And chew like you've never chewed before to help keep your ears from popping badly. Gum is your friend on a plane. Have it definately for take off and landing, and if your ears are feeling funny anywhere in between, chew it (and by funny I mean pressurized).
Someone on my trip to Greece, his ears popped oddly... and he got a massive infection; very nasty, we had to call a doctor. Utterly horrifying. Yup.
Mon Feb 21, 2005 8:32 pm
ahoteinrun wrote:Bring gum.
And chew like you've never chewed before to help keep your ears from popping badly. Gum is your friend on a plane. Have it definately for take off and landing, and if your ears are feeling funny anywhere in between, chew it (and by funny I mean pressurized).
Someone on my trip to Greece, his ears popped oddly... and he got a massive infection; very nasty, we had to call a doctor. Utterly horrifying. Yup.

Ouch. Definitely bringing gum as well. I never really thought about my ears popping... Thanks for letting me know. I never would have thought to bring gum with me.
Mon Feb 21, 2005 8:39 pm
Boiled sweets that you can suck are just as good.
Mon Feb 21, 2005 9:13 pm

I live in Florida!!!
If you're going now, bring short sleeves.

It's pretty warm (except on some mornings, where it reaches... dun, dun, dun... 50 degrees!


If you are going to be out a lot, bring sun tan lotion.

You really only need to bring 7 outfits (just in case you spill on it or something) plus something to sleep in.
Mon Feb 21, 2005 9:19 pm
Oh yes, NEVER wear jeans on a plane. They chaff like mad. Wear cotton track suit bottoms and something comfy on top.
Mon Feb 21, 2005 9:24 pm
Wear loose clothes like sweatpants and a teeshirt. Also, don't wear any metal.get hydrated before, during, and after the flight. When on the plane, when you can get up and walk around, do just that so you can stretched out.
Mon Feb 21, 2005 9:31 pm
Wear comfortable shoes. Airports are big. You can bring your own water, just be careful when you open it once the plane is in the air. The pressure change can make the water squirt.

If you can, wear shoes that can be removed easily. They'll probably ask you to remove your belt, if you're wearing one, at security. Also bring plenty of things to entertain you or the flight can be quite boring. Cash is also good to have. Depending which airline you're using, the meals might have to be paid for. If so, they only take cash. However, try to avoid buying their meals. It's better to buy your own and bring it on the plane, if a free meal is not provided.
For 6 days, you won't need a suitecase very big, but then again, I travel very light and most people I know bring lots of crap with them. It's a personal preference. It's always good to carry an outfit in your carry-on in case your luggage was lost. Also, make sure whatever you pack is packed neatly and tightly or it's going to be a mess once you get it back. Security will most likely open up and rummage through your stuff.
Mon Feb 21, 2005 9:34 pm
Avoid wearing a bra with an underwire. Trust me. It can set the metal detectors off. *twitch* and that can be a very uncomfortable situation.
Mon Feb 21, 2005 9:39 pm
ahoteinrun wrote:Avoid wearing a bra with an underwire. Trust me. It can set the metal detectors off. *twitch* and that can be a very uncomfortable situation.
I can see why, sorry, but that is very funny.
Mon Feb 21, 2005 9:47 pm
ahoteinrun wrote:Avoid wearing a bra with an underwire. Trust me. It can set the metal detectors off. *twitch* and that can be a very uncomfortable situation.
I've had that happen to me too.

I feel sorry for my dad's cousin, he's got a metal plate in his head. Now that takes some explaining.
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