Anything and everything goes in here... within reason.
Tue Feb 22, 2005 1:41 am
My parents have new jobs that are so long they can't make dinnge. Since I'm the oldest, I have to make dinner. My baked beans taste like nothing and my soup tastes like crap. Or so they tell me. I can cook very well. I just hate cooking for them.

Why can't thet eat tv dinners?
Tue Feb 22, 2005 2:36 am
Because TV dinners are pretty much devoid of anything resembling nutrition, just calories and fat fat fat.
It may suck to do, but you're learning a valuable life skill, and you will get better with practice.
Tue Feb 22, 2005 3:15 am
Try Hamburger Helper. It makes quite a good meal, and is fairly easy.
Tue Feb 22, 2005 3:18 am
Try Lipton Sides. I love them.
They're very easy to make (a little water and maybe milk and butter boiled, then add the mix and stir for less than 10 minutes for a lot of them).
Tue Feb 22, 2005 3:44 am
I hate cooking for anything (even just for myself). Firstly I'd suggest saying something about the comments about your cooking, something along the lines of "If you've got a problem with the meals I'm making, make your own" but perhaps not so bluntly, do it politically - you don't want to get into trouble. Perhaps also point out that you are doing your best. Other than that, try making "stir-frys", throwing a load of random vegetables and some Asian sauces into a wok/fry-pan and heat them through (don't let them go mushy though) and then serve them on noodles or rice (if you start getting complaints about there being no taste add loads of chilli, garlic, etc etc). Other than that, pasta dishes never really go astray and you can't exactly do much wrong to them. Perhaps try Googling for some new recipies and see how they work out. Some Mexican-y dishes can be good too and pretty easy to make, Nachos, Enchiladas, Burritos, etc you just need the wraps (or corn chips), sauces and the meat that you'll be using.
Tue Feb 22, 2005 3:51 am
Mass cook a huge pot of spaghetti sauce, then freeze it in portions. That way if you really don't have time, you can dig some out, and defrost, and since noodles are easy to make, voila! an easy supper made!^^*
Add soya sauce to stir fries. It's amazing what that stuff can do

hehe. Maybe, for your soups, you're not getting the right kind of stock? My mom often gets chicken stock, and sometimes makes it out of the bones too. I'm sure you can find recipes. You can freeze that too, and it's quite easy to make a soup out of stock. A soup I particularily like, is ground beef, vegetables such as tomatoes, celery, and some chinese ones like Gai lan (spelling?) with barley, potatoes, and anything else you want. It tastes quite good

and it's good served with rice^^*
Good luck with cooking!^^*
Tue Feb 22, 2005 9:44 am
Make rice. 1 cup of rice. 2 cups of water. Microwave for 15 mins. Eat.
Tue Feb 22, 2005 10:07 am
Being the oldest child in my family, sometimes I get stuck with that job. Thankfully, they don't force me to do it... my dad usually takes on the job. So they don't have to be stuck with my awful cooking...
You should ask your parents too, when they have the time, teach you how to make new dishes. After all, variety is the spice of life, and if you don't have that, it gets to be pretty boring. If you know how to correctly make more dishes, it will be alot more fun.
Casseroles I highly suggest. There is a variety of them, and most of them are pretty simple to make, so, if you know how to make quite a few dinners won't be the same every night.
Tue Feb 22, 2005 12:08 pm
Cooking for me = opening a packet of instant noodles, boiling water, and putting them in. And even that I find troublesome
Tue Feb 22, 2005 12:26 pm
Today dinner will be crap. Muhahahaha....
Tue Feb 22, 2005 4:08 pm
Pasta is my friend. I have it at least one night a week when my mum's working, sometimes more.
Do you have a George Foreman grill, by any chance? I love that thing. Chicken breasts, lemon pepper, pop on for about 4 minutes, mmm.
...Only, you know, I don't eat chicken now. Shame.
Er. Anything with rice. Some plain chicken breasts with rice, add soy sauce - easy to make and tasty.
Hmm. Cheating mac & cheese...make pasta shells, when they're still hot, sprinkle some cheddar cheese over it.
I dunno, I just make whatever I can find. =P
Tue Feb 22, 2005 4:27 pm
I love cooking, even if I don't do it that often. Hamburger Helpers are really good and easy to make. Or you could make pasta, that's really easy, and you can sprinkle a bit (not a whole lot though) of salt on the pasta while it's boiling to make it more flavorful. And just buy some tomato sauce and heat it up. Voila, easy pasta supper!
And if that doesn't work...order Chinese! You can't go wrong with Chinese. Or stock up on soup.
Tue Feb 22, 2005 5:07 pm
I have to do that sometimes, especially on weekends when my dad's busy.
Have you ever tried making Pasta? It's ever so simple once you get teh hang of it!
Just slap a saucepan of water on the cooker, and when the water's boiling, tip some pasta in. And that's it, just leave it for 10 minutes or so, tip it through one of those strainer-bowl-thingys and Voila! You might want to grate some cheese on it, heat up some bolognase sauce to go with it, whatever floats your boat!
Tue Feb 22, 2005 6:18 pm
Seasoned (salt and pepper) salmon in the microwave for 5 minutes is a big hit at my house. Also, try a can of salty vegetable soup (my family likes split pea and french onion) with some cauliflower in it.
Tue Feb 22, 2005 8:06 pm
Sapphire Faerie wrote:Try Hamburger Helper. It makes quite a good meal, and is fairly easy.
*drools* Yum...
Just do mac 'n cheese. Or better yet Easy Mac. Heh.
How about those pizza rolls they show on TV? They're delicious and easy to make if you can read.
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