Anything and everything goes in here... within reason.
Tue Feb 22, 2005 3:52 pm Look at that first piccy. OMG. Next they'll be activests for Hooters.
Tue Feb 22, 2005 4:16 pm
They might already be - Hooters uniforms are cotton and polyester, which is a product of crude oil.
Wed Feb 23, 2005 11:46 pm
i always found it funny how PETA would superglue up the keyholes in department stores selling fur.
so you can grind up their bones, but you cant skin them
Wed Feb 23, 2005 11:56 pm
I will just simply steal Ahoteinrun's line here and say that PETA in my mind stands for People Eating Tasty Animals, and let that state my opinion on anything they say.
Wed Feb 23, 2005 11:56 pm
Dawn2 wrote:I will just simply steal Ahoteinrun's line here and say that PETA in my mind stands for People Eating Tasty Animals, and let that state my opinion on anything they say.
I thought that *was* what it stood for?
Wed Feb 23, 2005 11:59 pm
Kitten Medli wrote:Dawn2 wrote:I will just simply steal Ahoteinrun's line here and say that PETA in my mind stands for People Eating Tasty Animals, and let that state my opinion on anything they say.
I thought that *was* what it stood for?
People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals is what it stands for.
I have nothing against people wanting animal abuse to stop. But it irks me to no end on how PETA has a way of going way over the top.
Thu Feb 24, 2005 12:14 am
the neo terrorism, or the "offering hamburg $20,000 to chang their name to veggieburg" bit.
(differant hamburg, not the big one)
Thu Feb 24, 2005 1:14 am
I'm a member of PETA, so I'm used to it... It's why I'm a vegetarian... And I only own faux leather and fur...
Thu Feb 24, 2005 1:19 am
Being a vegetarian still doesn't mean that you are not killing animals.....
Kitten Medli, do you know how many wild cats and squirrels are smithed upon when that tractor comes? Even if you eat apples only, the bugs dies for that. With the pesticide.
But, meh, whatever floats your boat.
Thu Feb 24, 2005 1:21 am
You people are trying to starve me. :'O
Anyways.. thanks for the clarification, Dawn.
Thu Feb 24, 2005 1:22 am

I hate people who skin animals and stuff. I think the people who skin animals and stuff like that should be punished by getting skinned or having there hand or foot ina bear trap. Sorry, I just love animals and hate poachers.
Thu Feb 24, 2005 1:23 am
Kyra, why do you say that?
You eat meat, right?
Thu Feb 24, 2005 1:32 am
I hate people who skin animals and stuff. I think the people who skin animals and stuff like that should be punished by getting skinned or having there hand or foot ina bear trap. Sorry, I just love animals and hate poachers.
interesting idea there.
tell me, have any vegetarians ever cosidered that they are killing some very respectable plants to survive?
or that your immune system commits genocide on a daily basis?
Thu Feb 24, 2005 1:34 am
PETA always cracks me up. They're so over the top it isn't even funny...
Thu Feb 24, 2005 1:36 am
People who eat meat, this is for you:
You can't eat meat AND say "OH! They can't kill and eat cats! ARGH! I wish I can kill them!" You wanna know why? You're eating chciken, beef or pork meat yourself.....You are a hypicrit (sp?) if you are like this.
And, no flames, I am just trying to prove a point.
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