Anything and everything goes in here... within reason.
Wed Feb 23, 2005 12:11 am
My school year is coming to an end and next September I will be heading to high school. There are three high schools in my area and my friends are all going to different ones then me. There are just some things I’d like to know before I go there.
Is high school life hard? Is it hard to make friends? Do you get loads of homework every night and what do they do to freshmen?
I hear for the high school I’m going to, they throw you in a tank of mud and mustard and then pour garbage over you. This may seem unreasonable but you never know.
Any advice or answers to these questions would be appreciated
Wed Feb 23, 2005 12:23 am
Don't worry, I'm going to high school in September too. If you have friends in high school, you can ask them to take you around the high school. That's what I did.
About the mud and garbage thing, I'm pretty sure they're NOT allowed to do that. At least in my city anyway, froshing is, under no circumstances, not allowed to happen. If someone puts you in a tank of mud, tell the authority figure o_o
Wed Feb 23, 2005 12:24 am
Seeing as I'm being homeschooled for High School (this year at least... next year might be different) I probably won't be able to help you much.
Ah, the 'tortures' of Freshmanness. Personally, I wouldn't worry about them much. Most of them are just legends, I believe, told to younger children to make the High Schoolers look cool. It's all about the image, you know? I'm pretty sure most of them just have a normal day. But tell me, which sounds more interesting?
"Hi, Bobby. How was your first day at High School?"
"Oh, it was okay, I guess. Just like Middle School, only harder."
"Hi, Bobby. How was your first day at High School?"
"Oh my gosh, mom! It was horrible! I got dumped in the dumpster twice, was given a swirlie three different times, and, to make matters even worse, I was given detention by ten different teachers!"
Ooh, yay. Exaggeration is so fun.

And so is using the first name that comes to your head.
Ah, the workload. Definately a lot more than previous years, but keep caught up and you'll do fine. Believe me, its a lot easier just to get it done then to let it pile up.

Hope I helped just a little.
Wed Feb 23, 2005 12:27 am
Yes that did help, but I don't know anyone at all at this high school. I had to choose it because of the AP program. The other high schools didn't have a very good one.
Wed Feb 23, 2005 3:42 am
I'm homeschooled now but I used to go to a public high. Hehe, good times there. Most campus have very strict policies against hazing freshmen so I wouldn't worry about bad stuff happening. It really is just like middle school except harder. You'll have your good teachers who are nice, and your bad teachers who are mean about everything, you'll have weeks where you get tons of homework and weeks when you have almost nothing to do, and making friends isn't that hard. High school people tend to be less exclusive and "clique-y" than middle schoolers so meeting cool new people is pretty easy.
Wed Feb 23, 2005 4:47 am
Hey, I'm entering high school next year as well. ;P There's a lot of us here who are.
Like everyone else said, I *really* doubt that story is true. Don't worry about it.
Wed Feb 23, 2005 5:23 am
Naa, I never got jiffied, dumped, egged, or anything. ONe girl did get yogurt thrown at her, *snickers* but she deserved it. Those are just rumours to scare you. I do warn you, though, that if you go on a tour (such as a strings tour, in my case,) if seats are changed in the bus, for example, you WILL get blamed, hehe, but it's all good^_^ Highschool isn't too bad. Grade 8... It was pretty lax. A pretty big change from elementary, especially if you are in french emersion, since the teachers suddenly get a lot stricter with your french o.O; but it's not too bad^_^ Grade 9 was also pretty lax. Grade 10 is a heck of a lot more work. Of course, where I live, grade 10 counts for provincials, and when you apply for university, etc. so it's obviously a lot more.
I do find myself stuffed under a heckload of hw every night, but you find ways to deal with it *cough*notdoingthestupidstuff*cough* For example, in math, the teacher assigns a LOT of work. So, as long as I understand it, I will do every other one, or the ones that look harder, instead of wasting my time. It's not always necessary to do them all.
Oh, and beware, because often right before long breaks, such as winter, spring break, or summer, they'll LOAD you with tests and projects. Grade 9, I had 5 projects to do over the winter break. NOT fun. And at the end of the year, they'll cram every last thing they need to into your head, and load you, once again, with projects and test.
But this year, I have had one project that required a poster board O.O it's amazing, heh. Lots of essays and stuff though. But no worries, they'll teach you.
So don't worry about it. It's easy to tell when someone is in grade 8, because you look lost, and you bunch up like sardines^_~ but heck, we were all like that once. I had a map in my hand for the first little while, but you'll find your way around pretty soon, find the shorcuts for when you have classes on opposite sides of the school.. Yeah.
Relax, take it easy. Highschool is 100x better than elementary.
Wed Feb 23, 2005 5:51 am
Sock wrote:Hey, I'm entering high school next year as well. ;P There's a lot of us here who are.
Like everyone else said, I *really* doubt that story is true. Don't worry about it.
Yup, me too.
Anyways, the people who tell you stuff like this probably got it from TV or something. TV makes highschool sound so tough, swirlies, dumpsters etc.
I have a couple of friends in highschool and said you sail through it.
Except the heavy work load, which I am dearly afraid of. >.>
Wed Feb 23, 2005 7:07 am
High School is... interesting... to say the least. >_>
Wed Feb 23, 2005 7:14 am
Soujiro wrote:High School is... interesting... to say the least. >_>
*cough* understatement XD teehee. Interesting.. In all ways^_~ heh.
Wed Feb 23, 2005 12:18 pm
The only problems I have are getting from one side of the school to the other in 5 minutes, my school is probably a half mile long and I have to go about 2/3rds of that half mile.(if that made sense). It gets easy after the first few weeks. Do the homework as you get it and if you can exempt classes for finals, exempt your hardest class in the spring smester.

Wed Feb 23, 2005 2:51 pm
I'm a freshman this year, and really, it's not that bad. I was scared because I was going to a high school where I only knew one person, and that was my best friend Kari. Now the two of us know a bunch of people...and I know it sounds corny, but get involved with something. I started out the school year not particularly wanting to do any activities, but I was asked to join Jazz Band, I was bullied into Debate Team by my teacher, and I joined the Equestrian Team. Not so much for Jazz Band, but in Debate and the ET, I've made a ton of new friends. I think it's because of the trips - when you spend four hours in a car and all day with the same group of people (particularly since most of our debate team is girls), you end up bonding with them.
The first few days of school were a bit of a sensory overload for me...and don't make assumptions. There was a person who I sort of disliked at the begnning of the school year because she looked like someone I once knew who was really mean, but now she's one of my really good friends.
You do get more homework...but you can deal with it. They don't load it on you the first day, usually. My best description of high school lately compared to middle school is that it's bigger, and nobody cares. Which isn't exactly true, a lot of people do care, but whatever.
I think you'll like it. HS isn't all that it's cracked up to be, for me at least
Wed Feb 23, 2005 4:13 pm
Eh, it's not really bad at all. Almost everything said like that are just myths and when you actually get to the school, nothing like that happens...
You'll probably be fine. It's not as bad as it sounds.
Wed Feb 23, 2005 7:55 pm
Khristian wrote:Yes that did help, but I don't know anyone at all at this high school. I had to choose it because of the AP program. The other high schools didn't have a very good one.
I'm in the same situation. My city has 4 high schools and I'm going to this one because of a special advanced program next year.
Don't worry, there's probably other kids who are in the same boat as you and you'll make tons of friends.
Wed Feb 23, 2005 8:36 pm
I'm a freshman right now, and it's not horrible. The teachers give you a lot more freedom, people tend to be (vaguely) more mature, and it's just generally more fun.
Be yourself, don't go out of your way to make friends, and you'll find loads of people to hang out with^^
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