1) All men are created equal.
eqaulity is earned, its not a right. 1
2) Girls should act like girls.
use whatever means you must to get ahead. 1
3) It's okay to be different.
without "freaks" we wouldnt know half of what we do about the universe.
then again without "freaks" we wouldnt have religion or the atom bomb, so its a mixed bag. 5
4) Nobody is all bad or all good.
you couldnt possibly hope to convince me someone is truly evil, likewise noone is truly good. 5
5) Some words are so offensive that they should never be stated or written.
its a word. get over it. 1
6) The old adage, "Sticks and stones may break your bones, but words will never hurt you," is true.
i'll try that the next time i cant bear to face the world shall i? 1
7) Speaking standard grammar proves that a person is smart.
if we stuck to the standard grammar we would still be grunting, or worse, speaking french as a sign of power. 1

A hero is born, not made.
i did have some obscure qoute, but i cant find it.
leastways, read some WW1 poetry, thatll turn you against "natural" leaders forever. 1
9) Education is the great equalizer.
the intelligent man knows that the tamote is a fruit.
the wise man knows not to put it into a fruit salad. 1