Anything and everything goes in here... within reason.
Sat Mar 12, 2005 10:07 pm
Yeah, I know...stupid poll. But with the upcoming superhero flicks coming out, "The Incredibles" on DVD, Teen Titans' popularity, etc., I thought this would be fun. And don't be like "I'd be a shapeshifter who can control time and kill people just by looking at them!" because that's too uber and boring.
I would actually probably be a supervillain, specifically a thief/assassin for hire. My name would be "Siren," and I would be able to transform into a siren at will (mythical half-bird half-woman, y'know with claws and wings and talons and stuff). Not only would I be able to fly and have strength and agility, but, like the sirens of lore, I would also be able to sing songs that would put men under my control, make them fall asleep, dance like an idiot, whatever. My weakness would be earplugs, and of course women, who would be invulnerable to the songs. But I would just go ahead and claw them to death. Fun!
Sat Mar 12, 2005 10:30 pm
I'd be the super-hero, Dragon Girl! I'd have the power of flight, and have really sharp fangs and nails(I already have sharp nails). I can't breathe fire like the dragons from medieval times, but rather summon a ball of fire, from the size of a small pinecone, to the size of a fully grown human. I'd also have draconic ears that are very sensitive. My weakness would be swords (like anyone has 'em) and I'd be really hyper and insane and slightly confused at times, while other times I'm mysterious and dark. Rawr.
Now if I were a super-villain... I'd probably be something like ChromeFox. Maybe the later versions of sirens, where they look like humans. Whoo, that would be cool!
Sat Mar 12, 2005 10:36 pm
I'd probably be able to change into any animal I'd like.
But that's it really.
Sat Mar 12, 2005 10:41 pm
I dont know really, but whatever I did I would want lightning shooting out my fingers. That would just be so cool.
And A name? Something with a Qu.
Sat Mar 12, 2005 10:53 pm
Something Cool, I have soo many superhero ideas! I will tell you one,
I'd be like a human, with wings. And my name is Frost, the wings would be like a eagle's and it would be a blue, and frosty, with ice and stuff. I would wear this really cool ice armour, and my skin would be blue, I could shoot big ice beams from my hands, or shoot icicles! Sharp icicles! I would also have a big mace, that is like metal, but covered with Ice! My weakness would be fire.
I have alot of superhero/villian ideas!
Sat Mar 12, 2005 11:19 pm
Yeah. I'd like to turn into a range of animals at will. Name? xerai. Of course.
Sat Mar 12, 2005 11:33 pm
I don't know about my name, but I'd want to be able to read minds... It sounds fun!
Sat Mar 12, 2005 11:44 pm
I'd be 'The Silencer'.
There would be no arguing in my town.
Sat Mar 12, 2005 11:55 pm
Alchemy *w00t*
[zapcrackleflash] *Pulls spear out of ground*
[flashepilepsyexplode] *Enemy turns into giblets*
Sun Mar 13, 2005 12:00 am
Christopher wrote:Alchemy *w00t*
[zapcrackleflash] *Pulls spear out of ground*
[flashepilepsyexplode] *Enemy turns into giblets*
I would have thought turning stuff into gold might be more your thing?
Or is that what you meant by alchemy?
Sun Mar 13, 2005 12:19 am
I don't know what my name would be (yet) but I'd wear black hotpants, black thigh high killer boots, a tight black bodice, long black gloves and a long black cape. I'd also wear a mask.
Oh before I go any further, what's the deal with masks being a disguise? *Twinkle covers her eyes with a strip of paper with two eye holes cut in it* *Gasp!* Where's Twinkle gone?! She was there a minute ago but all I see now is this mysterious woman in a dressing gown with a mask on!
Anyhow, my powers would be super speed and invisibilty. Meh, I know it's selfish to have two powers but I wanna save the world!
Sun Mar 13, 2005 12:21 am
Twinkle wrote:I don't know what my name would be (yet) but I'd wear black hotpants, black thigh high killer boots, a tight black bodice, long black gloves and a long black cape. I'd also wear a mask.
*dribbles and falls over*
Sun Mar 13, 2005 12:22 am
Ashes wrote:Twinkle wrote:I don't know what my name would be (yet) but I'd wear black hotpants, black thigh high killer boots, a tight black bodice, long black gloves and a long black cape. I'd also wear a mask.
*dribbles and falls over*
Ah but I could be fat and ugly.
Sun Mar 13, 2005 12:23 am
True, but you're not.
And even if you were, what difference would that make?
Sun Mar 13, 2005 12:26 am
Ashes wrote:True, but you're not.
And even if you were, what difference would that make?
How do you know?

Actually it wouldn't, it would just scare the villians off.
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