Anything and everything goes in here... within reason.
Wed Mar 16, 2005 5:43 pm
W00t, I didn't know it'd be so popular. Thanks guys!
Well, each week, I'll come up with a question and you can answer. It's going to be VERY random, like a old question from TVU. (if you could name your child after any website, what would it be?) (NOTE: My weeks always start with
Wednesdays and not Mondays.)
What if you could've written any song? What song would it have been and why?
I think I would've liked to write January 1979 by mewithoutYou. It's a really strange song, but you have to laugh at it.
Last edited by
DM was on fire! on Wed Mar 23, 2005 6:25 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Wed Mar 16, 2005 6:58 pm
My Immortal

because I love the song.
Wed Mar 16, 2005 7:32 pm
Stairway to Heaven - Led Zeppelin, because I'd be in Led Zeppelin. Who wouldn't want that?
Wed Mar 16, 2005 7:33 pm
The song at the end of Gladiator, the really sad one when he dies.
Because that song is sooo sad and I love it.
Wed Mar 16, 2005 7:41 pm
Not sure... All the songs I like are great the way they are without my input.
Wed Mar 16, 2005 9:12 pm
Rebel Heart by The Corrs.
No singing, just instruments, and it's beautiful. ^^
Wed Mar 16, 2005 9:15 pm
Eye of the tiger so I could collect millions in royalties.
Wed Mar 16, 2005 10:02 pm
The Sixth Station from Spirited Away because I'd love to have something so sad and beautiful associated with my name...
Thu Mar 17, 2005 12:13 am
Oh boy, this is actually pretty tough.
I guess that song "Twisted Nerve" that Elle Driver whistles in Kill Bill. Because I'd have my song being whistled in my favorite movie, and how cool would that be?
Thu Mar 17, 2005 12:21 am
AFI_Sorrow wrote:Oh boy, this is actually pretty tough.
I guess that song "Twisted Nerve" that Elle Driver whistles in Kill Bill. Because I'd have my song being whistled in my favorite movie, and how cool would that be?

One time, I was walking down the hall whistling that song. Someone behind me started whistling it too.
Thu Mar 17, 2005 12:39 am
Hakuna matata.
and sue disney for stealing it from the massai.
and then pay to bring back portent
Thu Mar 17, 2005 12:57 am
SpiraLethe wrote:AFI_Sorrow wrote:Oh boy, this is actually pretty tough.
I guess that song "Twisted Nerve" that Elle Driver whistles in Kill Bill. Because I'd have my song being whistled in my favorite movie, and how cool would that be?

One time, I was walking down the hall whistling that song. Someone behind me started whistling it too.
Heh, that's awesome. I'd be so happy if someone else starting whistling it. Too bad I can't even whistle a note.
Thu Mar 17, 2005 1:15 am
Master of Puppets, by Metallica. I'm a big fan of classic metallica, and I like the fact that the song tells a story, and goes through emotional highs and lows like its protagonist.
Add to that that I've been promised only lies by my employer, and it's a trifecta.
Thu Mar 17, 2005 2:55 am
Probably either:
"If God Was One of Us" (Joan Osbourne) or Uwritten (Natasha Bedingfield) there is just something about these two songs that draw me to them, I could listen to them for hours and that would be good enough for me
Alternatively "Debonaire" is also an intriguing song so that would suffice too
Thu Mar 17, 2005 2:56 am
Duuuur, any given Pokemon song.
Why? Because it's hip and thighs!
Okay, bad pun...
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