Anything and everything goes in here... within reason.
Wed Mar 16, 2005 8:46 pm
Okay, well, for the last few months my school's been all messed up because our principal's getting fired. No one exept the superintendent wants him to go, so naturally there've been protests. It started with letters to the editor and such, stuff like that. On my birthday, there was a walkout. Half the school (1000+ people) marched to the administrative offices to protest; the police were called in and had to use pepper spray, and one kid got arrested. There was a SWAT team held on reserve just in case. (And before anyone asks, yes, I was there and I can confirm this.)
Things settled down after that...we're back to peaceful protests, t-shirts and the like. But last night a call went around, from the superintendent's office. It was really short, but they said that something's going to happen on Friday, and that anyone with information should come forward. The same message was on the P.A. at the end of the day. I've heard (these are just rumors, I'm not taking them seriously) that an ultimatum was issued to the superintendent, and that unless they renew the principal's contract, there's going to be another Columbine out here.
I'm going to ask my mom if I can stay home...she probably won't let me, though...she'll be like "Oh, they just want you to get scared, go to school anyway." And normally I'd agree with her. But I just have a really bad feeling about this....
Thanks for listening.
Wed Mar 16, 2005 8:52 pm
I would stay home if I were you. So what if it's a rumour? Something could happen. Just make sure that if you do skip you get your homework from the teachers.
Wed Mar 16, 2005 8:53 pm
*pats and hugs*
If you're that worried, refuse point-blank to go to school.
But I think it could be fun. O.o
Wish stuff like that happened here.
Wed Mar 16, 2005 9:04 pm
Anubis wrote:Wish stuff like that happened here.
You wouldn't like it, I've been through stuff like this during high school.
The fact that they are aware of a threat is a good thing in this case, the school will do everything in their power to keep everyone safe. You really shouldn't be afraid to go to school.
I wouldn't all out consider skipping school right now, likely should discuss this first with someone rather than all out stating you're not going to attend for the day.
Wed Mar 16, 2005 9:05 pm
Amethyst wrote:Okay, well, for the last few months my school's been all messed up because our principal's getting fired. No one exept the superintendent wants him to go, so naturally there've been protests. It started with letters to the editor and such, stuff like that. On my birthday, there was a walkout. Half the school (1000+ people) marched to the administrative offices to protest; the police were called in and had to use pepper spray, and one kid got arrested. There was a SWAT team held on reserve just in case. (And before anyone asks, yes, I was there and I can confirm this.)
Things settled down after that...we're back to peaceful protests, t-shirts and the like. But last night a call went around, from the superintendent's office. It was really short, but they said that something's going to happen on Friday, and that anyone with information should come forward. The same message was on the P.A. at the end of the day. I've heard (these are just rumors, I'm not taking them seriously) that an ultimatum was issued to the superintendent, and that unless they renew the principal's contract, there's going to be another Columbine out here.
I'm going to ask my mom if I can stay home...she probably won't let me, though...she'll be like "Oh, they just want you to get scared, go to school anyway." And normally I'd agree with her. But I just have a really bad feeling about this....
Thanks for listening.
WOW it really sucks to go to a school that chains you to its grounds from 9 till 4... if you don't want to go to school, dont go. Surely this is an incredibly "duh" situation...
"why didnt you go to school on friday!?"
"because i didnt want to get shot"
Wed Mar 16, 2005 9:09 pm
Organize some kind of skip party at your local recreation center or fire house
EDIT: My god did your principal sell pot to the kids at school? Who the hell would kill someone for someone to get their job back?
Wed Mar 16, 2005 9:14 pm

I guess I'm sort of lucky. Sure we have things where people get fired, etc and no one wants it to happen, but mostly people just complain and then forget about it.
If you really feel scared or that you should stay home, go for it. Aren't police and other officials always seem to be saying you shouldn't feel scared at school?

I hope everything turns out alright though.
Wed Mar 16, 2005 9:18 pm
Skullsplitter wrote:WOW it really sucks to go to a school that chains you to its grounds from 9 till 4... if you don't want to go to school, dont go. Surely this is an incredibly "duh" situation...
"why didnt you go to school on friday!?"
"because i didnt want to get shot"
It's not as simple as that. There are consequences for not going to school from both the school and parental units. Yes, she can pretend to go, then bum out, but she'd get in a load of trouble if nothing ended up happening.
Amethyst, I'd suggest talking to someone, like your school counsellor (if they're any good, mine in high school sucked) or someone else. I used to talk to the school nurse about things because she was really cool. Talk to someone you trust or feel close to and see what they think. Maybe not come out and say you want to skip (authority looks down on that), but voice your concerns and say how scared you feel.
If your mom wouldn't let you stay home, how about your dad? Maybe talk to another relative and have them talk to her (if you think she wouldn't get mad at that).
If you seriously think this is going to happen, maybe you should find somewhere else to go, but it might just be rumors. Lots of people can talk the talk, but don't do the deed. Yes, there's a chance it could happen, but you've got to trust a bit. Let someone in the school know. They should do what they can to keep the students safe.
Wed Mar 16, 2005 9:43 pm
If there was a whole walkout planned which got the police involved, I think it's highly likely that there could be a shooting. Just stay home. Pretend to be sick if you have to.
There was a small incident like this at my school. I call it small because it was a mere threat found in a bathroom that never happened. Still, it happened during the band trip, and it's not nice to come home and got to a school that has to search your stuff and "wand" you before you go in. My bassoon reeds almost always set those things off. >_<
Wed Mar 16, 2005 9:55 pm
The only reason I'm really freaking out about this is because the walkout got so serious.
Thanks for the advice, dad says to see if anything new turns up. I know a lot of other people who are staying home, though, just in case...
Wed Mar 16, 2005 10:20 pm
Maybe to make the parents feel a bit better about it a bunch of your friends and you and such can get together and study or do other schoolwork or something at someone's house with parental supervision? Like have the parents talk to each other about it? If the kids suggested it, the parents might get a bit suspicious.
Wed Mar 16, 2005 11:12 pm
Amethyst wrote:Okay, well, for the last few months my school's been all messed up because our principal's getting fired. No one exept the superintendent wants him to go, so naturally there've been protests. It started with letters to the editor and such, stuff like that. On my birthday, there was a walkout. Half the school (1000+ people) marched to the administrative offices to protest; the police were called in and had to use pepper spray, and one kid got arrested. There was a SWAT team held on reserve just in case. (And before anyone asks, yes, I was there and I can confirm this.)
Things settled down after that...we're back to peaceful protests, t-shirts and the like. But last night a call went around, from the superintendent's office. It was really short, but they said that something's going to happen on Friday, and that anyone with information should come forward. The same message was on the P.A. at the end of the day. I've heard (these are just rumors, I'm not taking them seriously) that an ultimatum was issued to the superintendent, and that unless they renew the principal's contract, there's going to be another Columbine out here.
I'm going to ask my mom if I can stay home...she probably won't let me, though...she'll be like "Oh, they just want you to get scared, go to school anyway." And normally I'd agree with her. But I just have a really bad feeling about this....
Thanks for listening.
Go with your instinct. Ask your mom and dad, and tell them exactly what happened, from the walkout to the arrest, to the threat. Maybe, like Jasujo said, gather some friends that will be staying home, and do something fun, or study for any upcoming tests/quizzes. Definately have your parents inform the others(parents I mean).
Wow, your school must feel nervous with that threat. The worst thing that actually happened at my school is someone threw a brick through the art room window and wrecked my project, which was due that day. Grrish. And my memory's probably malfuntioning, but I swear I heard of a bomb threat or something. I was only in 2nd or 3rd grade, though, and it wasn't carried out.
Wed Mar 16, 2005 11:17 pm
Definattly talk to your mom about it, and tell her how you feel (wow, I sound so original). Tell her the same thing you told us, and if she still say you have to go, and you are still afraid, don't go to school. Go to the library or something like that so if nothing happens, you can at least say you were doing something constructive. In the event that something happense at scool while you were skipping, make sure you contact your family to tell them you are safe.
Thu Mar 17, 2005 1:13 am
Look, if you don't feel safe going to school, then don't go. If you don't have a history of skipping classes with your teachers, or if you don't have a history of skipping school, and if you have any reason to actually fear for your safety, then you have a legitimate reason not to go.
Safety is a primary concern for administrators. That's why the administration is looking into the current threat - because that's their job. Every threat against students, teachers, and facilities has to be investigated and given credence. And if you don't think they've done an adequate job of looking into this current threat and discounting it, then you shouldn't be there.
See what happens tomorrow.
Thu Mar 17, 2005 1:18 am
That's just plain scary. I wouldn't go. If your mother forces you to go... I s'pose it can't be helped much....
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