Anything and everything goes in here... within reason.
Thu Mar 17, 2005 7:17 am
Answer the question. Just post usernames, not specific addresses, of course.
Thu Mar 17, 2005 7:47 am
lionheartwitty and shavynel -.- The other people have restraining orders against too much insanity *evil laugh*
Thu Mar 17, 2005 7:54 am
I have no such restraining order! :O *Is the Goddess of Insanity, dear*
Anyways, on AIM I have... Okay, wait a sec, lemme bring it up...
Jasujo, Scott, Yukio, Meowth, Alex, Cap, Adam, FlatLuigi, Zega, Keith (Or Unot, or Tonu, or whatever...

), Jellyoflight, Moogie, CodenameSplinter, Ziggy, Medli, JellyFish, Kalathalan, Lionheartwitty, Wind, Matt, White_Wolf, o_0, Sunnie, Ixistant, oh dear, I forgot who they were, but they are on PPT.... Sapph, TheDraikNest, Dawn, Tim, Urthdigger, Oh dear, forgot who they were, too... and Yesh, and xjox. I think I got everyone...
:} I only forgot who two people were... ^.^' Some of those were only for a game or RPG's... others I talk too quite often, and others I probably need to talk to a bit more... xD
Adam, Jellyoflight, Shadowfare, LITS, (Oh my gosh, the horror!!!) Qanda, Matt, o_0, xjox, Meowth, Cap, Silja, Hellyer, Sunnie, JellyFish, and TDG.
I definately don't give out my MSN as much, don't ya think?
Thu Mar 17, 2005 7:59 am
Lots of people. I need to clean that list.
Thu Mar 17, 2005 7:59 am
i try not to use realtime internet talking services if i can help it.
Thu Mar 17, 2005 8:00 am
Don't feel like listing, but it's about 40 people. Besides, I might get told off for not having someone on that I should. =P
Thu Mar 17, 2005 8:08 am
I have a few people but very rarely do I give out my IM names so the few people have basically been a collection over the entire time I've been on PPT and most of them were added for some reason or another. I know I have trouble keeping track of anyone on my IM lists let alone pin-pointing all the PPTers and then working out their usernames here

I don't do much idle "chatting" so that's also why the numbers from PPT have been kept down too.
Thu Mar 17, 2005 8:26 am
I think CSK and someone else is there too.
Thu Mar 17, 2005 10:09 am
Um. This could be a while. On AIM:
FrankieG, Apricus, Nessa, SpiraLethe, Shoyru Lover, jellyoflight, moogie, Jill (ex-PPTer), Caesara, Fidds, Igg, Hunter Lupe, ...Alex, Jasujo, Koku, vkceankraz, paola, Lass, White Wolf, Starchaser, Cuteterriermon, Tinkerbell, Okamotosan18, xerai, Rikio, Miss Kass, CSK, Yoshi, Sock, Keith, Sapphire Faerie, Dawn2, Lillie, ahoteinrun, Illumination, Kyra, fzun, PyroParrot, Bno, ScottNak, timkhj, Twizzler, Nelly, Nikita, drummer a.h., Xil, and Cassi.
On MSN: (too lazy to list PPTer usernames)
Jaye, Illumination, Nik, Ang, Chass, Xil, Bno, Koku, Igg, Kim, Ayse, Nelly, Sock, Paul, Rikio, Scott, Spira, Rissy, Ixistant, Cae, Lillie, Yoshi, Sandra, Anubis, Emma, Jas, Monique, and Mandy.
...I think I got them all.
Thu Mar 17, 2005 11:29 am
I have Twizzler, Qanda, Adam, and Ammer on MSN.

Yay for me.
Thu Mar 17, 2005 12:58 pm
My buddy list is divided into four lists, and contains 86 people. I should probably remove some...
Anyway, the first list is PPT Staff, the second is people I actually IM, the third is people I like to have handy in case I need to send them a chat invite, and the fourth.... the fourth is people I should probably remove, but haven't yet for some reason. It's people that haven't been online in years, but I keep for some reason...
Thu Mar 17, 2005 1:13 pm
My list contains people that are in (blank

) , or used to be.
Thu Mar 17, 2005 1:14 pm
Four sections: Free Verse, Haiku, Limrick, & prose. I know it's lame, but it'd make sense. First group is the largest, people who I readilly need to do mass invites to or something. Haiku are the people I talk to often. Limrick = Who the heck are you, and Prose are the leftovers.
Thu Mar 17, 2005 1:30 pm
Kyra wrote:My list contains people that are in (blank

) , or used to be.
Hehe. Same.
But, anyway (AIM)-
Spira, Yukio (<3), Nessa, Xil, Celeres (I think that's his PPT username), Nikita, Dranzer, Alex, Sapphire Faerie, Apricus, Amethyst, Adam, Jellyoflight, Collin (old PPTer), Anubis, Flame, Kristina (old PPTer, I wonder what happened to her... she was cool), Igg, Medli, Jellyfish72, Caesara, ...Alex, Jasujo, Koku, Kyra_Foxx, Tinkerbell, Okamotosan18, xerai, Robin, Rikio, Zero, Sock, Ahoteinrun, Kyra, Fzun, Bno, ScottNak, Tymaporer, DraikNest, Twizzler0171, and for some strange reason I put YesItIsh on there, too.
Thu Mar 17, 2005 2:24 pm
I have Carolinerogan (obviously) and Adam_Loves_Hilary