Anything and everything goes in here... within reason.
Sun Mar 20, 2005 2:42 am
What's your worst cooking disaster? Mine would have to be, when I didn't have any macaroni, but I wanted to have Macaroni and Cheese, so I used egg noodles... Don't try it... It's nasty...
Sun Mar 20, 2005 2:45 am
when I was like 8 or 9 I tried making fried rice and I don't know that I had ever made rice before. Anyhow, I went and put dry rice on the frying pan with tons of frozen veggies and I think chicken. Well since I didn't put water or anything for the rice to cook properly it was hard rice grains with veggies and chicken. I still ate it though, and was very proud of my creation at the time

. I pretended that I knew what I was doing and uncooked rice was just what I was aiming for
Sun Mar 20, 2005 2:50 am
When I was little I was making cookies.
I was getting hungry so instead of putting the stuff into the oven, I put it in the microwave.
To make a short story even shorter, It blew up.
Sun Mar 20, 2005 2:56 am
Khristian wrote:When I was little I was making cookies.
I was getting hungry so instead of putting the stuff into the oven, I put it in the microwave.
To make a short story even shorter, It blew up.
Ok, I can't stop laughing at that one...
Sun Mar 20, 2005 2:57 am
If only my parents had that sense of humor.
Sun Mar 20, 2005 2:58 am
Meh, I was making Ramen from a package, and I didn't read the instructions. Instead of putting two cups of water in, I filled the whole bowl with water. The ramen turned out terrible.
Sun Mar 20, 2005 3:01 am
Khristian wrote:When I was little I was making cookies.
I was getting hungry so instead of putting the stuff into the oven, I put it in the microwave.
To make a short story even shorter, It blew up.
Ah trying to speed the cooking process of things that must be made in the oven is a bad idea

, don't up the temperature either that does it no good.
Sun Mar 20, 2005 3:25 am
Well, you see, when I was little, I used to eat the icing off the cupcakes. So I thought, "What a good thing to make, icing cake." But we didn't have icing sugar. We had normal sugar. So I tried to use it, and used too much milk.
It was... a totally disgusting mess. I thought it looked too goopy, so I tried to cook it. The butter in the icing totally melted, and went to the bottom. So it was burnt milk and sugar mixed, with hot butter underneith.
I looked, and saw it was disgusting looking. Trust me, it was sick. So I poured chocolate sauce on top to try to make it look better, because it was a liquid (the "cake") so I thought I could make designs and they would go right in.
The end product: Sugar with loads of burnt milk, hot butter underneith, with chocolate sauce floating ontop.
No clue why I did that. Thought it would be good I suppose, and I thought I could make icing with normal sugar. DON'T TRY IT!
Did I mention I did that this year? When I'm 15? I swear, I was not acting nor thinking normal that day.
Sun Mar 20, 2005 3:31 am
VeraX wrote:Did I mention I did that this year? When I'm 15? I swear, I was not acting nor thinking normal that day.
That's something I would do...
Another thing I did, me and a bunch of friends decided to make a wedding cake one day. Well, one of our moms was really cool, and bought all the stuf... Literally, everything we could use... So, we wanted to put fondant (the smooth, icing-y stuff...) on it, so we tried to make it from scratch. Well, that didn't work... so afterwards, her mom went out to get already made fondant, and during that, we had a powedered sugar fight, THEN, afterwards, we needed more powdered sugar, so she had to go back and get more sugar... It was... fun!
Sun Mar 20, 2005 4:00 am
Eh.. I make spagatti alot, of course making the sauce from scratch(a pretty good one if you ask me-my family seems to like it as well

) anyways, so normally I take some crushed tomatoes, add green seasoings(basil, parsely ect...) add the meatballs, ect... but one time I added way to make green seasoings, so the sauce was more like tomatoed seasoings intsead of seasoned tomatoes... pretty nasty stuff

all it all it accually wasnt that bad... I mean I still ate it

dont do enough cooking to have a whole lot of disaters...
of course once I tried to cook a pot pie... one of the frozen ones from pepperagre farm-except I miss read the instructions and removed it from the pie pan, thus the pie when splat in the process and I had more like saucer pie than pot pie
Sun Mar 20, 2005 4:02 am
I don't think I've done anything like that o.o
Though if I did, my teachers in my Hospitality course would have killed me
Sun Mar 20, 2005 4:23 am
In foods class, my table acccidently put a cup of salt instead of sugar in our cookies. Lets just say that that was one of the most discusting things I have ever eaten in my life.
Sun Mar 20, 2005 5:01 am
I was making Blueberry Muffins and things kept going wrong.
After my muffins were almost done I realized I hadn't put the blueberries in. Then I burnt my finger really bad on the oven. I redid the muffins. The Blueberries stained the white counter. While I was taking the muffins out I accidentally dropped them and they landed upside down in the oven. I didn't care that they had fallen I was determined to eat them, lol. When I tasted them they tasted like how I imagine wallpaper would taste like. Yuck. I threw them away.
Sun Mar 20, 2005 5:18 am
Well, I was trying to recreate some Pastaroni thing and used Whole Wheat Pasta strands instead...It was horrible!
Sun Mar 20, 2005 6:48 am
In grade 6, I had a project in which I had to make sushi in front of the class (as well as hand in a report, but that's a different story). I decided on California rolls and tried to make them at home.
All went well, until the cutting part. I tried plastic knives, butter knives, kitchen knifes...and everything fell apart into a mess. But I thought it wouldn't really be a problem, so I did it in class anyway.
Exact same thing happened in class. :P
Oh, another cooking disaster was of my mom's. She made a chocolate chip angel cake from a quick mix, then when she took it out of the oven and flipped it over, it totally fell apart. My sister even took a picture of it cause it turned out so ugly. We ate it anyway. XD
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