Anything and everything goes in here... within reason.
Tue Mar 22, 2005 4:00 pm
In about 2 weeks I'm going to be attending a "Time Warp" themed banquet. We're supposed to dress in a period piece from a decade. I want to go as an 80s punk rocker*, but I'm having a little trouble figuring out what I should put into the outfit. I know for sure I want to do the liberty spikes. I have hair that goes half way down my back so these spikes are going to be at least a foot and 1/2 to 2 feet high and I would like them to be hot pink. But the rest is totally up to suggestion. My primary questions are:
What kind of clothing should I get for the costume?
What kind of makeup do I need?
What products do you suggest for keeping such long hair in an unright position for a few hours?
What products do you suggest for coloring the hair that will come out in a wash or two?
Any other misc. things you would suggest?
*disclaimer: I have heard that some punks are upset about punk costumes because they feel like it is a disrespect to their lifestyle. To any punks on the forums I don't want to start a fight, I just want to have a nice costume and suprise everyone with an outfit they could never imagine me in. I totally respect all my punk and goth friends, I have told them that I wish I could wear what they do on a daily basis, I just know I could never pull off the attitude that goes with it on a daily basis (I'm really praying that I can manage the attitude for a few hours at this party). I'm really hoping that some real punks will be able to offer advice, after all, they know best.
Tue Mar 22, 2005 5:14 pm
I'm not sure about 80's punk BUT I loved the whole leggings with short skirt look back then. Maybe pair it with a big ol' leather jacket?
Tue Mar 22, 2005 6:22 pm
Firstly: thrift stores are your friend. Don't shell out lots of money for your outfit until you check the thrift store. They have LOADS of old school stuff that will work n_n
I'd suggest a plaid mini skirt, torn fishnets or neon fishnets over black tights, a band shirt with a jean jacket with rips in it over top, and big black clunker boots or good old Chucks/Vision Streetwear sneakers.

You should be able to find Chucks at a thrift store. My friend got some blue ones for $4.00 at one!
EDIT: Forgot the liberty spikes! Okay, what you're going to need is one of the following hairsprays:
Rave 4x
Freeze It! 24 hr
Sebastion Shaper Mega Hold (ONLY if you can't find the others and have $22 to kick around!)
Get a friend to help you section your hair into a whole bunch of pony tails. Take each one individually, hold it up, and spray that sucker good

Then, take that same friend and get them to hold it up. Take the hair dryer and blow-dry until it's rock hard. That would keep it up for a couple days. Also, I cannot stress this enough:
get dressed before doing your hair! Not fun to try to get a shirt over rock hard spikes. Be sure to post pictures for us
Tue Mar 22, 2005 11:29 pm
Kyra knows what she's saying.
A few revisions:
Eighties punk scene..
Tapered pants are a must! They have to be tight, but not fat at the bottom like girl pants.
And if you don't want to spend a bunch of money, just use elmer's glue and spray it with hairspray to cover the smell.
I so want to do that. Although I'm part of the 'punk' scene, I don't dress punk.
Have fun! I'm excited for you.
Wed Mar 23, 2005 12:09 am
Taco wrote:Kyra knows what she's saying.
A few revisions:
Eighties punk scene..
Tapered pants are a must! They have to be tight, but not fat at the bottom like girl pants.
And if you don't want to spend a bunch of money, just use elmer's glue and spray it with hairspray to cover the smell.
I so want to do that. Although I'm part of the 'punk' scene, I don't dress punk.
Have fun! I'm excited for you.
Oh my GAWD, tapered pants are

!! They look so good with certain types of shoes. XP
Wed Mar 23, 2005 1:48 am
fishnets, preferably ripped slightly. these are for your legs. if you want, you can wear a net over one arm, ripped or not.
fishnets on your legs will only work if you wear a kneelength skirt.
you could find (aka thrift) an old band shirt, regardless of color, and then go scissor happy. make it look even more worn.
bondage pants.
for jewelry, keep it simply and diy. ie string, rope, metal, etc. a chain/string with a lock or a guitar pick on it is perfect.
as to makeup- it has to fit the outfit. if you're going to wear a baggy tshirt and look dirty and stuff, makeup isnt the best. but if youre wearing nets, a skirt/bondage, etc. then makeup is good. bright. pink. green. yellow.
for gods sake do not fall into the black-only trap.
ok and about liberty spikes: no. since your hair is over a foot long, you'll need glue. and tons of it. and that sucker stays up for 1-2 weeks unless you wash it out and well with dishwashing liquid. also, if your hair really is that long, i doubt it can stay up unless you smother it with superglue.
also, spikes take hours.
also, once you have reached this part of the post you have already gotten a chip implanted in your neck. it will shock you with 100 volts if you attempt to shop at hot topic for your costume.
Wed Mar 23, 2005 2:37 am
*10,000,000 volts.
I think the Nu metal goths ruined bondage pants for the rest of us
just nothing baggy, you're being punk.
Wed Mar 23, 2005 3:46 am
I'd say if you were going for spike at least cut your hair down a bit if not then I think you're being a bitstupid I mean you wouldn't bet able to walk through doors! Also do get some old fish nets and wear them on your arms that's what all my friends do! (I'm an English punk. ^__^ ......... That sounds soooooo contradictory!)
Wed Mar 23, 2005 3:58 am
There's no way I'm cutting my hair. I put a lot of effort into my hair and I'm very particular about it. That's the big reason that I need something that is not permanant. I was actually thinking about that today when I took my shower and I held out my hair at diffrent angles to see how big it would be.
If there's another style that someone wants to suggest, I'm open to suggestions. I really did like the idea though because I don't think anyone could picture me with such an outrageous hair do (well for me at least).
Thanks everyone for the suggestions, keep them coming. My wallet really likes the sound of thrift store.
Wed Mar 23, 2005 4:01 am
Just use wash out pink dye then! It'll still be outragous... OOOO AND PIG TAILS!
Wed Mar 23, 2005 12:25 pm
If you are worried about not being able to fit through doors, don't spray the very bottom of your spikes, thus making them bendable to fit through doors ^___^ Also it will make your hair not hurt as much if you get knocked in the head.
Thu Mar 24, 2005 12:18 am
And that's all she wrote.
Thu Mar 24, 2005 12:28 am
Fiddelysquat wrote:DOC MARTINSAnd that's all she wrote.

I'm not sure that would be an appropriate costume.
Thu Mar 24, 2005 12:51 am
Fiddelysquat wrote:DOC MARTINSAnd that's all she wrote.

Oh man, I love Docs. It's too bad that they're leather though

I've been trying to find non-leather ones forever.
Thu Mar 24, 2005 2:08 am
Weren't those black and neon pink striped socks popular back then? If they were you could wear those.
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