Anything and everything goes in here... within reason.
Thu Mar 24, 2005 10:49 am
So, were you ever bullied at school? If yes, why were you bullied? I was bullied constantly, from when I was 4 years old to when I was 16 and left school. I was bullied because I have natural red hair and also have something called Asperger Syndrome. It makes me withdrawn and I find it hard to socialise, among other things. Basically, people picked on me because I didn't act like a normal person should do.
If you didn't get bullied, why didn't you? Were you popular or did people just tend not to bother you?
And lastly, were you actually a bully? Now not all bullies are horrible. Some are pressured into it, some are jealous, and if you were a bully then I'm not going to hold that against you.
Thu Mar 24, 2005 11:29 am
Yeah, I'm a bully. I steal their lunch money because I don't have any
Thu Mar 24, 2005 11:39 am
I'm in grade 8 right now, and looking back, besides the occasional doo doo head in grade, 1 I was never bullied at all.
It's probably because I'm friends with everyone in my school(Except the bullies) so they wouldn't dare bully me.(or an army of eigth graders would destroy them)
Last edited by
Khristian on Fri Mar 25, 2005 12:32 am, edited 1 time in total.
Thu Mar 24, 2005 11:46 am
Yes and no. I got the odd comments at odd times but for the most part I was pretty much left alone to fly under everyone's radar. I wasn't very sociable, I preferred to stick to my own group of very close friends (I think this was one of the main problems) but I basically learnt early on that if they don't like me it is their problem. Most of the comments were in junior high school. Once I got to Senior high school sometimes the guys in one of my classes in particular would ask me various questions in an attempt to get me to bite and to get me worked up but I usually resorted to a blank stare which worked wonders because they weren't the brightest students either and they basically had no come-back (might I say arguing with someone staring blankly at you would look awfully stupid).
Thu Mar 24, 2005 11:48 am
Not really. I mean, I got (still do) a ton of comments about my hair, but I'm past beyond caring.
Seriously though. They need a new insult than "wranger". That's just getting old.
Oh yeah. And I get a pile of comments about my height. Like, every day. But I'm used to it, I call myself a midget after all as well ;P
Thu Mar 24, 2005 12:24 pm
Of course. o_o That was quite a while ago though, now people know that nothing they say affects me because I blow stupid comments off.
I used to be teased for:
Area I lived in
Lack of money
Occasionally there's the comment here and there, but I don't care now (being a senior in high school).
Thu Mar 24, 2005 12:38 pm
I can't remember being bullied before. How I wish I had an experience of it.
Just joking.

My current school is good in that it has virtually no bullies, and in my primary school the bullies were those at the bottom classes, so I was safe from them. And of course, bullies tend to pick on weaker or "different" people. If you can hold your own ground, don't have any weird traits which may make you a target for discrimination and bullying, and mind your own business, the chance of you being bullied is very low.
Thu Mar 24, 2005 12:55 pm
Yes, kind of.
When I was six. I can't remember very much, seeing as I was in Primary 1 at the time, but there was this other girl who used to make my life hell. No real reason, unless I just wasn't smart enough to figure one out at the time.
Thank goodness she left when we were in Primary 2. Then I stole all her old friends >:]
Thu Mar 24, 2005 3:17 pm
Oh yes, they throw off my chair, opened up my water bottle and throw it across the classroom for things that I did not do.
Classmates laughed at me and said that I look like a Christmas tree just because someone saw me outside with earrings.
Whole class refuse to befriend with me because I changed a school halfway and join their classes. They said that I scold them using vulgar languages when I was even too young to know what a vulgar language is.
A bold girl in my class call up at home and scold my mum. I cannot remember what happen then.
All the above happen when I was very young. When I grow older, the way they bully me is different.
They dun allowed/ asked/invited me to join their group because I was ugly/not branded/quiet/not useful/whatever.
Everybody was in a group and I dun belong to one. I guess I just have bad school days. I think I am happier now because I dun care what they think.
Thu Mar 24, 2005 3:20 pm
I was bullied a lot.
Which is why I won't stand for it now. You don't pick on me, you don't pick on my friends, and you don't pick on people you don't know. Not IRL or online, you're dead either way if you pick on people infront of me no matter who you are.
Thu Mar 24, 2005 3:24 pm
Nor have I seen or heard anyone ever being bullied before. Except for one kid from my school, who commited suicide, and made national headlines, since its so uncommon.
Thu Mar 24, 2005 3:43 pm
Yes, mainly in 4th and 5th grades, for no good reasons. I'd be in tears most mornings before going to school.
Thu Mar 24, 2005 3:55 pm
Yes because I'm a walk over and let them. Still get bullied today and I still let them mainly because I find it hilarious that the only reason that they treat me the way they do is as I'm the only one in my Performing Arts to be targetted at an A. I find it hilarious that a bunch of 16, 17 and 18 year olds are kicking up a hissy fit about one grade whilst I'm keeping my mouth shut and still dancing their socks off.
Ahh anything to avoid confrontation.
Thu Mar 24, 2005 6:16 pm
Not really. I'm just one of those kids everyone knows, but none really *hate* me to the point of bullying me or insulting me. If they did, I... really can't say I'd care very much.
Thu Mar 24, 2005 6:54 pm
Hm, yes. No physical bullying (Well... unless it was those two kids in kindergarten/first, but I don't remember...). Mostly words, but, gosh do those hurt. And I'm not exactly one to be sociable, really, I have to wait for people to talk to me. So I didn't exactly make very friends, but the friends I did have, I valued very much.
... I think that was what pressed me to be a reader, though.
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