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Thu Mar 31, 2005 3:17 am
I know this story sounds like something from a picture book, but it really happened to me!
So, last Monday, my dad was walking around the block and this dog followed him home. I was at school when my father got home with the dog. He had no collar and was extremely skinny and his fur was matted.
My mom called the animal control guy, but after she called she realized that the dog probably belonged to someone, and cancelled the appointment. The man came anyway, though. He told her that the dog was a juvinile Brittany Spaniel. He also gave us some food and a leash.
The dog was really sweet and loved being around us. He was also very well trained and intellegent. He adopted my beanbag chair as a bed.
The next day, flyers for the dog were everywhere; we learned his name was Milo, though my mother was calling him Gipper. That night, we returned the dog to his owner. However, two days later, my mom heard a yelping sound in the yard and went out to see Milo in the back of our yard.
Again, the owner came and picked him up, telling us that he'd find him a new home if he kept coming back. Britannies are generally people-oriented dogs, but the owner adopted him to stay alone in the yard with an older dog.
Sunday: I was putting on my shoes when I see movement out the front window; guess who's back! The man again picked him up that night, but not before my mother called the adoption center. We learned that he had been abused, they had warned the new owner to give him lots of attention, and that his original name was Brinkley and he was, as far as the workers could tell, about eight years old.
The fourth and final time he came back was this Saturday, this time through the yard of the neighbor behind us. We had to go on a three day trip the next day, so a friend came and got him. We came back today and she returned Milo to us. The man ended up calling this evening; we can keep the dog!
He's very cute and lovable. I'll try and take a picture of him and post it.
Meanwhile, what should we name him? None of the names he had were ones we liked very much, so any suggestions?
Thu Mar 31, 2005 3:25 am
Hmm.. how about Guppy for a name! heh

Well.. I think it's cute at least lol.
But that is just so cute, I'm glad that you guys are gonna keep him.. he sounds like he's gonna be a great loveable addition to your family
Thu Mar 31, 2005 10:04 am
That's wonderful! I'm glad that the dog can actually have caring owners. That was just cruel what he was going through before.
Thu Mar 31, 2005 4:13 pm
You should name him Lucky, King, or Rex. That sound great for dog names.
Thu Mar 31, 2005 5:52 pm
Right after I posted this my mom declared that his new name is Max. XD
Thu Mar 31, 2005 6:10 pm
Max is a good name... so long as he responds to it.
My dogs have been named, Luke, Gretal and Eric.
Somehow people names suit our dogs! And I hope Max's name will suit him too.
Get pictures, i'm sure under your care he'll be a gorgeous animal!
Thu Mar 31, 2005 6:48 pm
ahoteinrun wrote:Max is a good name... so long as he responds to it.
My dogs have been named, Luke, Gretal and Eric.
Somehow people names suit our dogs! And I hope Max's name will suit him too.
Get pictures, i'm sure under your care he'll be a gorgeous animal!
Yeah, choose Max. My dog's name is Max.
Thu Mar 31, 2005 8:18 pm
I have always wanted a Brittany Spaniel, they are so adorable!
Call it Tango, it sounds funky =P
But then again, Max is a good name too ^^
Thu Mar 31, 2005 9:15 pm
I like this story. A nice, happy ending. Good for you for keeping the dog. I have always wanted a dog; anywho, I like the name Max but if his name was Milo and he responded to it, why not keep it?
Thu Mar 31, 2005 9:23 pm
Ammer wrote:I have always wanted a dog; anywho, I like the name Max but if his name was Milo and he responded to it, why not keep it?
Well, I don't know if this is the case here, but here's a nice little story as to why the name might have needed to be changed:
When we got our dog, his current name was Poncho. However, he had been abused very badly by his former owners. He was taken away from them after the humane society seeing him outside with no food or water for a long time. At first, we tried to call him Poncho. He would respond to it, but he would always act a lot more skimmish when we called him that. It stayed that way for around, oh, I'd say 3 years (even after we changed the name). So after the first week or so, we decided it needed to be changed. So Poncho became Kevin, and in time he responded to his new name.
Anyway, Brittanies are beautiful dogs, you're very lucky. As stated before, I already have a dog (corgi/terrier mix), but if someone offered me a second one, I would *readily* agree to it.
Sun Apr 03, 2005 4:16 am
Oh, Fishblade, I swear I had to wipe a tear away after reading that. It seems as he was fated to be with your family. How very wonderful for you and for him. Give him a big hug and kiss from me, OK?
And, whatever name you choose, as long as it is said with kindness, will suit him just fine.
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