Yay, I've finally beaten my laziness and decided to post you all some pictures. These are from around Christmas and January this year, from my holiday (ie, my trip to the US, including Disney World, Caribbean cruise and driving around Florida and to New Orleans). Unfortunately, I don't have very many decent photos of myself (that I can find out of the 2000 or more) but I do have a few.
Me, on a beach in the Bahamas. I'm digging a sandcastle! (Which turned out spiffey)
My dad and I in a restaurant in New Orleans (forgotten the name

And now onto a collection of pics of my gorgeous cat, who's one year old, Zelda. (We have about 500 of these, my brother and sister are a little trigger happy....)
Zelda sitting on a rocking chair....couch... thingy, on the back verandah.
Another one of her on the rocking.. thing.... with me scratching her chin. Isn't my ring pretty?
Zelda in the backyard, stalking something or other, probably a lizard.
Well, that's about it. I was trying to find some pics of me in formal wear on the cruise but I couldn't find any... too many to look through.
Oh wait, I have another from Christmas Lunch on Boxing Day at my Grandpa's house. He has a little side house, place, where my cousins and siblings and I all eat whenever we have lunch there.
I'd found a plate, and well... just have a close look at my finger. Yes, see it now? See the large layer of dust covering the thing?
Hmm, am I glad we weren't eating off those! (Oh, and that's one of my favourite and most used expressions....)