Anything and everything goes in here... within reason.
Wed Apr 13, 2005 4:34 pm
Fact. Maths is a no-no for me. I can't do it. At all. Not at all. Yesterday I did key skills for basic maths and there were at least seven other people, including the teacher, in there with me. I had to work out what 2 X 6 was. Could I do it? Could I heck! Usually, a sum that small I could work out, but not that time. Sometimes this happens. When doing maths my mind just turns off. I try to work the sum out in my head but they're just numbers with no meaning or logic when I read them in my head. And it just makes me look so stupid. It was even more-so because of my age. I'm 19 and I couldn't even work out a sum like that in my head.
Wed Apr 13, 2005 5:20 pm
You shouldn't worry too much, that happens to most of us, believe me. My mom told me once in upper secondary school she had a total black out when writing a math-exam and she couldn't even figure out 1+1.
I haven't stumbled upon such situations yet, but right now I'm having an intergral and differential equation course and it takes a lot of concentration to understand it
Wed Apr 13, 2005 6:15 pm
im the same for basic science, i can do all the stuff that gives most people a headache, but the basic stuff just riles me up somthing awful.
maths however, i can do easily (near-perfect scores on my last two tests)
i do however see why people have such difficlty with it.
Wed Apr 13, 2005 7:09 pm
Ginger Harp Seal Pup wrote:Fact. Maths is a no-no for me. I can't do it. At all. Not at all. Yesterday I did key skills for basic maths and there were at least seven other people, including the teacher, in there with me. I had to work out what 2 X 6 was. Could I do it? Could I heck! Usually, a sum that small I could work out, but not that time. Sometimes this happens. When doing maths my mind just turns off. I try to work the sum out in my head but they're just numbers with no meaning or logic when I read them in my head. And it just makes me look so stupid. It was even more-so because of my age. I'm 19 and I couldn't even work out a sum like that in my head.
Have you thought of talking to a professional person about it? You might have a learning disability and not even realize it. And, trust me, I know a lot of people with learning disabilities, including my sister. They aren't stupid--just a certain little part of their brain doesn't work quite right. Once it is properly diagnosed, there are ways to train your brain to work around the disability.
And, another thought. Does this only happen when you are doing it in front of other people? Because it could be "stage fright." I get anxiety attacks any time I have to talk in front of a group of people--I mean so bad that I can barely remember my name. Once again, there are people out there that can help you overcome it or at least make it less severe.
Sounds like you need a hug.
Wed Apr 13, 2005 8:11 pm
I agree with Morningstar.
You may have Dyslexia or Dyspraxia *has Dyslexia*
My eldest Sister is Dyslexic with Dyspraxic Tendencies And my other sister (also older ¬_¬) is Dispraxic with Dyslexic tendencies.
Well this is probably all gibbarish to you I'll explain more later can't be bothered now XD
Wed Apr 13, 2005 8:16 pm
aww honey

*big hug*
i comletely understand though, sometimes there are things that you just can't get your head around, but often someone explaining something to you in a different way. my housemate isnt a very numerical person, so anytime something relating to numbers comes up in lectures we often need to explain it to her in a different way, and as soon as we find a way that she can understand she's fine. maybe it's the same for you?
I agree with the others tho, maybe you should look into tests to find out if you have a learning disability? i know plenty of people with dyslexia, including some of my close coursemates and my cousins, and they're just as clever as anyone else, they just have to learn different.
But the bottom line is, everyone has trouble with things, they just learn to cope, and different people learn at different speeds, so dont EVER let anyone think you're stupid, because you're not!
Wed Apr 13, 2005 8:24 pm
I have maths exams where I can get full makrs on some utterly evil 6 mark question even my genius brother can't get, but then lose marks on some simple adding.
Wed Apr 13, 2005 8:53 pm
I have the same problem. I can't seem to add or do any basic problems in my head, I always use the calculator. I know how you feel, I went through the exact same phase. I would advise seeking help from the teacher or hiring a tutor. If not, a smart friend could help you out.
Just sit down and focus on Math. I play music in the background to make it less stressful (I would recommend a slow song because fast songs make my head hurt). If you get a question wrong, redo it. If it's still wrong, redo it. Try different ways until you get the answer. If you still can't get it, than wait for the next day to ask a friend or your teacher.
I hope everything turns out for the best.
Wed Apr 13, 2005 9:12 pm
You lot are absolutely amazing. Thanks guys, for offering support and stuff

It's boosted my self-esteem a little, because I really thought I was the only one who had so much trouble with maths. I will definitely try some of the tips people have given me and will also see someone about any learning disability I may have. Might be my Asperger's, I'm not sure. Although it does say that people with Asperger's tend to be really clever. Guess I'm the minority

Anyway, thanks so much guys. I owe this forum so much
Wed Apr 13, 2005 9:38 pm
Ah, you can't generalise about asperger's, really.
Wed Apr 13, 2005 9:41 pm
Igg wrote:Ah, you can't generalise about asperger's, really.
What do you mean?
Wed Apr 13, 2005 9:43 pm
Ginger Harp Seal Pup wrote:Igg wrote:Ah, you can't generalise about asperger's, really.
What do you mean?
Probably that every case is case specific. Every case of Aspergers that i've ever met or worked with has been unique.
Wed Apr 13, 2005 9:45 pm
ahoteinrun wrote:Ginger Harp Seal Pup wrote:Igg wrote:Ah, you can't generalise about asperger's, really.
What do you mean?
Probably that every case is case specific. Every case of Aspergers that i've ever met or worked with has been unique.
Yes, we're definitely that. I see it as a good thing, Asperger's. For years I saw it as a bad thing because it meant that I was the target of bullies at school because I was different to them. I also never realised that it was such a common thing either. I think about 1 in 3 people have it, or something like that. And yep, each one is unique.
Wed Apr 13, 2005 9:51 pm
YOu read a generalisation like that and then you meet someone completely...not like that.
My brother has asperger's, as does another boy in my year. They are so unlike one another.
Wed Apr 13, 2005 9:56 pm
Igg wrote:YOu read a generalisation like that and then you meet someone completely...not like that.
My brother has asperger's, as does another boy in my year. They are so unlike one another.
My boyfriend has Asperger's too. It's quite surreal as to how unlike we are. He's independant, I'm not. But he has trouble motivating himself and likes to spend time alone. Although I do have trouble motivating myself sometimes and I like to be alone sometimes, he tends to have that aspect more than I do. We're different in other ways too, just little things.
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