Anything and everything goes in here... within reason.
Wed Apr 13, 2005 11:37 pm
Last night, as I had my headphones on, I literally jumped out of my skin. I had my door closed, it was late at night, and I saw a shadow cross my room out of the corner of my eye. I quickly turned around but found absolutely nothing. It passed quickly and it was just a flash of a shadow, I'm sure you know what I mean. I scoured the place for any bugs or insencts but found nothing as I know that they can cause shadows too. I put it down to nothing, maybe it was my imagination.
Five minutes ago it happened again. Exactly the same as last night and it's freaking me out. I had my headphones on again and my heart is pounding in my chest. It seems to be a big thing that is causing the shadow, no lie. Like a human or something. I thought maybe my brother was hiding behind the seat, but he wasn't. He's in bed right now, has been for about an hour and a half.
I am so scared. Could this all be my imagination? The shadows just seem so real. I know I have a vivid imagination but never before have I acted so paranoid before. When I saw the shadow this time I whipped the headphones off my ears, glanced quickly around, scanning my whole room. And my heart was pounding so fast.
I am so friggin' scared that now every single little noise is making me jump.
Wed Apr 13, 2005 11:41 pm
I see stuff like that all time. Scares the life out of me.
I just ignore it and close my eyes. It always seems to happen when I'm wearing headphones too! I was on the computer and I saw something right on the stairs in the corner of my and it scared me so much.
I've seen optical illusions that kind of fit into this stuff.
Ex: If you stare at some black and white thing and then look away you'll see the shadow of it on the wall or something. It might just be because you stared at something to long.
It would be best not to worry about unless it happens like 2-3 more times today/night.
Wed Apr 13, 2005 11:51 pm
i was in the kitchen the other day and i kept thinking there was someone walking past the window coz i kept seeing things move out the corner of my eye. its often a trick of the light. i used to get terrified at my grandparents house because they had a spider plant that made horrible shadows *shivers*
Thu Apr 14, 2005 12:18 am
that happens to me a lot, usually with my hair (i see it out of the corner of my eye and get scared) (yeah...)
one time i was watching tv home alone at night and i thought i saw a shadow near the fireplace. we have 2 porcelain dolls there that stare at you, so those already freak me out, and the shadow was right behind them. i ignored it cause it didn't return. 2 days later we found out we had a mouse in the house, so that solved my problem.
so maybe something just moved/fell in your room
Thu Apr 14, 2005 2:50 am
It was the
shadow people of course.
(I promise I'm not trying to scare people. I don't really think shadow people exist. Your eyes were probably just playing tricks on you. Eyes tend to do that.)
Thu Apr 14, 2005 3:36 am
Get a video camera.
Really, sometimes, I have that very same feeling when my room's door is wide open on a late night. However, I never really saw any shadow in movements...which is good.
Thu Apr 14, 2005 3:59 am
Sapphire Faerie wrote:It was the
shadow people of course.
(I promise I'm not trying to scare people. I don't really think shadow people exist. Your eyes were probably just playing tricks on you. Eyes tend to do that.)
Eeep. That surprised me. *looks behind me* ..........
Thu Apr 14, 2005 4:30 am
My theory is that you have managed to get a small photosensitive cell caught in your eye that begins to slide to the surface when it's dark, when you flick your eyes quickly towards where you though you saw the shadow, it gets pushed back in.
If its not that, try putting foglights and EMP fields around your room.
Thu Apr 14, 2005 4:38 am
As somone who's actually seen spirits, don't think I'm a skeptic. But could it be a "floater"? Which could very well be what Christopher was just describing. I don't know if those are just in bad eyes like mine, or if they're normal. But for me, it's like a gray blob that floats in your eye, and sometimes you'll see them. But if you look over and try to focus on them, they'll move.
I've seen the shadow thing here too, many times. But considering all the other weird things in this house, it doesn't even phase me LOL.
Thu Apr 14, 2005 8:28 am
Considering it was late a night you could well have just been tired and exhausted and you've started seeing things. Would suprise me if stress or emotional drainage over the last x amount of time could also bring something like this on. Other than that, yeah, I sometimes thing I've seen things out of the corner of my eyes, I doubt seeing things this way is anything uncommon. Also the fact that you've got headphones on might be making you a little unsettled and paranoid as if anything was actually to be there you probably wouldn't hear it until it showed itself *shrugs* I wouldn't worry about it too much.
Thu Apr 14, 2005 9:45 am
i dont know if this is it, but when it's dark you can see things around the edges of your field of view in more detail than you can see the middle because of the relative dentisy of cones and rods (its also why you see in black and white when its dark), so that might have something to do with seeing things out the corner of your eye
Thu Apr 14, 2005 9:54 am
Perhaps stress or pressure or just late at night? I get that sometimes. and even feel wind going around (since my window was opened

). I tend to ignore it and think of something else.
Thu Apr 14, 2005 10:29 am
It could really be anything from a floater, your eyes/imagination playing tricks, something like a mouse/bug/little brother, to a ghost/departed spirit/shadow person. I've dealt with all of those before (well, maybe not the shadow people

) and from what you explained, I can almost assure you it's fine. Don't worry about it. It doesn't sound like anything malicious, so it's all good.
Now, if things start flying at you from across the room I'd suggest you call these guys:
Thu Apr 14, 2005 3:43 pm
Sapphire Faerie wrote:It was the
shadow people of course.
(I promise I'm not trying to scare people. I don't really think shadow people exist. Your eyes were probably just playing tricks on you. Eyes tend to do that.)
xD you crack me up.
I don't have this problem as I'm under the stairs (Harry Potter esque xD nah we keep the family comp here. Plus there's a hole through to the living room so I can watch TV at the same time as talking to all of you xD) so there's 2 walls in my line of vision and that's it.
Thu Apr 14, 2005 5:29 pm
I get shadows in my room at night also. When it is windy out, the branches from the trees next to my bedroom window will cast shadows into the room. And, because the trees are moving in the wind, the shadows move as well.
There probably is a logical explanation for the shadows you are seeing. But, I sympathize with you. I get the jitters when I hear strange noises in the middle of the night. I live in an old house, which moans and creaks, and even though I tell myself that the noise is undoubtedly house-related, it still freaks me out and causes me to jump up out of bed. Ugh! A vivid imagination can be a bad thing, at times.
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