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Wed Apr 20, 2005 6:16 pm
I don't know why but I'm feeling so restless lately! I just want to leave school and home and take off on my own for a while. I want to meet new people, see new places and have new experiences! I love my home comforts but they get so boring when you have them day in day out. I'm even getting bored of food!
I'm just getting incredibly frustrated with my life. I can't wait for July when I can leave school and bog off to dance college. I'd love to travel and experience a completely different culture and lifestyle! Mine at the moment seems mundane and boring in comparison.
Does anyone else get this or am I going mad?
Wed Apr 20, 2005 6:21 pm
I get like that at times, especially in the spring.

After months of being shut up and in winter mode, I need to move and go and do and change.

lol A couple weeks ago, I had Tim cut my hair a lot shorter than it was and I've been buying, new different clothes and I'm planning things to do to the house and garden and such. It seems I can't find enough to do. ^.^ I want to go to the zoo, amusement parks, beaches, etc. As soon as nice weather hit, I started on Tim about putting up the pool.

Springtime is my most energetic time of the year, so I try to take full advantage of it.
Wed Apr 20, 2005 6:45 pm
Shame, tbh. Take up promiscuity, I find that makes time fly by. Or engage furiously in the current election, heckling politicians.
Wed Apr 20, 2005 7:03 pm
Skullsplitter wrote:Shame, tbh. Take up promiscuity, I find that makes time fly by. Or engage furiously in the current election, heckling politicians.
Ah you forget, I did that last week. (Not the promiscuity!!) Yelling "WAKE UP BLAIR MAKE TRADE FAIR!" at 6am and gettin 25,000 other people to join in has got to be one the best moments EVAR!
Wed Apr 20, 2005 7:24 pm
You're not the only one who feels like you need to just get out and do something new. I feel like that all the time, sometimes I think that breaks from Uni and such will help but they don't really. I need a new hobby but can't come up with anything (majority of our politicians are on the opposite side of the country so I don't think I'll take up heckling politicians). Ideally I would like to take a trip to Asia or New Zealand (Rotorua or the South Island) for a bit of a change but with no one to go with and no money that might be a bit beyong what is currently possible. Hanging on to the fact that I just might be able to go to the US or South America next year, we shall see. Ah, this has turned into one long rant/complaint about my circumstances, sorry about that. Hope things start looking up for you soon!
Wed Apr 20, 2005 8:22 pm
When I first saw this topic, I thought your feet were just itchy and needed hardcore scratching.
Anyway, I feel that way too. It's annoying, the want to just pack up your clothes and hop on the next jetplane to somewhere far off and distant. Life can just get so uselessly boring.
But remember, we may only have one life, so we must make the most of it!

Hope things go well for you girl, maybe something interesting will come along that will change your world....for the better.
Wed Apr 20, 2005 9:09 pm
Man..for a second there I thought you were in High School. I just keep thinking--one more more year...
'course, when I start to salivate while saying it...
Thu Apr 21, 2005 4:40 am
Jasujo wrote:I get like that at times, especially in the spring.

After months of being shut up and in winter mode, I need to move and go and do and change.

lol A couple weeks ago, I had Tim cut my hair a lot shorter than it was and I've been buying, new different clothes and I'm planning things to do to the house and garden and such. It seems I can't find enough to do. ^.^ I want to go to the zoo, amusement parks, beaches, etc. As soon as nice weather hit, I started on Tim about putting up the pool.

Springtime is my most energetic time of the year, so I try to take full advantage of it.

I've gotten the same way. I keep waiting and waiting for the building manager to hurry and open the pool (mid-May it'll probably be **taps fingers on desk**) and I want to go to the zoo, and Six Flags, and rock climbing, and on picnics, etc. etc.
Damn you Spring weather! You've made me insane!
Thu Apr 21, 2005 9:57 am
Excitement for me usually means riding my bike down to a friend's place to watch movies
Change usually means me shifting my position whilst watching TV.
Not being allowed to post smilies really kills the mood of this post eh?
Nah, but to be honest, I get that feeling so often that I'm surprised I haven't packed up already and moved off to Western Australia (for some reason). I feel like I should be doing more, a lot more! Making the most of being a 14 year old, almost 15. And here I am, sitting on the computer. Heheh.
Thu Apr 21, 2005 1:14 pm
I've been kind of feeling that way recently, too...I guess it must be the weather. I'm a junior in college, so I've got one more year here, but I'm really ready to be done. I plan on heading to law school after graduation, so I've already begun preperations for that (I'm taking the LSAT on June 6...eek!), and I'm really looking forward to law school and getting away from Central PA and either moving back to Philly or moving to Washington, DC. I've also started regretting the decision I made not to study abroad for a semester. I keep feeling this pull towards the UK (I've been to England and Wales, but I really want to see Scotland since I have so much family heritage there), and I don't know if there's any way I'll get there in the near future. Oh well...hindsight is 20/20, I guess.
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