Anything and everything goes in here... within reason.
Wed Apr 20, 2005 10:58 pm
I'm starting to think I'm addicted to the internet. I wake up, get on it. Stay on for HOURS go to bed. wake up, get on the computer. I EAT ALL MY MEALS at the computer fer' cryin' out loud.
If you notice me not posting much, its because I'm trying to wean myself off.
Wed Apr 20, 2005 11:01 pm
I am, too.
But my dad set a four hour limit now... so, meh.
Wed Apr 20, 2005 11:03 pm
Me too, I am always online.
Always. I think I need to limit myself.
The first thing I do in a day: Go online.
Last thing: I am online.
Wed Apr 20, 2005 11:07 pm
I like being addicted to the internet. If I sit here long enough, my butt goes numb, and I forget that it's steadily growing to monstrous proportions. It's a sort of psychological diet!
Wed Apr 20, 2005 11:08 pm
I'm addicted to the internet, espicially lately. I haven't been going out with friends since they have play rehersal and other things to do. So I come home, finish up my homework and sit online.
Eh...oh well. *stares out window*
Wed Apr 20, 2005 11:09 pm
AFI_Sorrow wrote:I'm addicted to the internet, espicially lately. I haven't been going out with friends since they have play rehersal and other things to do. So I come home, finish up my homework and sit online.
Eh...oh well. *stares out window*
You finish your homework!?
I don't at all. The internet is ruining my school career. Especially PPT, I spend most of my time on PPT. But oh well.
Wed Apr 20, 2005 11:11 pm
AFI_Sorrow wrote:I'm addicted to the internet, espicially lately. I haven't been going out with friends since they have play rehersal and other things to do. So I come home, finish up my homework and sit online.
Eh...oh well. *stares out window*
What are 'friends'?
Wed Apr 20, 2005 11:13 pm
Fiddelysquat wrote:AFI_Sorrow wrote:I'm addicted to the internet, espicially lately. I haven't been going out with friends since they have play rehersal and other things to do. So I come home, finish up my homework and sit online.
Eh...oh well. *stares out window*
What are 'friends'?

They are people you hang out with and talk to in "real life".

I have freinds, I think. *goes to call friend*
Wed Apr 20, 2005 11:22 pm
sir_michael wrote:Fiddelysquat wrote:AFI_Sorrow wrote:I'm addicted to the internet, espicially lately. I haven't been going out with friends since they have play rehersal and other things to do. So I come home, finish up my homework and sit online.
Eh...oh well. *stares out window*
What are 'friends'?

They are people you hang out with and talk to in "real life".

I have freinds, I think. *goes to call friend*
Real life? What is that?
Mm, I have very few friends in real life... only one or two. I'm not really a people-person... I'm not mean, I just feel uncomfortable around them. I'm a computer addict, also... when I get up, I get on the computer (after showers and stuff) and I go to bed late at night.
Wed Apr 20, 2005 11:24 pm
I'm definitely addicted to the internet. I'd rather spend time alone in my room with the internet rather than spend time with family and friends. I wake up, check the forums, Neopets and anything else. I do what I have to do each day, which usually isn't a lot XD and then I go back on the internet. My brother usually goes on for a bit and I watch my soaps. Then I beg my brother to get off, he gets off after a while and I sit at my computer on the trusty internet til the whee hours of the morning. I go to bed, wake up the next day and the same cycle repeats itself!
I am TRULY addicted, wouldn't you say? XD
Thu Apr 21, 2005 12:48 am
Fiddelysquat wrote:AFI_Sorrow wrote:I'm addicted to the internet, espicially lately. I haven't been going out with friends since they have play rehersal and other things to do. So I come home, finish up my homework and sit online.
Eh...oh well. *stares out window*
What are 'friends'?

I found this in some fancy encyclopedia:
Friend (Hasicus a. lifeicus)
Friends are a rare species that live in the dangerous regions of the outdoors. They usually move in groups, anywhere from two to ten. They tend to "hang out" or "talk about stuff". Internet use is scarce, a small 3 hours at most. Much is yet to be found out about these strange creatures.
Anyway, I think I'm slightly addicted. Mostly for PPT, games, and IM, and that's it.
Thu Apr 21, 2005 1:02 am
I'm way too addicted for my own good =\ Friends, homework? What are those? Seriously, I'm not much of a "social butterfly", and homework? I do it, just... on the day I absolutely have to do it =P I get up, and am on the computer and then at night, the last thing I do is go on the computer...
Not a really healthy thing, actually, especially if you have a ton of homework >____<
Thu Apr 21, 2005 2:11 am
"You know you're gonna have to face it, you're addicted to net..."
Thu Apr 21, 2005 2:14 am
I'm not addicted to the internet. I can quit anytime I want <.<
The only reason I go on the internet is because there's nothing else to do around the house. I leap at the chance to get outside as long as I don't have to do anything to leaping.
Thu Apr 21, 2005 2:38 am
Total addict. But it is so much fun. Besides, it is so, so much better than watching the soaps.
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