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Thu Apr 21, 2005 9:06 am
Okay, this question stems from a comic that I put up on my site (see it here, Its just an image (bit big though >.<)
Now I have had this big debate wether it is wh00t or w00t. I personally believe it is wh00t. (i'm the wh00tist in the cartoon

And I mean wh00t as in *wh00t we won* or *wh00t my interenet is working again* or *wh00t i landed ont he moon*.
I also hear from someone its an acronym for 'We Own the Other Team'. WHich i think is just stupid but whatever
EDIT : this was my 400th post! WH00t!!! ^.^
Thu Apr 21, 2005 9:15 am
I say: w00t! all the way.
w00t w00t w00t w00t, w00t w00t w00t w00t.
Thu Apr 21, 2005 9:18 am
teh0mega wrote:I say: w00t! all the way.
w00t w00t w00t w00t, w00t w00t w00t w00t.
Same. Very rarely do I use the word but when I do I never stick a "h" in there.
Thu Apr 21, 2005 11:21 am
No, it should be wh00t. Definately. Why? Because I said so.
Thu Apr 21, 2005 11:36 am
The proper spelling is w00t, but wh00t is also acceptable. It depends on what region you're in.
Thu Apr 21, 2005 11:40 am
I spell it "woot"... with 'o's, not '0's....
I'm very anti-numeric letters.
Thu Apr 21, 2005 11:49 am
Wh00t. It just looks better.
Thu Apr 21, 2005 11:59 am
I've never used either "w00t" or "wh00t," though I'd probably say "wh00t" =P
Thu Apr 21, 2005 1:13 pm
No, it should be "yay" or something. W00t is to L33t-speakish for me (but when I do use it, I do it without the "h").
Thu Apr 21, 2005 2:23 pm
w00t, because you don't pronounce the stupid h anyway
Thu Apr 21, 2005 2:25 pm
I always find "w00t" more pleasing on the eyes. Makes it symmetrical and such.
Thu Apr 21, 2005 2:49 pm
w00t (or woot). I've never seen it spelt with an "h".
I prefer 0MG 1 50 PWN3D J00!!!11
...or not
Thu Apr 21, 2005 2:54 pm
w00t becuase it takes less to type :33
Thu Apr 21, 2005 4:41 pm
I use it very rarely but if I did I'd use w00t because that's the only way I've seen it...
Thu Apr 21, 2005 5:04 pm
Kugetsu wrote:w00t (or woot). I've never seen it spelt with an "h"
Mm, same with me.
I learned the word from my cousin, and that's how she spelt it to me. So that's the way I spell it. *Shrug*
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