Anything and everything goes in here... within reason.
Thu May 12, 2005 9:08 pm
... FOR THE WEEKEND!!! To Wales with the School ¬_¬ ... But hey the weather's apparently going to be nice. I'll be around Barmouth(SP?) on one of the days. So If you live around there come out with a Sign saying CD xDDD
Unfortunatly this Means I won't be posting over the weekend or tommorow... Sorry... well I'll see you's on Monday!!!!
Thu May 12, 2005 9:10 pm
Oh cool, I live on the border of Wales (West Midlands) so you may be driving through to get to it. Heh. Anyway, have fun in Wales, watch out for the Seagulls, they're bloody evil!
Thu May 12, 2005 9:14 pm
Twinkle wrote:Oh cool, I live on the border of Wales (West Midlands) so you may be driving through to get to it. Heh. Anyway, have fun in Wales, watch out for the Seagulls, they're bloody evil!
I live in the west midlands too, but it's not on the border. I'm in Warwickshire, only some people class it as West Midlands and other people class it as East Midlands.
Thu May 12, 2005 9:55 pm

Anyone know the current kidnapping laws of Wales?
Thu May 12, 2005 9:57 pm
*wipes tear away from cheek*
Heh, have fun m'lad. ^_^
Fri May 13, 2005 4:24 pm
I live somewhere around Wales. I think. (Someone remind me why I take geography, again?)
Anyway, have a good time. =)
Fri May 13, 2005 5:11 pm
With all kidding aside, hope you enjoy it there. Makes me wish I lived in the UK.
Sun May 15, 2005 6:30 pm
DM was on fire! wrote:Makes me wish I lived in the UK.
Trust me you're better of over there you wake up with Icicles hanging off your nose in the morning xDD
I'm back now so WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO helloness!
Sun May 15, 2005 6:31 pm
.:Chronically Depressed:. wrote:Trust me you're better of over there you wake up with Icicles hanging off your nose in the morning xDD
I'm back now so WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO helloness!
HI HONEY! *glomp*
Sun May 15, 2005 6:54 pm
Ginger Harp Seal Pup wrote:Twinkle wrote:Oh cool, I live on the border of Wales (West Midlands) so you may be driving through to get to it. Heh. Anyway, have fun in Wales, watch out for the Seagulls, they're bloody evil!
I live in the west midlands too, but it's not on the border. I'm in Warwickshire, only some people class it as West Midlands and other people class it as East Midlands.
according to the bbc voting stuff there isnt an east midlands, just a west one.
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