Anything and everything goes in here... within reason.
Thu Jun 02, 2005 11:49 am
Lately, seems that everything I write is the wrong thing. People pick faults at whatever things I say, I do thinkgs wrong, say things wrong and people are always telling me. It makes me feel horrible. I seem to dig myself into holes with whatever comments I post here. People tell me I'm being offensive and stuff when what I said I didn't even realise WAS offensive. I try to fit in but can't because I don't just have the right...well, I don't know. I just see myself as someone who's just here, posts a little bit, says things wrong. I'm like the person who everybody picks on. Sorry, this isn't really a rant about you guys here. It's everywhere I go.
Thu Jun 02, 2005 1:08 pm
If you really want to make friends and fit in, it wouldn't hurt not to make posts like these telling people how horrible they are.
Thu Jun 02, 2005 1:11 pm
Never dealt with depression i see?
Some people just rub others up the wrong way, its natural.
some do it accidently, through no fault of their own (you)
some do it for some malicious reasoning that makes sence only to them.
that would be me.
just ignore the nay-sayers, ignore those who would usurp your position in this world.
if you dont, you could end up like me, and you really dont want that now do you
Thu Jun 02, 2005 1:18 pm
Yeah... Setekh is a bitter old lady ~_^ lol jk.
Thu Jun 02, 2005 4:05 pm
I can understand that. People kept pointing to my grammer mistakes and spelling mistake on the forum all the time. I just choose to ignore them. Sometimes, I just admit that my English is bad but you have not seen my Chinese yet.
Not everybody agreed with what I believe in, I remember being blasted for a few time because I expressed my thoughts. Just ignore them and life still go on.
Thu Jun 02, 2005 4:57 pm
Dawn2 wrote:If you really want to make friends and fit in, it wouldn't hurt not to make posts like these telling people how horrible they are.
I wasn't. I was ranting about me. This is not your fault, it's not the forum's fault. It's mine and I just don't know how I can become a different person. I try to be nice and everything but I always end up accidentally offending people.
Thank you to the other guys who posted. And you too, Dawn. I can understand what you were getting at with your post, but I'd just like to reassure you that this isn't the forum's fault. I've always been the same.
Thu Jun 02, 2005 6:23 pm
Ginger I would just like to say that just because somebody doen't agree with you then that doesn't mean they don't like you. I personally have had no problem with you in the past.
Just calm down, nobody here hates you. I actaully thought you were quite settled here before today. Then again I am crap at reading people. Just don't worry you probably think you've offeneded people more than you really have.
Thu Jun 02, 2005 6:26 pm
Setekh wrote:Never dealt with depression i see?
Some people just rub others up the wrong way, its natural.
some do it accidently, through no fault of their own (you)
some do it for some malicious reasoning that makes sence only to them.
that would be me.
just ignore the nay-sayers, ignore those who would usurp your position in this world.
if you dont, you could end up like me, and you really dont want that now do you

It's amazing how you can put the smiley face on the end but still be so utterly rude with the first thing you say.
You're always going to see things in a different way from a lot of other people, Ginger. Part of your problem with other people is this, and it's not really your fault, but you should try to properly consider the way they're thinking. I know it's difficult, we have it with my brother.
Thu Jun 02, 2005 6:35 pm
Igg wrote:Setekh wrote:Never dealt with depression i see?
Some people just rub others up the wrong way, its natural.
some do it accidently, through no fault of their own (you)
some do it for some malicious reasoning that makes sence only to them.
that would be me.
just ignore the nay-sayers, ignore those who would usurp your position in this world.
if you dont, you could end up like me, and you really dont want that now do you

It's amazing how you can put the smiley face on the end but still be so utterly rude with the first thing you say.
its a skill, like being able to trip on a perfectly flat surface, or being able to always walk into that one bin as i walk down the corridor.
and that sentance was adressing Dawn.
Yeah... Setekh is a bitter old lady ~_^ lol jk.
im relativly young, and a guy. buut yeah, bitter would be a good word.
Thu Jun 02, 2005 7:01 pm
It doesn't matter who it was to O_o
Oh, by the way, not everything is depression. Not that depression even means anything much anymore.
Thu Jun 02, 2005 7:50 pm
yes. i know not everything is depression, but ive seen first hand what undiagnosed depression can do.
its best to not take the chance.
Thu Jun 02, 2005 7:54 pm
Having been diagnosed with asperger's syndrome, I'm sure ginger has seen psychologists a fair amount in her time.
Thu Jun 02, 2005 7:57 pm
as have i.
fat lot of good they did though.
it takes a specalist, seeing a chauropadist for heartache isnt going to get you anywhere now is it.
Thu Jun 02, 2005 8:00 pm
Run that by me again.
Who should she be seeing who may diagnose her with depression?
Thu Jun 02, 2005 8:54 pm
I'm lost...does someone think I'm depressed? I'm not. I did feel a bit depressed a while ago, but not anymore. I'm just angry with myself.
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