Anything and everything goes in here... within reason.
Sat Jun 04, 2005 3:49 pm
I had my first day ever of exams on friday. I don't think I can take two more days of that! Writing... writing... writing...
Does anyone else want to throw their finals out the window? Or am I just crazy.
Sat Jun 04, 2005 3:58 pm
Well they're not my finals but I really have had enough of my AS Levels. *shudder* Only two more left! My performance arts practical is messed up as a member of my drama group has mumps and I'm sure to fail Maths.
Gah! *throws exams out of window*
Sat Jun 04, 2005 4:28 pm
I only have a Spanish final because it's a ninth-grade class. All the rest of my class are eighth grade. I'll have lots of finals next years, though. XP
Sat Jun 04, 2005 5:29 pm
I've had my GCSe Art practical, Drama practical and 2 English Literature papers.
In the coming months (ending June 27th) I will sit:
2 English Language exams
2 maths exams
2 science exams
2 latin exams
2 history exams
2 french exams.
don't think you can take two more days?! *weeps*
Sat Jun 04, 2005 5:46 pm
I got out of classes on 13 May. :* Friday the 13th.
And I took none of my exams. At my school, if you get a 3.0 average in a semester, and miss no more than four days from the class, you don't have to take your exams for that class.
Sat Jun 04, 2005 5:58 pm
i had 3 solid weeks of exams... 3 days is nothing!!
Sat Jun 04, 2005 5:58 pm
I have about perhaps less than three weeks until I have to take my exams. I have,
Math University
Religion (Extended French)
I'm taking Accounting again in Summer School to raise my mark, but the exam I'm worried about is Math.
Sat Jun 04, 2005 6:06 pm
Only Rachel may join the real exam stress group with her 3 weeks!
My exams start on MONDAY. Well no, they started on the 23rd of May.
I hate you.
Sat Jun 04, 2005 6:09 pm
We had our Science - Force Exam yesterday.
Ooh, aboput 2 and a half ours of work. 18 questions.
Sat Jun 04, 2005 6:18 pm
Igg wrote:*explodes*
Only Rachel may join the real exam stress group with her 3 weeks!
My exams start on MONDAY. Well no, they started on the 23rd of May.
I hate you.
If you'd have spoken to me last week, I so would have been included. I had 5 hours of exams on Monday, 3 hours on Thursday and 3 hours on Friday. *shudder* I hate exams which end in a qualification. I miss lower school. I miss the G.C.S.E's!
Sat Jun 04, 2005 6:19 pm
Igg wrote:*explodes*
Only Rachel may join the real exam stress group with her 3 weeks!
My exams start on MONDAY. Well no, they started on the 23rd of May.
I hate you.
igg, with 12 exams, you may join too!
thankfully mine are over.
*hugz* twinkle too! thats lots of exams
Sat Jun 04, 2005 6:56 pm
10 school days til it begins:
Ancient History
Math UniversityCollege
World Religions
Sat Jun 04, 2005 6:57 pm
Twinkle wrote:Igg wrote:*explodes*
Only Rachel may join the real exam stress group with her 3 weeks!
My exams start on MONDAY. Well no, they started on the 23rd of May.
I hate you.
If you'd have spoken to me last week, I so would have been included. I had 5 hours of exams on Monday, 3 hours on Thursday and 3 hours on Friday. *shudder* I hate exams which end in a qualification. I miss lower school. I miss the G.C.S.E's!

I've developed impetigo (as in it was lying in wait already there but not on the surface) through stress. Eep.
I don't even know who I hate.
Sat Jun 04, 2005 7:01 pm
Igg wrote:Twinkle wrote:Igg wrote:*explodes*
Only Rachel may join the real exam stress group with her 3 weeks!
My exams start on MONDAY. Well no, they started on the 23rd of May.
I hate you.
If you'd have spoken to me last week, I so would have been included. I had 5 hours of exams on Monday, 3 hours on Thursday and 3 hours on Friday. *shudder* I hate exams which end in a qualification. I miss lower school. I miss the G.C.S.E's!

I've developed impetigo (as in it was lying in wait already there but not on the surface) through stress. Eep.
I don't even know who I hate.
*hugs* You hate exam boards. And I developed psorisis. Yay for icky skin conditions and stress.
Sat Jun 04, 2005 7:14 pm
I only have 3 days
Acedemic Math
Immersion Geography
Immersion French
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