Anything and everything goes in here... within reason.
Sat Jun 04, 2005 10:04 pm
Why do people think just because I am a boy, I have to play with ONLY boys?!
I play with ALL girls, they are all my friends. So, why not? I have one friend who is a boy and he plays with us, too.
And in my next school, they are only allowing locker partners to be boy-boy girl-girl. I'm bound to have one of them in my class, so why can't I be one of the girls' partner? Luckily, I am going to talk to my teacher in Grade 6 about it, it worked for my friends cousin, she wanted a boy as her partner.
Then you have all these "tough-guys" who think that if I play with girls, I suck. My mind tells me to play with my friends, not with a bunch of "macho" guys that I don't know.
Then you have these annoying classmate girls who think me and my friend are gay. Just because I play with girls.
Heck, I'd say girls are more fun than boys.
Sat Jun 04, 2005 10:11 pm
There's nothing wrong with playing with girls!
My friend, (who left last Friday) always played with me, and my friends. A lot of the other boys were jelous of him because he was "liked" by girls...
You shouldn't worry about what the other boys say.
Just remember... girls can get pretty crazy!

(I know I am!)
Sat Jun 04, 2005 10:12 pm
You don't need to hang out with all boys. Heck, I don't really either. From Grade. 1 to Grade. 9 I hung out with all boys. I would occasionally hang out with girls if they came to hang out with us, but other than that, I just talked to them. I didn't care if a guy hanged out with all girls, I didn't think anything of it.
In Grade. 10 I hung out with girls because I had conflicts in Grade. 9 with many people. In Grade. 11 we sorta merged with another group and so, we're really starting to have a diverse range of sexes. It's pretty cool.
Hanging out with one type of gender shouldn't raise any issues but in truth, it does. You just need to deal with them.
Sat Jun 04, 2005 10:33 pm
just wait.
soon enough those guys will be enveous that you are good friends with the girls.
i personally hang out with anyone whos willing to put up with my mood swings (more mood swings than a zen garden as i say) that happens to be (regularly outside college) two guys and a girl.
in college a few guys and a couple girls, though ive not seen one in months due to some weird conditions.
Sat Jun 04, 2005 11:52 pm
It means nothing and I hate it when people makes assumptions about things they know nothing about. Some guys just feel more comfortable around girls and it has nothing to do with their sexual orientation. When will people ever learn?! Seriously though, you just have to comfortable enough with yourself to handle all the stuff people are saying, all that matters is that you know who you are and after a while people are bound to stop saying stuff.
Sat Jun 04, 2005 11:54 pm
Monique wrote:When will people ever learn?!
either a tuesday or a wednesday.
because cool stuff happens on tuesdays.
and all revolutions ahve happened on wednesdays (and noone has any idea why)
Sat Jun 04, 2005 11:58 pm
Setekh wrote:Monique wrote:When will people ever learn?!
either a tuesday or a wednesday.
because cool stuff happens on tuesdays.
and all revolutions ahve happened on wednesdays (and noone has any idea why)
lol where did you get that from?
Sun Jun 05, 2005 12:45 am
Just ignore those who think you shouldn't hang out with girls. They will eventually grow out of it. A lot of my friends are guys, and no one takes notice or makes a big deal about it.
Sun Jun 05, 2005 4:25 pm
And in my next school, they are only allowing locker partners to be boy-boy girl-girl. I'm bound to have one of them in my class, so why can't I be one of the girls' partner? Luckily, I am going to talk to my teacher in Grade 6 about it, it worked for my friends cousin, she wanted a boy as her partner.
Well, maybe the reason they want lockers boy-boy girl-girl is that in a while, some girls might have things she doesn't want to share with boys.
*the mysteries of girls*
Ignore those stupid lads who make fun of you. If they can't accept the fact that you don't bind yourself to one thing, they're not worth it. Trust me.
Sun Jun 05, 2005 4:54 pm
Ammer wrote:In Grade. 10 I hung out with girls because I had conflicts in Grade. 9 with many people. In Grade. 11 we sorta merged with another group and so, we're really starting to have a diverse range of sexes. It's pretty cool.
We're gonan need to start doing Tribal Council soon...
PK, just hang with who you want to hang. just remember that no one says you need to commit yourself to only particular friends.
Sun Jun 05, 2005 4:58 pm
Eh, don't feel alone. I've always played with boys and been a tomboy. I didn't have a actual "girl" friend until I was 7.
I wouldn't care what other people think. If you enojy playing with girls, play with 'em.
Sun Jun 05, 2005 5:02 pm
My best friend when I was younger was a boy (but then his friends laughed at him and made fun of me in front of me AND him, so he stopped being my friend ¬_¬), but that stopped when I went to an all girls school.
[/pointless story that has only a shred of relevance to the topic]
Be who you want to be, be friends with who you want to be friends with, and don't let anyone get you down. Basically. :)
If people say you're gay, say "Yeah. I'm gay. What're you going to do about it?". Laugh about it, and soon it'll turn into a ridiculous joke. :P
Sun Jun 05, 2005 5:44 pm
The only real best friend I've ever had is a guy
Just ignore those guys because it's kinda obvious what their problem is - they're jealous! Good on you for not being the kind of guy that thinks they're above hanging with girls, and for being above those kind of stupid insults that a lot of boys love so much =)
Sun Jun 05, 2005 5:47 pm
Just ignore those bullies or tell the teacher/Your Parents.
There's nothing wrong with playing with girls.
Sun Jun 05, 2005 5:57 pm
You play with girls?! I am shocked. Shocked!
Just kidding
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