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Sun Jun 05, 2005 12:38 pm
I personally think platypusses are quite cute and I've always wanted to pet one until last night... I was wathing THE MOST EXTREME last night and I found out that they have a spike on thier backleg and it delivers a dangerous poison from that spike... that would have really sucked if you got poked or stabbed...
I know alot about animals, but who would have guessed that?! What other animals are pretty cute, but pretty poisonous that I don't know about?
Sun Jun 05, 2005 12:46 pm
Umm... isn't the plural Platypi?
Anyway... I didn't know that they were poisenous.
Daddy long legs have the deadliest poisen known to man but have no way to inject it as they have no teeth/claws ect.
Note: No this is not a joke.
Last edited by
.:Compact Disk:. on Sun Jun 05, 2005 12:47 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Sun Jun 05, 2005 12:47 pm
While we're on Aussie Animals, I'll tell you about some of the more dangerous ones.
Koala - yeah, sure it's cute. Until it's claws come out.
Wombat- For fun, they bit each other and claw at each other. So even if you don't threaten it, it may feel like playing.
Kangaroo- Those legs could probably crush your ribs if they hit you hard enough....
Ahhh, Australia rules.
Sun Jun 05, 2005 12:58 pm
Twisted Sanity wrote:Wombat- For fun, they bit each other and claw at each other. So even if you don't threaten it, it may feel like playing.
Young cats are the same way. I've gotten my arm pretty torn up on many occasions.
Sun Jun 05, 2005 1:27 pm
Yeah, except cats are usually the size of a bowl of fruit. A Wombat can be bigger than a young toddler.
Sun Jun 05, 2005 1:37 pm
kyra foxx wrote:I personally think platypusses are quite cute and I've always wanted to pet one until last night... I was wathing THE MOST EXTREME last night and I found out that they have a spike on thier backleg and it delivers a dangerous poison from that spike... that would have really sucked if you got poked or stabbed...
Only male platypi have the spike. Females don't.
And that Daddy longlegs thing is an urban legend.
And Mythbusters, from Discovery Channel, tested the venom. One of 'em (Jamie, IIRC) even got bitten.
Sun Jun 05, 2005 1:58 pm
I used to catch the daddy long legs spider. I think they CAN bite, but their fangs are too small to do anything to a human. At least that is what I think I remember. But anyway, they kind of tickle when they crawl on your arm. I used to pull the legs off though and watch them wiggle. That was very mean but I was just a kid.
Sun Jun 05, 2005 2:03 pm
I'm just a kid, but all I ever do to them is pick them up and let them crawl on me..........
Sun Jun 05, 2005 2:18 pm
¬_¬ So I'm wrong?
Great... Thanks alot Ricky Gervais... *walks off muttering to himself*
Sun Jun 05, 2005 2:28 pm
o.O I thought the black widow and the brown recluse were the most deadly spiders to man, not the funnel web spider. o.O
Sun Jun 05, 2005 2:29 pm
.:Chronically Depressed:. wrote:¬_¬ So I'm wrong?
Great... Thanks alot Ricky Gervais... *walks off muttering to himself*
I'll be wrong with you. I thought they were venomous too
Sun Jun 05, 2005 2:30 pm
Twisted Sanity wrote:Koala - yeah, sure it's cute. Until it's claws come out.
Wombat- For fun, they bit each other and claw at each other. So even if you don't threaten it, it may feel like playing.
My friend had a koala doing business while it was clinging on to her to take a photo

Kitties have claws too >_< I had a kitty that tried to climb up my trousers and ouch =P but they're still cute :3
Twisted Sanity wrote:Wombat- For fun, they bit each other and claw at each other. So even if you don't threaten it, it may feel like playing.
Oh dear >_<
Sun Jun 05, 2005 2:54 pm
Dragonfire wrote:o.O I thought the black widow and the brown recluse were the most deadly spiders to man, not the funnel web spider. o.O
1. What is the most poisonous spider in the world?
The most poisonous spider in the world is the Sydney Funnel Web Spider, Attrax robustus. It is found in southeastern Australia. It is a very aggressive spider, and its strong fangs can bite through a human fingernail!
The female Black Widow is the most venomous spider in North America.
Pretty scary stuff, they freak me out.
Australia seems riddled with poisonous and dangerous animals.
Box Jelly-Fish are also pretty bad, I've had a friend who was stung by one.
Sun Jun 05, 2005 2:56 pm
Platypus are too endangered to make good pets. It'd be nearly impossible to care for one anyways.
I've always thought Tamarins... especially cotton topped ones were great, but i'd never have one as a pet. The thoughts of keeping wild animals and trying to make them into pets... bothers me. *shrug*. But I can go to the zoo, and sit by their cage and talk to them, and they love that. They even recognize me now (I don't have a season pass... not at all), and come over and mimic what i'm doing. It's good fun.
Otherwise, if I could have a cute, but possibly destructive pet, it'd be a lemur... I love lemurs. But not the ones that have stink fights... cause thats just nasty.
Sun Jun 05, 2005 3:07 pm
Well, just about every animal is dangerous is some way, just for self-defense. Sharks, for example, are feared, but they only attack for two reasons: a) they have been attacked or disturbed or b) the underside of a surfboard looks like a seal. All animals are harmless until frightened or endangered, at which point they will become nasty. I was once hiking with my dad, who has a terrible fear of rattlers, when we found a baby rattlesnake sleeping on a rock. We took some pictures and watched it for a while, but never once touched it or made any loud sound to scare it. It never once rattled at us, since we weren't doing any harm.
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