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o.o The little things that freak you out.

Tue Jun 14, 2005 2:38 am

Post them here.

Okay, so I'm watching Hell's Kitchen, and it's the first time in a long while I've watched television, but I was stretching and figured I might as well watch some for a bit while I do it.

So it cuts to commercial.

There's a commercial going on, and I'm like, what is this?

After a second, I realize it's the EXACT Cillit Bang commercial, except no annoying Barry Scott, just some American.

But the cleaning product was called Easy-Off Bam.

Exact thing. Limescale, rust, ground-in dirt. They're a challenge, but not for Easy-Off Bam. Then they did the whole "put a penny into the cleaning solution" except it was an American penny.

-freaked out- o.o;;


Last edited by o_0 on Tue Jun 14, 2005 3:07 am, edited 1 time in total.

Tue Jun 14, 2005 2:44 am

OMG no I missed hell's kitchen! :( I was looking forward to keeping up with that show :( .

We have CLR. I don't think I've seen those comercials aside from the one that repeats it as a song over and over and over on a joke site. Now I will say that CLR is the best thing I've ever bought, just amazes me how it cleans my bathroom, it bubbles and all when poured on calcium residue stuff.

As for things that freak me out...hmmm when I get deja vu. I hate it, I can never tell if it has happened or not and sometimes it has and it feels like it hasn't...I don't know, it's just weird and scary how your mind can be.

Re: o.o The little things that freak you out.

Tue Jun 14, 2005 7:56 am

o_0 wrote:Post them here.

Okay, so I'm watching Hell's Kitchen, and it's the first time in a long while I've watched television, but I was stretching and figured I might as well watch some for a bit while I do it.

So it cuts to commercial.

There's a commercial going on, and I'm like, what is this?

After a second, I realize it's the EXACT Cillit Bang commercial, except no annoying Barry Scott, just some American.

But the cleaning product was called Easy-Off Bam.

Exact thing. Limescale, rust, ground-in dirt. They're a challenge, but not for Easy-Off Bam. Then they did the whole "put a penny into the cleaning solution" except it was an American penny.

-freaked out- o.o;;



Omg they have that advert here, I was concvinced it was a joke! It was so insanely stupid I didn't think any business would publisise something with that advert...


Yeh that annoys me. And that BMW add (and in the prime of your life, you should buy a BMW)

Tue Jun 14, 2005 8:20 am

Cillit Bang is made by a company called Reckitt Benckiser which is a huge Anglo-German household products manufacturer. Since it sells its products in so many countries it just created one advert in Germany, then re-recorded it with different 'actors' for each country involved. Which sort of explains why the advert is so disastrously naff. Presumably when they flew the actors over to record the advert, they asked them to bring a small-denomination coin from their local currency :P

I spent too much time last time Cillit Bang was mentioned here looking up its history:

Two things are undeniable:

1. The Cillit Bang remix is pure genius.

2. 'Cillit Bang' is the worst name for a cleaning product since 'Cif'

Tue Jun 14, 2005 8:21 am

Whacha going on about? That BMW ad is very well done, though I am getting sick of it.

One word: Ajax. If I see another Ajax Commercial, I will personally dump a wad of spaghetti sauce all over their office buildings, then force them all to clean it with their 'revolutionary product'.

Anyway, yeah for things that freak me out... well, this one time I was listening to the radio and didn't like a song. So I changed it, and the next radio station was playing the exact same song, only closer to the end. It's a conspiracy I tell you!

And, like when me and my brothers both get an urge to go to the toilet at the same time, and the one downstairs is taken, so we rush upstairs and wrestle to try and gain the opportunity to sit on the throne. Now that's scary.

Tue Jun 14, 2005 10:05 am

sparkygoesforth wrote:2. 'Cillit Bang' is the worst name for a cleaning product since 'Cif'

I love you.

Tue Jun 14, 2005 12:24 pm

You know that there's the very same commercial in Italy, with an Italian guy and 1 euro cent? :roll:

Tue Jun 14, 2005 1:00 pm

One thing that really gets on my wick... I know it's been mentioned elsewhere in the forum is that horrible little disgusting 'Crazy Frog'


even the word crazy now makes me freak out. Yuck yuck yuck yuck yuck!

Tue Jun 14, 2005 2:40 pm

pfff, Crazy frog and its filthy ilk means nothing to me now that i parodied it.

Crazy inquisitor.
sweety the clawed fiend of the donarien sector.
nessie the tyranid.
it goes on and on.

that, and i turn over the moment i hear the "tune".

Tue Jun 14, 2005 3:27 pm

I hate that advert. It's so corny!

But I don't hate it as much as the Crazy Frog advert. *shudders*

Tue Jun 14, 2005 6:07 pm

All ringtone ads are annoying, in my opinion.

Tue Jun 14, 2005 6:15 pm

tomatie wrote:All ringtone ads are annoying, in my opinion.

I love you too.

Tue Jun 14, 2005 6:20 pm

What freaks me out ... *shudders* it's weddings.
I'm never getting married, but whenever I go to one they all look at me with this 'you'll-be-next' knowing look and I cringe.

Tue Jun 14, 2005 6:37 pm

sparkygoesforth wrote:2. 'Cillit Bang' is the worst name for a cleaning product since 'Cif'

They had to change it from 'Jif' becuase apparently it was a swear-word in another language o.o

(Atleast that's what it said on the adverts.)
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