Anything and everything goes in here... within reason.
Fri Jul 01, 2005 4:04 am
I'm horrible at this 'variety' thing. I end up eating the same thing all the time because it's easy or because we have it in the house, and it gets kind of boring.
I don't eat any animal products, but if you have a suggestion with dairy or eggs in it usually I can find a replacement item. (Dairy is easy to replace, eggs a bit harder to do. I can also get meat replacements but I usually hate them, so.) I need some relatively easy things to eat when I'm home alone, mostly, and I also need bag lunches I can bring to my acting class (and eat when school starts, too, if I like 'em).
So...anyone feel like sharing some of their favorite food?
Fri Jul 01, 2005 4:24 am
Ah, Socky. I have the same problem. *pat pat* Wish I had more ideas, but.. I have something.. intresting? :P I like plain white rice with (kidney) beans and chedder cheese on top. I'm sure you could find some kind of vegan cheese. I discovered it the other day and find it quiet enjoyable.
Fri Jul 01, 2005 4:31 am
No animal products? How do you live? I can't think of anything I like that involves no animal products. Perhaps you can find non-dairy cream of mushroom or cream of broccoli soups, those are good soups. Flavored rices are pretty good, too. I'm not really an expert on vegan cuisine, so I'm not much help.
Fri Jul 01, 2005 4:39 am
One of my favourites is definately just a variety of vegetables (snow peas, carrot, bean sprouts, chilli, brocolli, cabbage, mushrooms, whatever you want basically) thrown together in a stir fry type thing, I usually add chicken or beef but it would be easier to just leave them out anyways. I usually try and make some sort of sauce out of stock, flour (to thicken it), soy sauce and whatever other favour type thing that's lying around (I used a chilli noodle sauce the other day and I've used Hoy Sin sauce before now too). From there I usually just stick it all on top of some noodles or rice. It is pretty simple, what takes time is cutting up all the vegetables.
I did a healthy eating type thing in high-school and I'm sure that a lot of the recipies contained no meat. When I get access to my recipies again I'll have a look through them and see for you. I know there was like a Vegetable Pasta and stuff like that.
I'm a big fan of dried fruit (apricots, bananas, apples, etc) and nuts and I usually eat those as snacks when they're around. I suppose for snacks you might be able to try making your own real pretzels, I don't know if they have eggs in them though, I know for certain there is milk in the recipe I used to use (you might need to find substitutes).
I'm not much good with lunches unfortunately, I usually resort to buying mine, sorry.
Fri Jul 01, 2005 4:55 am
Ski wrote:No animal products? How do you live? I can't think of anything I like that involves no animal products.
Lol, it's a lot easier than most people think!

Tons of things are vegan, and things that aren't are (mostly) easily replaced. Like, right now I'm making apple tarts, plus rice and beans.
Fri Jul 01, 2005 5:14 am
My vegetarian friend makes an easy yummy noodle dish that's also quite quick to make
Stir fry some vegies - capsicum, brocolli, baby corn and snow peas/beans are great - add a packet of hokkien noodles (or similar) along with stir fry sauces of choice (soy sauce, sweet chilli sauce, etc). You can also add cashew nuts for extra protein and yumminess
Fri Jul 01, 2005 5:44 am
Mac and cheese? =D
Mashed Potatoes and Gravy. (Find replacement for gravy.

Veggie Dumplings.
Fri Jul 01, 2005 5:48 am
Soya beans are a great source for protein; drink soya bean milk, better yet, make your own. I'm sure there are machines out there that allows you to (I have one that hums a TUNE when it's done >_< drives me crazy). It's not actual milk though, so no worries. Try dark soya beans as well, good for hair.
Fri Jul 01, 2005 7:00 am
Vegetarian lasagna! *dances*
Of course, I have no idea how you make lasagna x.X
Fri Jul 01, 2005 7:39 am
The only dish that I could think of that is meatless is noodle. I will cook some egg noodle in a pot, drain out the water, add some oyster sauce, mix them well and eat it.
I eat alone most of the time too.
Fri Jul 01, 2005 8:51 am
Kraft Dinner my friend. Kraft, flipping, dinner.
Macaroni and faux cheese.
Besides, the cheese in there isn't real anyways. You're good to go.
Fri Jul 01, 2005 9:09 am
I'm not a vegetarian, but I love tofu. Works great in Cannelloni.
Fri Jul 01, 2005 11:09 am
coming2atvnearu wrote:Kraft Dinner my friend. Kraft, flipping, dinner.
Macaroni and faux cheese.
Besides, the cheese in there isn't real anyways. You're good to go.
Ah the joys of such a traditional and sacred meal.
*bows in reverence*
Fri Jul 01, 2005 12:54 pm
Actually, if you like eating plain pasta and stuff, I can be quite helpful with cooking times and such, since that's the only thing I know how to make.
Also, if you have a deep frier, you can put vegetable oil in it, cut up potatos and make french fries.

It's what I have for lunch every day. XD
Fri Jul 01, 2005 2:22 pm
Ooh, I have this really good recipie for peanut sauce....It only takes a few minutes to make, and you can just make up some pasta or something to go with it.
I'll find the recipie later....
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