Anything and everything goes in here... within reason.
Fri Jul 01, 2005 7:52 pm
There is an "eye" out in space that looks just like the eye on lord of the rings.

Creeps out again..
Fri Jul 01, 2005 8:06 pm
Well as long as we don't go outside at night and see a big red eye staring at us from above, and armies of orcs n' stuff charging through our towns, then we're fine for now.
It looks cool though =D
Fri Jul 01, 2005 8:12 pm
Sauron decided that Middle Earth was too limited for him so he decided to set his sights higher by taking over the Universe.
That image is creepy and looks awesome at the same time.
Fri Jul 01, 2005 8:19 pm
Koku wrote:Sauron decided that Middle Earth was too limited for him so he decided to set his sights higher by taking over the Universe.
So, the truth is now revealed... Frodo and Sauron were in league with each other. Frodo didn't really destroy the Ring, instead threw down a fake one that looked and worked exactly like the real one, and the instant he did this, Sauron faked being destroyed, instead leaving to make plans to take over the Universe, and is only now putting them into action...
That is so creepy. o_o Yet cool. And strange. And I don't know what to think of it. D:
Fri Jul 01, 2005 8:25 pm
That's awesome. And creepy. And I don't know what to think of it.
Someone call Peter Jackson!
Fri Jul 01, 2005 8:58 pm
That is really scary. I bet the Lord of the Rings realm is somewhere in there.
Fri Jul 01, 2005 9:07 pm
Koku wrote:Sauron decided that Middle Earth was too limited for him so he decided to set his sights higher by taking over the Universe.
Well, he'll have to fight me to get it. I worked hard to become the Queen of the Universe, and I shan't let go of it!
Fri Jul 01, 2005 9:14 pm
I say the little speck of a planet in the very middle of the eye is middle earth.
Fri Jul 01, 2005 9:36 pm
Xela of Xandra wrote:Koku wrote:Sauron decided that Middle Earth was too limited for him so he decided to set his sights higher by taking over the Universe.
Well, he'll have to fight me to get it. I worked hard to become the Queen of the Universe, and I shan't let go of it!
He has the Dark Side of the Force on his side now, though. Couldn't resist the free toaster oven.
Fri Jul 01, 2005 9:41 pm
Koku wrote:Xela of Xandra wrote:Koku wrote:Sauron decided that Middle Earth was too limited for him so he decided to set his sights higher by taking over the Universe.
Well, he'll have to fight me to get it. I worked hard to become the Queen of the Universe, and I shan't let go of it!
He has the Dark Side of the Force on his side now, though. Couldn't resist the free toaster oven.
<goofy bitterness>Oh, sure, HE gets a toaster oven, and I still have to pay 5 dollars every time I visit a bank teller. Yeah, that's fair. </goofy bitterness>
on-topic, that's pretty cool. I wonder what it would look like green...
Fri Jul 01, 2005 10:23 pm
Even the name of the star, "Fomalhaut", sounds like it came out of 'The Lord of the Rings". It looks neat (yet creepy) though.
Fri Jul 01, 2005 10:23 pm
see noone read the Silmarillion then?
Sauron was banished -as was the Balrog of moria, and the numerous other evil Maia before him- to the "great void" that was watched over by... errr. i forget to be honest, none-the-less Sauron is in the great void AKA; space.
and minas tirith was so in the Alps.
still prefere the phoenix nebula though.
Fri Jul 01, 2005 11:07 pm
Ammer wrote:That is really scary. I bet the Lord of the Rings realm is somewhere in there.
Well, they did say there was a good chance of a planet being in there. I vote they call it: Middle Earth.

The cloud's distinctive cat's-eye shape, astronomers said, is evidence that at least one small planet is orbiting Fomalhaut. Though it can't be seen in the picture, researchers suspect the planet is there because of its gravitational calling card: The oval shape and sharp inner edge of Fomalhaut's halo are signs that a planet is "sweeping" through the dust and gas.
Fri Jul 01, 2005 11:15 pm
middle earth is earth people.
Minas tirith is along the alps somwhere, harad is india, rhun is.. egypt i think... Rohan is one of the norscan countrys etc.
Sat Jul 02, 2005 3:16 am
I think this "eye" is basically a large camera filming earth and using us as one big intergalactic reality show.
Or maybe that was an episode of South Park...
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