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Sun Jul 03, 2005 10:56 pm
Having recently moved into a house with a bath (i used to only have a shower), i was pondering in my bath earlier, and i decided i would post a poll asking which you prefer, bath or shower
Sun Jul 03, 2005 10:57 pm
I voted either because, I love bath's and shower's. I personally don't have anywhere to bathe but I do have a shower. Therefore, I only take shower's but if I do go somewhere with a bath, I'll be bathing for quite a while.
Sun Jul 03, 2005 10:59 pm
Showers. I don't like to bathe in my own filth.
Sun Jul 03, 2005 11:07 pm
Showers are so much more fun. Plus, they get you much cleaner. :-D
Sun Jul 03, 2005 11:12 pm
hate showers.
showers and spiders dont mix well, least of all when im in one.
Sun Jul 03, 2005 11:17 pm
I always shower. My showers are lengthy. Lots of soap involved.
Sun Jul 03, 2005 11:19 pm
Hyperion wrote:I always shower. My showers are lengthy. Lots of soap involved.
Hehe, the first time I took a shower I washed my hair at least five times because I was so amazed at how it could rinse out so easily. I had trouble with two times during baths, it's much harder to rinse during them.
I'm a rather strange person.
Sun Jul 03, 2005 11:26 pm
Shower. It doesn't waste my time.
And I've been known to sit in a bath for two hours when I was younger, not knowing how much time's passed.
Sun Jul 03, 2005 11:30 pm
I prefer baths. My bathroom doesn't even have a thing that holds the shower head, so I have to hold it.
As for baths being dirty - why don't you just shower first, then fill up the tub and take a clean bath.
Sun Jul 03, 2005 11:32 pm
I always shower unless I'm sick and need to relax or am trying to keep my hair out of the water, then I take a bath instead.
Sun Jul 03, 2005 11:33 pm
Showers. It's the only thing I have in my house, so I'm accustomed to it. Even when I go away on vacation, I still take a shower rather then a bath. It's a habit, like sleeping with your back towards the window.
Mon Jul 04, 2005 1:10 am
To me, depends on my mood, how i'm feeling, and how much time I have. Usually, I just take a shower since i'm always in a rush.
Mon Jul 04, 2005 1:32 am
SHOWER BABY! Bath's take too long to fill.. although if it was prefilled... that's another story.
Mon Jul 04, 2005 1:51 am
Twinkle wrote:Showers. I don't like to bathe in my own filth.
Wouldn't someone have to be pretty dirty to actually be bathing in their own filth? Maybe a little, but nothing I would call disgusting. So you sweat during the day and it may get into the water a little. Maybe you got a little dirt in your hair. Woo...flippin...hoo. Comment here was not directed at Twinkle by any means, just saying thats my general view on the whole bathing in filth thing that I hear so often.
Right now, I'm dying for a shower. For 2 months I've only been able to have baths, since we got our bathroom redone and the shower doors haven't came in yet.
Generally though, when I have a choice, baths.
Mon Jul 04, 2005 2:44 am
I prefer showers, I find it easier to wash my hair

Although I must admit that when I go for a long time without a bath I start to miss it.
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