Anything and everything goes in here... within reason.
Wed Jul 06, 2005 5:21 pm
Well, I was suprised to see that no one posted this yet-
The announcement came out today that London won the rights to host the Olympic games in 2012. I was rooting for New York, but since I knew they didn't have much of a chance- I wanted London for sure... ^_^
You can read an article on it here-
Wed Jul 06, 2005 5:50 pm
Yay, I was going to post this earlier but didn't know if I should or not
I am very happy London got the gig, I'm sure it won't help UK-France relations much but I was really impressed with the UK teams ideas and plans especially with regenerating the east end and involving young people. It's exciting to have such an event in the UK and I think it will be great for the country =) I wasn't that interested to begin with but as the competition got hotter and I heard more about it on the news I was quietly rooting for London for the first time ever. I wouldn't have been devestated if someone else had got it but it's nice all the same.
Also I can't deny that after Chirac's comments about our food and what not along with severing the auld alliance I did smirk a little when we won. I really was expecting them to say "Paris" (as I think were most Brits) so it was a great surprise
I'm still looking forward more to the next olympics in Beijing - I think those will be spectacular.
Wed Jul 06, 2005 5:52 pm
I hated the way they announced they knew who had won, but didnt tell anyone for anther hour, thats just mean!!
Wed Jul 06, 2005 5:59 pm
Trick wrote:Also I can't deny that after Chirac's comments about our food and what not along with severing the auld alliance I did smirk a little when we won. I really was expecting them to say "Paris" (as I think were most Brits) so it was a great surprise

Mind you he made an even worse comment about Finnish food so I think France got what they deserved many times over

Go London!
Wed Jul 06, 2005 6:55 pm
i know! everyone was getting all offended about it, and i was like, well he insulted the finnish more!
Wed Jul 06, 2005 8:32 pm
It would be a lot easier to get excited about this if the 2012 Olympics weren't 7 years away.
Wed Jul 06, 2005 9:44 pm
tis good news, (not as good as Apache gunships flying over the G8 protestors to "placate" the violence

but thats neither here nor there)
none the less, isnt going to help reduce congestion in the worlds largest city is it?
Wed Jul 06, 2005 9:47 pm
Setekh wrote:tis good news, (not as good as Apache gunships flying over the G8 protestors to "placate" the violence

but thats neither here nor there)
none the less, isnt going to help reduce congestion in the worlds largest city is it?
Exactly. I'm happy that England have got the games but not London. I'm still sore about them throwing out the Birmingham idea.
Wed Jul 06, 2005 9:52 pm
meh, might give em somthing to do with that stupid dome.
plonk the running tracks in there maybe?
edit: cant spell dome either it seems
Last edited by
Asthaloth on Thu Jul 07, 2005 1:49 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Wed Jul 06, 2005 10:01 pm
Setekh wrote:meh, might give em somthing to do with that stupid doam.
plonk the running tracks in there maybe?
What? You mean make the Millenium Dome
useful?! Dream on. The most exciting thing that'll happen there is the rowing might pass it.
Wed Jul 06, 2005 10:02 pm
or it has a cool explosion when the government cuts its losses and just blows the stupid thing up.
Wed Jul 06, 2005 10:08 pm
Not until Blue Peter get the time capsule out of the dome. They put one in. Then they can blow it to smithereens!
Wed Jul 06, 2005 10:12 pm
pah, blow it up good an proper and you could take the whole lot with it.
actually, get newsround to do a piece on it, just dont tell them its being blown up now.
*official hater of blue peter and newsround*
Wed Jul 06, 2005 10:32 pm
Twinkle wrote:Setekh wrote:tis good news, (not as good as Apache gunships flying over the G8 protestors to "placate" the violence

but thats neither here nor there)
none the less, isnt going to help reduce congestion in the worlds largest city is it?
Exactly. I'm happy that England have got the games but not London. I'm still sore about them throwing out the Birmingham idea.

they will have some stuff in other places in the country though, and birmingham will no doubt get something as it has so many arenas and stuff.
Thu Jul 07, 2005 3:36 am
wehn they announced that either london or paris was either going to host it and new london for sure..i won a $20 bet on it
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