Anything and everything goes in here... within reason.
Wed Jul 06, 2005 6:33 pm
What if you had a unlimited amount of money, what would you buy?
Iunno if I ever did this one, but I just came up with it. XD
I'd buy CDs. Tons of them.
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DM was on fire! on Thu Jul 14, 2005 4:20 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Wed Jul 06, 2005 7:10 pm
Swords - A Japanese One, a Gladius, several rapiers, as well as shurikans and katars. (Each sword costs at least $700 for a battle ready one)
Lego - The Star Destroyer($700), the Death Star($700), Sandcrawler($350), Supersize Snowspeeder($300), Clone Battle Tank($180), New Millenium Falcon($250), 12 more X-Wings($150 each), 12 copies of the tie fighter set (contains 4 ties)(About $150-250 per set), an immensly large amount of castle lego so I can build a better castle than the one I just finished ($$$)
Rings - lots of them, except they wouldn't be like garish bling, I would go after red gold and platinum base, and always have just one type of gem on them, specifically I would go for saphires, emeralds, rubies, blue topaz, pink topaz, peridot, and greenstone. I hate rings which are a lump of gold with a massive gem in them, don't look good.
Transformers Toys!!!!11 - Everything, seriously. I would have to go to Japan again to hunt down all those original 80's ones but I want everything from Generation 1, 2, Energon, Armada, In Disguise, and Galaxy Force. What I'm currently after is the Galaxy Force Starscream which is about a foot high *squeeeeeee*
A giant roll of movie passes.
A new computer, for the love of god it would be a good one. The latest and best Duel processor, a couple of terabytes of HD, 5 or so gigs of RAM, but with unlimited money, who knows what I could get! And with unlimited money I would be the one to create a new telecomunications infastructure for New Zealand! I would topple Telecom and all the nerds and frustrated people of NZ would praise me!!!!11111
A secret lair - gotta have one. With camoflagued doors in my house to get to it, and doors that go 'whoosh' and open with proximity.
My own Gundam!!!!!11111ollollol! many posters....
Anime spree. Plush toys, DVDs, figurines, manga, nuff said.
A large and disturbing wardrobe of cosplay stuffs!
A large house with English butlers, Turkish and Indian cooks, and German security (to work on stereotypes).
Lots of the webcomics I like have actual comics as well, might as well get them.
My own spy satilite for...research purposes.
An Ipod. I must be the only person I know without one, my magical cd player which can make a cd hold like 350 songs aint cutting it compared to 15000.
Books - lots
A kebab. I'm hungry
Thats all off the top of my head.
Wed Jul 06, 2005 7:15 pm
Infinate money, I'd buy everything. Everything in the world. Everything anyone would sell me. All the small countries in the world. Everything.
If I had to choose one thing it would be books. I've got a list of about 100 books I want to buy, and if I had enough money, I would make the list about 500 titles long.
I need to go book shopping soon.
Wed Jul 06, 2005 7:25 pm
I'd buy Shaman King manga in bulk and ask them to pack it in a refrigerator box so I could jump in it when it came. I also need a new computer. After that, I'd take my friends/family on a trip to Japan, and (assuming my infinite supply of money was valid over there) I'd go to the music district of Tokyo and splurge on CDs.
Then I'd go back home and take comfort in the fact that I'd never have to work a day in my life again
Wed Jul 06, 2005 7:37 pm
I'd buy Africa. Seriously.
Aside from that, at the moment, I'd be content with buying myself a new pair of decent jazz boots as after almost 5 years of service, they've finally given up on life, shuffled off the mortal coil and fallen apart.
Also, I'd probably buy loads of clothes, a fabulous expensive haircut, as many dance lessons as I could dance in and a place in a fantastic dance college. (Arts Ed maybe?

Wed Jul 06, 2005 7:43 pm
I would also buy all the stocks in all the companies of the world. Then I'd buy the USA off of Dubya for 3 magic beans and with the USA I'd control the world!!! MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!
Sorry. Coffee Rush.
Wed Jul 06, 2005 8:04 pm
I'd buy my bf a super duper computer and a funky car. I'd get my mum a snazzy car and buy her the kind of house she's always wanted and give her plenty of dosh so she could retire early. Then I'd buy stuff for all my family and then I'd take my brothers and bf to disneyworld and other fun places.
I can't really think of anything for myself, I'd quite like a mini though, and a nice house would be great. I'd be more glad of the never having to work thing though, hehe
Wed Jul 06, 2005 8:06 pm
Ixistant wrote:Fiji.

I would also buy all the stocks in all the companies of the world. Then I'd buy the USA off of Dubya for 3 magic beans and with the USA I'd control the world!!! MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!
Sorry. Coffee Rush.
You might have to compete with Trinity for Fiji.
I would buy...
-Video/Computer Games
-Video Game Consoles
-Secret Evil Lair
-Army of Ninjas
-Many weapons (Swords, Guns etc.)
-A Gundam, like Chris
-I would make Unreal Tournament possible
-I would make movies, video games and books.
-I would buy Sony, Microsoft and Nintendo.
-A Really Good Computer
and...The Universe.
Edit: And I would solve World Hunger.
Wed Jul 06, 2005 8:09 pm
A Dance Dance Revolution arcade machine (a few of them, actually), pinball machine, gigantic house, a few Ferraris, a guy named Steve, military tank, food, treadmill (because they're fun! XD), a sweet computer, Japan, and some other stuff I can't think of.
Wed Jul 06, 2005 8:15 pm
Sunnie wrote:A Dance Dance Revolution arcade machine (a few of them, actually), pinball machine, gigantic house, a few Ferraris, a guy named Steve, military tank, food, treadmill (because they're fun! XD), a sweet computer, Japan, and some other stuff I can't think of.

I didn't know Steve was for sale!
Wed Jul 06, 2005 8:18 pm
sir_michael wrote:Ixistant wrote:Fiji.

I would also buy all the stocks in all the companies of the world. Then I'd buy the USA off of Dubya for 3 magic beans and with the USA I'd control the world!!! MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!
Sorry. Coffee Rush.
You might have to compete with Trinity for Fiji.

It's OK. I'll just have Niue then. Since that was annexed by New Zealand I can buy N.Z. Before USA and make Christopher my right hand man.
Wed Jul 06, 2005 8:55 pm
Ixistant wrote:sir_michael wrote:Ixistant wrote:Fiji.

I would also buy all the stocks in all the companies of the world. Then I'd buy the USA off of Dubya for 3 magic beans and with the USA I'd control the world!!! MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!
Sorry. Coffee Rush.
You might have to compete with Trinity for Fiji.

It's OK. I'll just have Niue then. Since that was annexed by New Zealand I can buy N.Z. Before USA and make Christopher my right hand man.
Pffft. You guys, I assume are trying to take over the world? Well, I believe Monique and I beat you there.
We own Germany and Canada (We walked into Parliment and they just agreed to give it to us for a small price -- some timbits).
Wed Jul 06, 2005 9:12 pm
Yea, but I would take over the US who would beat Canada and I would take the UK first, and considering we've beat Germany twice I think we should be fine. And don't worry. I would turn the world into the united federation of PPT.
Wed Jul 06, 2005 9:51 pm
you guys think to small.
i would buy the worlds resources.
then, i would expand mankind into the stars, only about 20% would leave mind you.
anyway, i would further life-prolonging research, for my 20% only ofcourse, FTL technology (those transporters that team made look mighty fine...)
the expansion would be swift, fueld by the near-limitless resources of the Solar system.
i would search for enlightenment among the stars.
when ive found it (baring in mind my life-prolonging technologys) i would return to the earth, move anyone who could prove useful to the TCA, and summariliy pound the earth into rubble.
then go off somwhere with my closest friends and leave the galaxy to the rest of mankind.
and proceed to find a way to achieve my ultimate goal.
ascension to godhood.
yes. high hopes.