Jasujo wrote:I hope you have a Bangely birthday and no Spuffiness will be shown for an entire day.

Best present ever. :-D
I was going to make my own thread so I could put a little biography of me. I'll put it here anyway:
Once upon a time, a beautiful young lass by the name of Dawn came into the world. She was so beautiful and wonderful and fabulous that the doctors forgot to slap her, and thusfore she died an early death of suffocation...
I kid, I kid.
Once upon a time, a red little potato-looking thing came out of the womb screaming like a banshee. Nine years later, she saw her first episode of Buffy. But the Mean Evil Demon of the World who Hates All That is Good and Pure (my father

) decided it was too risque for his young daughter. So she cried for hours and locked herself in her room over losing this wonderful show. A year later, at age ten, she joined the PPT forums. Nothing really happened in this fabulous life changing year- besides the whole fabulous and life changing part. The next year, she and her heroine Buffy were reunited and they all lived happily ever after. And then she turned 12. The end.
All stupidity aside, thanks bunches.