Many topics in one so....
Yeah. I'm back.

I'm pretty sure *MOST* of you remember me (most of the oldies at least

). I've been busy with things, and I just remembered about PPT so yeah.
ANyways......... so..... hmm......
Well, I'm off to Ozzfest in a week.

Off to pre-band camp that same week of Ozzfest, and the week after is band camp. (Haha, American Pie) So as you can see my summer is basically gone in a week or so. :S
I got this sweet MP3 player, holds 20 gigs, and I already have 1/8 of it full.

Goldfinger, Jimi Hendrix (which I'm listening to now), MCR, Suicide Machines (Ska, not the death metal you'd intrepret from the name), etc.
I'm now a sophomore in High School. What fun. *rolls eyes* And I learned how to make grilled cheese yesterday.
Hmm..... I'm having a brain fart and can't think of anything else.

So, don't expect my crazy posting spurts like in the old days.

It's great to be back.