Anything and everything goes in here... within reason.
Mon Jul 25, 2005 10:32 pm
The day before yesterday our area was under a severe t-storm warning along with a tornado warning in a county south of us.
A major golf course champianship nearby was postponed till yesterday (not that I cared about golf anyway

Now today our area is in a tornado watch.
Doesn't mean that one will actually hit our area or that anything will happen, but I've seen from the radar that tornados have formed in some of the storms. So far our area has only gotten rain and a few rumbles of thunder.
But watches and warnings of those sort get me very excited.
Anyone else having some rough weather?
(to give you an idea of the general location I'm talking about without giving out my exact location

*hint* Look at Wisconsin. ... x&ID=MKX19
Mon Jul 25, 2005 11:30 pm
My area was grazed by a really bad thunderstorm last night, but that looks nasty.
You should be fine, the chances of you getting hit my a tornado are pretty small, since they're generally not very big, and they 'bounce'.
Mon Jul 25, 2005 11:48 pm
You cannot live in northern part of southern Illinois and not get a tornado watch/warning at least once a month.
Ironically, I've never been in a tornado. *shrug*
Tue Jul 26, 2005 12:02 am
We've been in a Thunder-storm watch area for the past couple of days, but the sky has been nothing but bright, sunny, and blue. <_< All of the grass is shriveled up and dead... I want snow (until it's winter, then I'll want heat again. =D). We need 3 good days of horrible storming (tornados, hail, lightning, you name it) and I'll be happy.
Tue Jul 26, 2005 12:49 am
What the.... you live in Wisconsin? Me too! Awesome.
Anyway, we're always getting warnings and watches up here- but we've never had an actual tornado hit our county. We seem to get lucky.
Tue Jul 26, 2005 1:52 am
Bangel wrote:You cannot live in northern part of southern Illinois and not get a tornado watch/warning at least once a month.
Ironically, I've never been in a tornado. *shrug*
I could say the same for western Kentucky, but really Dawn, it's only during the warmer months. Tornadoes never happen in the winter.
I looooove thunderstorms, and I'm pretty much used to tornadoes. When I hear that there's been a tornado spotted in my county, or even in my city, I really don't bat an eye. It's just so normal to me.
This photo was taken last summer on a day that there was a tornado in my city (it didn't really happen until later in the evening though). The clouds were amusing me though, the sky kept going from clear blue to black. And then for the minute or so that it would stay black, it would rain really hard, but then stop as soon as the clouds broke again.
Tue Jul 26, 2005 2:59 am
Ahh, yes, Midwest weather. Gotta love it. I walked to work in a downpour. I like walking in rain, I'm strange like that.
Tue Jul 26, 2005 3:47 am
I wouldn't mind being in the rain so much if I didn't have glasses that get all spotty from the water droplets and smeary when I try to clear it off. Before I had glasses and when I was younger I would stay outside during downpours and then get yelled at by my mom when I come home all drippy wet.
As for tornados the county where I am in Wisconsin very seldem gets hit. I think the great lake shields us in a way.
I used to live in Appleton WI where there was quite a few tornado warnings a year.
I've never seen one live, but I did come very close once when we lived in Appleton.
I was with my dad watching a ball game. It was perfectly sunny until some clouds formed off in the horizon.
I swear these clouds were the blackest or just about the blackest I had ever seen. They were pitch black and spread the sky with such momentum it was unbelieveable. Just before they came, I was poking my dad, trying to get him to look. He was too focused on the game that he ignored me and eventually snapped at me to stop.
Less than 5 minutes the sky was filled with the clouds and the wind was unbelieveable. The game was instantly called off and people fled to their cars.
The wind was so strong that it made loud whooshing noises and picked up sand and dirt. The wind even rocked our car as we got in. As dad turned on the radio, we found out that there was a tornado sighted just a county away (or a city, or several streets away?)
Whatever the case was as we drove home, my dad was prompting me to look out the windows to see if we could see the funnel. I didn't see anything, but it was sure scary.
We got home fine and went to the deepest part of our house needless to say.
Tue Jul 26, 2005 1:49 pm
Sapphire Faerie wrote:Bangel wrote:You cannot live in northern part of southern Illinois and not get a tornado watch/warning at least once a month.
Ironically, I've never been in a tornado. *shrug*
I could say the same for western Kentucky, but really Dawn, it's only during the warmer months. Tornadoes never happen in the winter.
Well, recently we're getting the warning every two weeks, so it sorta evens out in all to be once a month. =P
Tue Jul 26, 2005 3:42 pm
Luckily around here it's been far to hot and dry for tornado warnings, which is ironic due to us being in what used to be called tornado alley. We usually have 3 a summer.
Then again we haven't had but 1 thunderstorm warnings this summer either :s I'm looking forward to some good heavy thunderstorms...this area needs it badly.
Wed Jul 27, 2005 3:16 am
We had a tornado warning this evening, and lost power for 1.5 hours, the longest I've been without power since moving in town, I believe. My husband and I played Star Wars Monopoly by candlelight to pass the time while cranking my MP3 player so there was music in the background. ^_-
I've never been through a tornado myself. I'm always away from home when they get close. Quite convenient. Tonight's storm was mostly straight-line winds. The interstate near here is closed northbound, and is only one-lane southbound due to semis getting blown over.
Wed Jul 27, 2005 1:18 pm
We've been having a few heavy downpours latley, like everyday. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE RAIN, but I hate thunderstorms.
It's raining as I speak. >.<
Thu Jul 28, 2005 12:33 am
Weather doesn't scare me. The most we get around here is a lot of snow and flooding. I actually love watching storms.
...What does scare me is when my dad is out in a thunderstorm with a long metal pole trying to unclog the gutters...
Thu Jul 28, 2005 12:41 am
Flame wrote:...What does scare me is when my dad is out in a thunderstorm with a long metal pole trying to unclog the gutters...
now thats not the smartest thing to do..
since i moved to my current loacation (some four and a half years ago) i have seen
five thunderstorms.
four of which have been in the last month.
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