Anything and everything goes in here... within reason.
Wed Jun 30, 2004 1:57 am
We would get on our old swing (pretending it was a train) and my old best friend would pretend to be a crazy old lady and I'd be on the train with her. We called her Mrs. Pringles.
And we used to always sit on the 22nd seat on the bus and we'd say,"Lets sit on 'tutu'!".
What about you guys?
Last edited by
Kitten Medli on Sat Sep 11, 2004 6:13 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Wed Jun 30, 2004 2:11 am
If I remember correctly, in Kindergarden we had 'Dinos and Ginniepigs' The girls were ginniepigs, and the boys dinos
Wed Jun 30, 2004 2:19 am
Me and my old best friend used to sit for hours pretending to be eggs.
Wed Jun 30, 2004 3:23 am
Well, at my friend Tom's house Owen and I broke a tree branch off his tree, accidentally. We also broke the light in his computer room...we weren't sure if the ceiling fan was turned off or not so I told owen to stick his hand in it (I do this at home, so I knew it wouldnt hurt him) and if it started up again it wasn't off. Well when he stuck his hand in it the lightbulb short circuited or something and I remember a big bright blue flash...but those weren't as a kid, they were last year.
Wed Jun 30, 2004 3:38 am
Silliest? Probably the time my friend Joey convinced me we should try to dig to China, we started in my backyard, but he had to go home, so I continued on my own. I ended up getting a hole deep enough and narrow enough for my leg to get stuck in. I had to yell for my mum to come outside and rescue me.
I also remember tearing squares of the shingles on our shed off and pretending they were credit cards.
We had a kiddie pool. My sister and I had great fun getting ourselves wet, then going and pressing our behinds against our neighbour's house, leaving buttprints.
I also remember some game called 'water factory' that involved digging small holes and filling them with water.
Incidently, here are a few recipes I remember from my childhood:
Mud Pie Recipe
one empty disposable pie tin
mix dirt and water together untill it has reached a nice muddy consistancy, pour into pie tin. You may optionally garnish it with leaves, grass, etc.
Leaf Stew Recipe
any sort of container that holds liquid
one sturdy stick
start with the container 3/4s full of water, stirring gently with stick, slowly add in leaves, grass, and flowers, once your stew has reached the desired consistancy, sprinkle in a bit of dirt for flavouring.
Wed Jun 30, 2004 3:45 am
When I was little, I didn't have a best friend. I played alone. But one weird thing I did was stick one of those wool caps you wear in winter over my face and run around calling myself "Bunny Man". And I wanted to take over the world. I also had an invisible friend named Shadow who was an old guy. O_o;;
Wed Jun 30, 2004 3:51 am
Jen wrote:Me and my old best friend used to sit for hours pretending to be eggs.
Eggs. That reminds me of my little sister's guy friend. He's obsessed with eggs and whenever he comes over he starts yelling
Me and my best friend used to make shadow puppets of marshmallows and made them talk and date each other.
Wed Jun 30, 2004 4:34 am
it was pj day and this kid came in only his boxers XD
Wed Jun 30, 2004 6:29 am
This topic has invoke the long lost sections of my brain.
- We used to stack up blocks to twice our height, then fill the center with stuff, then make it so that a touch would make it drop. Then Run.
- It was a weird fad, but everyone in the school would fold thing shirts over their knees, and bunce along the ground yelling 'Yabby Yabby'.
- I put cheese in my wetsuit to eat after the swimming lesson. It did not end well.
*Edit* Set of memories two!
- I used to use a torch to project my hand onto the roof and I called it 'The Claw', I terrifyed my brothers with it and used that fear to extort from him and make him do my bidding.
- The time I attempted to clutch a thistle...
Last edited by
Christopher on Wed Jun 30, 2004 10:33 am, edited 1 time in total.
Wed Jun 30, 2004 9:05 am
Don't have many memories of when I was younger... pieced these together from anecdotes.
-Sprinkler days. We would turn on one of those sprinkler systems... and just dance for hours. We got horrid sunburn from that.
-Everytime I went to Granjan's house, my cousin Jandalin was there. We had the stupidest games. One of them involved pretending to be boys. It was so stupid... the games lasted ages. We weren't allowed to pee sitting down or anything. -.-
-Murder. This involved blindfolding someone, turning off the lights and playing hide-and-seek. Or it should have. We spent most of the time trashing the room.
-Wash the rag. O.o This was basically putting detergent on a wet rag and tossing the rag on our heads... and running around.
-I don't know what kid didn't play dressup, but we had a twist. We made our own clothes. Out of toilet paper.
-Musical. My little sister and I used to have a game when whenever a certain word was said, we would have to break into song and dance. It was great fun. Thanks to the influence of Monty Python, we always had a song.
I know the Lumberjack song fluently. O.o
Wed Jun 30, 2004 10:52 am
When I was at a horse back riding camp, while we weren't riding on horses me and my friends would galoup around pretending to be the rider and the horse... It was stupid but fun.
Wed Jun 30, 2004 12:45 pm
In 2-3 third grade I had about three friends in total, and every recess we would make up some sort of fantasy type game and play for all recess.
I remember one of our games took us into the soccer field. Where most of the guys were currently playing a particularly large game of soccer. I can't remember our game, though, but we were in the soccer field. Tara (one of my friends) got hit on the head with the soccer ball. She got all mad, grabbed the ball, and kicked it to the equipment where it got stuck in the monkey bars XD
Wed Jun 30, 2004 12:48 pm
Once me and my friends tried to build a helicopter...
Wed Jun 30, 2004 1:11 pm
Two Words:
Playdo Pizza.
Wed Jun 30, 2004 2:36 pm
I painted my old house with mud when I was little. By the time we moved, which was at least five years later, it still hadn't washed off yet and we had to re-paint it or no one would buy the house.

I've never made a mud pie before...
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