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Help finding someone....

Sat Jul 30, 2005 8:15 am

My parents got divorced in 2001, it was kinda nasty, and in the process my dad was ordered to pay child support, 300 dollars a month to be exact. For those of you who can do math quickly that's around 16,500 dollars now. The minute he found out he had to pay it, he skipped town and hasn't been heard from or seen since. I've been trying to find him since, I don't know what state he is in, but I do have his social security number, i've tried very hard to find a way to look him up by this, but I've been unable to find a good place to do so. I'm only just now 18 and can collect till im 21, but I don't have the money to pay a service to search the social number. I've been looking for a free place to do this, I want a service that will give me a current address or at least a phone number. Have any of you had to do this before? Have you been able to get ahold of the information? Can anyone help me?

Sat Jul 30, 2005 3:09 pm

I'm sorry to hear that... :(

You might want to try looking at this site-

I think some of the reports on there might be able to help you.

Best of luck!

If not, I would think the police could probably help you if he's not paying child support.[/url]

Sat Jul 30, 2005 5:33 pm

You should also contact an attorney, and have them contact the IRS (probably need a court order).

Most attorneys will tack on fees AFTER child support payments, meaning that your dad would have to pay 16.5k plus fees, which would be close to another 10k, I'm sure.

Sat Jul 30, 2005 5:51 pm

Doesn't always work, but it can help. :)

Sat Jul 30, 2005 6:51 pm

o_0 wrote:

Doesn't always work, but it can help. :)

I was just about to suggest that site. It gives the address and stuff for free. It also gives out previous addresses, as I just searched my mom and it gave me two of our previous addresses.

Sat Jul 30, 2005 9:26 pm

Apparently a law concerning searching by social security was passed meaning it's all regulated and charges made these days, but I would go with Zabasearch if you can.

Though he wouldn't nessacarily be using his real name if he is wanted for debt?

Sat Jul 30, 2005 10:08 pm

You would probably be best off trying to use some type of attorney, if you can find a legal aid department in your state that would be great, they are free :).

You can call your local court and actually try to ask how to start something on your own, they will give you the forms you need to try to take him to court and can even provide you with numbers to attorneys near you.

Most good services to find someone are ones you have to pay for, and trust me if you get an attorney they have programs they use that can tell you how many freckles are currently on your dad's face :P. Well okay, it's not that great but it's pretty good, it's freaky to be honest how much "big brother" knows about us.

If there was a court order that said he had to pay this amount of money and he's not sticking to it your mom should complain to the court that issued it let the judge know, it's possible that the system will search for your dad and take him into contempt until he does cough up some payments. I'm not sure how exactly you'd go about placing the complaint but once again, your local court can probably head you in the right direction.

Good luck with your search.

If your locations is accurate here on ppt, I think this is your states legal aid offices
You can always try contacting them and seeing if they can help. Legail aid offices are usally offices dedicated to providing legal services for low or no money at all.

Wed Aug 03, 2005 2:39 am

Because of the fees, don't contact an attorney unless you absolutely have to. I suggest first going to the Secretary of State's Office of the particular state in which you live and asking them if there is a particular department or office that handles recovery of child support payments. Some states have specific offices set up to help people collect back child support--and don't charge you anything. Some states even go one step further and take the money directly out of the parent's paycheck. So, as long as the parent is working, you are guaranteed the child support due you.

Having the social security number is very helpful.

I wish you the best of luck in getting what is rightfully yours.

EDIT: This might be of help to you:

And, if you seem to be getting the run-around from the governmental office (which can happen), Charisma's suggestion of contacting a legal aid organization is a great one! The people who work in those places are very helpful and can explain the law and how to accomplish your objective in ways that people can understand.
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