Anything and everything goes in here... within reason.
Sun Aug 07, 2005 6:01 am
I have random freakouts about my hair every so often and whether or not I should cut it. So now - I really, really want to cut it short. I'm either cutting it horribly short, or not cutting it at all.
Here are me: ... wwacne.jpg ... ebrows.jpg ... ybear2.jpg ... s/hair.jpg ... oosock.jpg ... osocky.jpg ... ctures.jpg ... /brown.jpg ... s/head.jpg ... /brown.jpg
Edit: My bangs got chopped at. ... elfcut.jpg That's it now.
And here are pictures of the hair cut I'd like (all, by the way, snagged from and the first three are uploaded onto my photobucket because they, obviously, don't like stealing bandwith. ;P If you get an error message thing when you click any of the links still at amphigory just recopy the URL or something...) ... r-kate.jpg (My next hair color, too!) ... lower2.jpg ... icpink.jpg
Should I go for it? I'm nervous. I'm extremely attached to that mop on my head. Also nervous about how I would go about styling it.
Any suggestions would be appreciated.
Last edited by
Sock on Sun Aug 07, 2005 7:16 am, edited 1 time in total.
Sun Aug 07, 2005 6:11 am
I reckon you should go for it Sock!
About two years ago I cut my hair majorly short and had blonde streaks put in it, and I was so nervous about it for ages because I'd never really had short hair. But I've never regretted it.
As for styling tips... well I've never cut my hair THAT short, but my mum has, and she uses styling gel and stuff...
Anyways, I think you should go for it!
It's nice to do something outrageous every once in a while.
Sun Aug 07, 2005 6:21 am
I think the 'Tara-blue' would look good, but then again you also look good just with the long hair you have.
Sun Aug 07, 2005 6:27 am
Christopher wrote:I think the 'Tara-blue' would look good, but then again you also look good just with the long hair you have.
All the Tara ones are of the same cut, I believe...otherwise has a lot of people named Tara with similar haircuts submitting to them :]
Sun Aug 07, 2005 8:27 am
Holly, I already told you!
I think you'd look good with that style
Love the colour, too
Sun Aug 07, 2005 8:38 am
I love your beautiful longer hair, Hollykins.
Have you tried maybe Photoshopping a picture of you with the new hairstyle? It wouldn't be perfect, but it'd give you an idea with your facial structure and all.
Sun Aug 07, 2005 2:38 pm
Jasujo wrote:I love your beautiful longer hair, Hollykins.

Have you tried maybe Photoshopping a picture of you with the new hairstyle? It wouldn't be perfect, but it'd give you an idea with your facial structure and all.

Try using the Sims 2 or something too. Make your head/face on the game, and then, just make the hairstyle you want, put it in the game and try it out!
Sun Aug 07, 2005 5:04 pm
Honestly, going with short hair can turn out terribly, but it'll grow back. ^_^ Every few years I get the urge to chop off my locks, and everytime I do, it looks great in the salon, but when I try to do it myself, I end up either looking like '80s Molly Ringwald, or it just lays flat to my head. But much of this is because I really don't understand how to fix my hair without using a curling iron to just curl it under. If you have any abilities with gel or styling your hair using a brush and hair dryer, then you'll have much more luck than I have, that's for sure. I also don't know how to put on makeup...^^;
But the best part of doing a major hairstyle change is just seeing how it'll end up. You can usually find some way to make it presentable, even if it isn't the intended style. Plus, there are always hats. I'd say find a style that you love the best, and go for it.
Sun Aug 07, 2005 5:07 pm
I agree with the idea of photoshopping the hair on yourself. If it looks good, go for it! A change is nice once in a while.
Also, if you're dying your hair as well, remember to get special shampoo and conditioner for it so the dye stays in longer. Ask your hairdresser about the best possible shampoo there is.
Good luck!
Sun Aug 07, 2005 5:51 pm
i think you'd be able to pull of most hairstyles socky! but i'm not the right person to ask about whether you should get it all chopped off - i have nightmares about my hair being chopped off!!
Sun Aug 07, 2005 6:56 pm
If you're dying your hair a bright colour, Manic Panic do a colourising shampoo which is good for keeping your colour as it has a little bit of dye in itself.
Sun Aug 07, 2005 8:35 pm
Ok. So. I think I'm going to do it. Either before I go to camp (21st) or before school starts (September something).
Maureen's going to be there to make sure I don't run out of the hair place screaming. And I think I'm going to make her take pictures. ;D
Sun Aug 07, 2005 10:17 pm
Sock wrote:Ok. So. I think I'm going to do it. Either before I go to camp (21st) or before school starts (September something).
Might I suggest that you do it before camp rather than school? I'm not sure what type of camp you're going to (maybe it's all high-tech and stuff with air conditioning and everything), but if it's like those I've been to, you're likely to not have time/energy to mess with your hair anyway. Plus, you'll have a lot more time to get used to it before school, or at least get it started growing out. Assuming you care what others think, of course. ^_-
Sun Aug 07, 2005 10:21 pm
I think your hair looks better long, actually.
Sun Aug 07, 2005 10:48 pm
I like your hair. But if you wanna cut it, then okay. I'd suggest something that kind of looks like this with like choppy layers or whatever with maybe your bangs a little shorter (like to the end of your ear) with a bit more shape-age:
Then I'd suggest keeping your natural color because 1. I like natural hair 2. Dyeing it a lot is bad for it (but you probably know that). But I dunno if that would look good, I'm no stylist. You could always just go in and say,"I want my hair short and pretty, do what you want".
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