Anything and everything goes in here... within reason.
Mon Aug 22, 2005 11:23 pm
When friends come over and see PPT, what do they do that annoys you?
1. They giggle when they read, "Beautiful set"
2. They call you chickens, due to Arrow.
3. They think the name "Arrow" is ominous.
4. They laugh at your sn.
5. They laugh at your proper grammar.
6. They laugh at the absence of , "L01, d47 is 73h RoXors!"
7. They call the people in the PPT Picture topic Ugly >.<
8. They wonder what the hell the relationship between twinkies and No Nutrition is.
9. They walk off, muttering, "Crazy."
10. They go on your sn and cause trouble.
Mon Aug 22, 2005 11:26 pm
...I generally don't have the Internet up when my friends are over. I tend to think they'd mostly laugh at the Neopets bit, though.
Mon Aug 22, 2005 11:37 pm
Lucky you.
Feel free to post some.
Mon Aug 22, 2005 11:44 pm
I don't go on PPT with anyone else but my friend in real life who has an account.
Tue Aug 23, 2005 12:04 am
They think I'm here to meet guys...
They think 'arrow' means what you shoot from a bow
They think RPing means Warcraft or somesuch DX
They think I'm crazy for all the inside jokes
They 'marvel' (laugh) at the fact that I've spent Goddess-knows-how-many years on one site....
Tue Aug 23, 2005 12:38 am
They think this is a cult.
They don't understand the Powerpoint joke.
They think any rp that isn't related to tv shows/books,etc is dumb.
They think that anyone that goes here is automatically a neopets addict.
They have no idea what a neopet is.
Tue Aug 23, 2005 12:58 am
Ah, I don't come online when a friend is over since it tends to be a 1 person thing, and I don't want to make my friends bored.
Tue Aug 23, 2005 1:23 am
Argh. My friends would probably make fun of the Neopets section too.
As well, my other friend (used to come on PPT), said that PPT is "gay". This annoys me VERY MUCH, as 1) I hate people who use "gay" as a negative adjective, 2) PPT ROCKS, hello? and 3) PPT has no sexual orientation. (I think)
Anyways, I hate it when people say blah blah blah's gay. Like gosh, so immature and ignorant.
Tue Aug 23, 2005 1:51 am
I hardly ever even talk about PPT with people...except for a few times and my two friends made accounts, made a few posts and never came back.
Although, they do think it's rather silly that I'm always online talking to people. That and they don't know Arrow's name.
Tue Aug 23, 2005 1:52 am
(*Dranzer*) wrote:5. They laugh at your proper grammar.
6. They laugh at the absence of , "L01, d47 is 73h RoXors!"
Argh, my little sister has just started using the Internet, and I get the impression she thinks I'm uncool for spelling/typing properly rather than "tlkn liek this!1!1" !
... *sighs*
Tue Aug 23, 2005 2:10 am
They think that they are nonexistant because I do not have any friends.

I keep my online and offline lives separate.
Tue Aug 23, 2005 2:40 am
Starchaser wrote:...I generally don't have the Internet up when my friends are over. I tend to think they'd mostly laugh at the Neopets bit, though.
Same here. They think it's not cool. But everyone on PPT is cool!

Especially Arrow!
I do have a friend that plays neopets, so I go on with her, and I sometimes go onto PPT.
But, she..........
Thinks it's a waste of time!
Tue Aug 23, 2005 2:44 am
mazil wrote:(*Dranzer*) wrote:5. They laugh at your proper grammar.
6. They laugh at the absence of , "L01, d47 is 73h RoXors!"
Argh, my little sister has just started using the Internet, and I get the impression she thinks I'm uncool for spelling/typing properly rather than "tlkn liek this!1!1" !
... *sighs*
Same here. My sister and most of my friends think I'm odd because I refuse to and scoff at people who use chatspeak. Sigh.
Tue Aug 23, 2005 4:11 am
They all suck
Tue Aug 23, 2005 4:29 am
My friends are currently still in the 'omg chatspeak is cool' stage and I generally avoid them on the internet.
They seem to think that the whole point of the internet is to 1) amass a large amount of 'friends' (aka people you don't know but have on your massive buddy list and say 'hi omg who r u' occasionally) and 2) only exists to gain internet 'boyfriends' (guys they met online and were called 'cyuut' by and therefore immediately fell in 'love' with them, even though they shall break up within two hours when said girl finds a better guy).
Seeing as I don't adhere to either of those, I just tell them to forget it and use the telephone if needed.
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