Anything and everything goes in here... within reason.
Mon May 31, 2004 6:41 pm
Don't know where I got the idea for this...probably from Mandy's post on the Shrek 2 thread.
I haven't been thrown out, but I came close

I was seeing a movie with a bunch of friends, and we were being kinda loud in the a lady went and got the management to speak to us >.< We cracked up as soon as they left though, 'cos we were trying to keep a straight face the whole time.
Mon May 31, 2004 6:58 pm
Nope, though I have had numerous people that annoyed me and the rest of the audiences removed.
Mon May 31, 2004 7:24 pm
I haven't, but when I was in middle school some of my friends were thrown out of the movie theatre. I was, however, asked to leave the theatre grounds once. I didn't do anything wrong. The manager seemed to think that three teenage girls waiting for a ride for over two hours was "bad for the theatre's image" or something equally stupid.
Mon May 31, 2004 7:28 pm
'Never got thrown out, but came close a few times. Once my group of friends were being really obnoxious by throwing things and being really loud. Some old lady came up to use and scolded us at the end of the movie. Another time we snuck in and the ushers saw us, so they were walking up and down the aisle looking for us.
Yes, I did dumb things when I was young(er).
Mon May 31, 2004 7:35 pm
Robot, that's just stupid. I would have complained if they asked me to leave just because I was waiting for a ride.
Tsk tsk. Bad Spira. You're such a bad influence to the young'uns
Mon May 31, 2004 7:38 pm
Alex wrote:Robot, that's just stupid. I would have complained if they asked me to leave just because I was waiting for a ride.
Tsk tsk. Bad Spira. You're such a bad influence to the young'uns

But I'm not condoning such actions! Don't be like me! I'm a bad person.
Mon May 31, 2004 7:41 pm
SpiraLethe wrote:But I'm not condoning such actions! Don't be like me! I'm a bad person.

I've done worse. ;P
I took all of the soda cups left over from the row I was in and dumped them into this huge popcorn bucket. I threw it over the balcony I was sitting in and watched it spill over the group of obnoxious girls from school that were sitting in the front row. They let out the loudest screams I had ever heard in my life and then ran out of the side exit door. I thought it was rather funny, though. ;D
Mon May 31, 2004 7:44 pm
robot wrote:I've done worse. ;P
I took all of the soda cups left over from the row I was in and dumped them into this huge popcorn bucket. I threw it over the balcony I was sitting in and watched it spill over the group of obnoxious girls from school that were sitting in the front row. They let out the loudest screams I had ever heard in my life and then ran out of the side exit door. I thought it was rather funny, though. ;D
That's excellent! I want to see it on film!
Mon May 31, 2004 7:48 pm
I wish I did have it on film. I was fairly proud of myself. I felt bad a while later when I saw them moping around outside, but not enough that it make me rethink what I had done.
Mon May 31, 2004 8:02 pm
SpiraLethe wrote:Alex wrote:Robot, that's just stupid. I would have complained if they asked me to leave just because I was waiting for a ride.
Tsk tsk. Bad Spira. You're such a bad influence to the young'uns

But I'm not condoning such actions! Don't be like me! I'm a bad person.

Aww, but I want to be like you! I want to be a chat killah just like you! You're my idol!
</insane ramblings>
Robot, next time you do something like that,
get it on film!!! I would have loved to see that!!
Mon May 31, 2004 8:02 pm
No, but we have been warned, several times.
Mon May 31, 2004 8:05 pm
Alex wrote:Aww, but I want to be like you! I want to be a chat killah just like you! You're my idol!
</insane ramblings>
I'm going to assume that that was sarcastic. Please tell me it was.
Mon May 31, 2004 8:10 pm
I've never been thrown out or warned.
But I did get kicked out of the haunted houses at Six Flags Marine World. This person who is suppose to scare you(he wasn't scary) wouldn't leave me alone, kept following me and staring hard. He was being annoying, I told him to leave me alone and he wouldn't so I hit him with my He kicked me out. I don't think I was the last or first person to hit him that night. :wink:
Okay that was off topic but I have never been kicked out of a movie theater, I try to have good behavior.
Mon May 31, 2004 8:31 pm
Never been thrown out of a movie theatre... I blightin' well should have on a few occasions, though.
Dunno how the ushers missed all the stuff I've done.
Mon May 31, 2004 8:35 pm
Nah, I haven'[t actyually been thrown out but some of my group was being really loud so the ushers came in and told us to get out, me and another girl pretended we wern't with them and were *together* so we got to stay in
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