awwww I know I was excited to be an Aunty. Congrats Mal

!!! You'll love him/her, well until they turn two

, they are truly the terrible two's. I'm now a happy aunt of two hairy monkeys.
My niece follows me everywhere, hangs up on Jim when I hand her the phone, and says no to everything anyone says. She also now has this thing where when you ask her to do something she says "Ya Voy" which translates to 'I'm coming" and she then starts doing everything extra slow -_-.
Even though she does that though I'm still happy to be her aunt. She comes up to our house asking for me, and says "My Kayla" and though she's annoying at times, she's cute to boot and makes up for her evilness

I'm sure you will be more than happy to be an aunt and will be a great one. Congratulations once again, don't forget to show us pics

. Oh and this is a great reason to shop, all those cute baby outfits out there awwww.