Anything and everything goes in here... within reason.
Wed Aug 31, 2005 8:03 am
Ahck, I'm *expected* to make someone a birthday present for tomorrow, so i have this evening to do it. Yay.
Anyway, i'm not extreme close to this person, so anything will do, and preferably less than an hour of *Craft* time to make it. I dont really want to bake anything (Taking it into school would be a pain) and i have absolutely NO IDEAs!
I need a suggestion people! heh, i'll post pics of whatever I do when i'm done too. Help?
Wed Aug 31, 2005 10:40 am
You have to make one? Can you not buy something?
Wed Aug 31, 2005 11:44 am
Hmm. What about a CD with their favourite songs/artists?
Wed Aug 31, 2005 1:51 pm
I could buy something, but i'd way prefer to make something (plus I have no money

I was considering the CD idea, but I couldn't find any blank CD's (lots of DVDs... so maybe if they wanted 9 gigs of music..).
ARgh terrible, I may have to resort to *me time cards*. Thanks for your suggestions though, i may use the CD idea if I can find one.
Wed Aug 31, 2005 4:17 pm
Wow, this is probably too late but anyways.
I usually draw cards for people on their birthdays. If they're close to me, I'll give them a little present (not costing that much, maybe around 5 dollars).
If you're buying, remember to buy something YOU like. Well, that's how I do it anyways.
Maybe you could make like... I don't know, you could draw a picture or something, I guess. But then I think a card would be better than a picture anyways. =P
You should ask Amethyst, she makes so many presents.
Wed Aug 31, 2005 11:12 pm
Hmm, well I don't know if it's for a guy or a girl, so that makes it harder. For a girl? I'd make a photo album. Get heavier weight cardboard even and lighter weight brown paper (for the pics)...then punch 2 holes on the side of the heavier pieces (2 - front and back), line them up and punch holes in the paper. Use a piece of ribbon to thread through the holes and tie a bow along the side, then decorate the front and back (if you're artistic - or use rubbers stamps or something). Add in some of those little photo corners (if you have them) so the person can put her photos in and you're basically done.
I was going to suggest the CD idea too. It's probably the easiest - and you could decorate the CD cover with whatever they like. You could do that while the CD's being burnt.
If it's someone who you know isn't great at a subject (and wants to be better) and you are good at that and you're in the same class, you could give them a so many hours of tutoring time certificate? Just a thought.
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