Anything and everything goes in here... within reason.
Fri Sep 02, 2005 4:30 am
We had one last year.

For those of you who are in school, what's your class schedule for next year?
Per 1: Drama 1 Adv
Per 2: English 1
Per 3: AVID 9
Per 4: Biology 1
Per 5: PE Dance
Per 6: Geometry Gr9
Fri Sep 02, 2005 4:51 am
I don't even have mine yet....I just registered on Tuesday since I'm at a new school this year. I'll get mine on the first day of school. >_>
Fri Sep 02, 2005 4:54 am
My schedule:
Semester 1:
Period 1: History(the west and the world)
Period 2: Philosophy (Religion)
Period 3(a/b): Politics
Period 3((c): Lunch
Period 4: French (extended)
Semester 2:
Period 1: Math(Calculus)
Period 2: English
Period 3(a/b): Music
Period 3((c): Lunch
Period 4: Law
^^I'm in grade 12 now. Omg, I just realised that I start on tuesday! That's just way too soon!!
Fri Sep 02, 2005 6:00 am
Mine, along with 4/5ths of my grade it seems (due to an incompetent counselor), is rather messed up. But I'll post what I have currently anyway.
Day 1s
A - Computer Programming 11
B - Chemistry 11
C - Physics 11
D - Math 12
Day 2s
E - English 11 / Portfolio
F - AP Calculus
G - French 12
H - PE 11
N - Work Experience
I'm currently planning to drop Band and take Digital Media 11 (yes, I'm changing plans for the millionth time, but this one is now top priority)- hopefully E block won't be empty.
[edit] Went with AP Calculus instead for F block, and moved English (with a better teacher!) to my now-filled E block. Still hoping my calculus teacher doesn't hate me and won't kick me out.
Last edited by
Yoshi on Sat Sep 10, 2005 4:43 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Fri Sep 02, 2005 7:09 am
I find out today, but I will actually have some free periods this year, go me.
Fri Sep 02, 2005 7:21 am
Period 1: AP US History
Period 2: Honors Chemistry
Period 3: AP Calculus AB
Period 4: Advanced Orchestra
Period 5: AP English Language
Period 6: Journalism
Junior year. Fun fun.
Fri Sep 02, 2005 7:27 am
Art Now!
Art Now!
Boo. Boring. Heh. *grins* easy though. Urgh. *realises* I'm done by 6... on Mon/Wed... FIVE HOUR PAINTING CLASS?! *twitch* holy crud. I wonder if we'll be able to work at home... hrm. Oh well. done by 11 on Tues/Thurs and by 1 on Friday. And nothing on the weekends. Go Uni.
Fri Sep 02, 2005 7:41 am
1. Intro to Programming (easiest)
2. World History
3. AP Biology (reputedly the hardest course at the school - I wouldn't know)
4. AP English
5. Newspaper
6. Geography
7. Economics (same teacher as Econ - he has a candy fixation)
Then we have a make-your-appointments-and-do-what-you-slacked-on period and 41 minutes of reading twice a week. Block days are four times a week, and on block days, lunch starts at 10:36. I love the arrangement, but few others have my appetite.
Fri Sep 02, 2005 8:23 am
I... don't... know. I'll learn on <s>Monday</s> Tuesday.
Fri Sep 02, 2005 8:29 am
Your timetables are so simple.... ours are so complex.
Period 1. Maths
Period 2. Science
Period 3. History
Period 4. Maths
Period 5. Visual Arts
Period 6. Visual Design
Period 7. English
Period 8. Science
Period 1. PE
Period 2. PE
Period 3. Visual Design
Period 4. Visual Design
Period 5. Science
Period 6. History
Period 7. English
Period 8. Geography
Period 1. History
Period 2. Geography
Period 3. Science
Period 4. Maths
Period 5. English
Period 6. Sport
Period 7. Sport
Period 8. Sport
Period 1. Science
Period 2. Science
Period 3. English
Period 4. English
Period 5. Visual Arts
Period 6. Maths
Period 7. Scripture
Period 8. Visual Arts
Period 1. Visual Arts
Period 2. Visual Arts
Period 3. Geography
Period 4. Maths
Period 5. PD/Health
Period 6. English
Period 7. Maths
Period 8. Visual Design
I know, you're probably all like... whoa man, so complex... but I'm used to it, have been doing this for a semester and a half already and I wrote this all down out of memory.
Fri Sep 02, 2005 9:00 am
Oh, Ria ... if you think yours is complicated, you should see mine. I'll get it on the 5th when school starts xD Anyway, my schedule's gonna be different for every day for 10 days. Meaning I'm gonna be memorizing a 2-week timetable T_T
Fri Sep 02, 2005 9:01 am
Ours are like Ria's! Monday - Friday, they're all different
1-2 Free periods
3-4 Math methods
5-6 Bio Higher
7-8 Philosophy Higher
1-2 Economics Higher
3-4 English standard
5-6 Chinese Standard
7-8 Philosophy Higher
(no free periods!

1-2 Math Methods
3-4 Bio Higher
5-6 Free periods
7-8 Economics Higher
1-2 Chinese standard
3 Free period
5-6 Free periods
7-8 Economics Higher
1-2 Biology Higher
3-4 Philosophy Higher
5-6 English Standard
7-8 year 12/13 games.
I picked swimming 'cause there aren't enough people for dance. *stabs*
Fri Sep 02, 2005 9:28 am
1. --
4. English
5. English
6. Literature
7. Literature
1. Psychology
2. Psychology
3. History
4. Bible
5. PE
6. Economics
1. --
2. --
3. --
4. English
5. Psychology
6. Economics
1. Literature
2. Literature
3. English
4. Economics
5. PE
1. --
2. History
3. Psychology
4. English
5. English
And Friday no school
Fri Sep 02, 2005 10:46 am
08.40-09.35 - Geography (course 3)
09.40-10.30 - Geography (course 3)
10.40-11.35 - Music (course 5)
12.10-13.05 - ~
13.15-14.10 - ~
14.20-15.10 - ~
08.40-09.35 - ~
09.40-10.30 - ~
10.40-11.35 - English (course 7)
12.10-13.05 - English (course 7)
13.15-14.10 - ~
14.20-15.10 - History (course 4)
08.40-09.35 - History (course 4)
09.40-10.30 - ~
10.40-11.35 - ~
12.10-13.05 - English (course 7)
13.15-14.10 - English (course 7)
14.20-15.10 - ~
08.40-09.35 - ~
09.40-10.30 - ~
10.40-11.35 - Music (course 5)
12.10-13.05 - ~
13.15-14.10 - Geography (course 3)
14.20-15.10 - Geography (course 3)
08.40-09.35 - Geography (course 3)
09.40-10.30 - English (course 7)
10.40-11.35 - ~
12.10-13.05 - History (course 5)
13.15-14.10 - ~
14.20-15.10 - ~
My schedule will change again 26th September (and I'm going to have 24 lessons/week then, compared to the 15 I have now). Usually we split up the school year into 6 parts so that the scedule changes 6 times, but as I'm a senior I quit school 16th February so my schedule will only change 4 times this school year.
Fri Sep 02, 2005 11:03 am
1. Art
2. English
3. English
4. ---
5. ---
1. French
2. History
3. Art
4. French
5. ---
1. History
2. History
3. ---
4. ---
5. ---
1. History
2. ---
3. Art
4. French
5. ---
1. ---
2. Art
3. English
4. General Studies
5. English
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