Anything and everything goes in here... within reason.
Fri Sep 02, 2005 6:18 pm
What kind of jeans do you like better? The dark ones, the light ones, ripped ones, super long ones, etc.
I'm a fan of the dark jeans.
And I know you can only vote for one, so its what you prefer THE MOST.
Fri Sep 02, 2005 6:26 pm
Jeans? They're too tight at the waist, and too baggy at the heels. I never wear them unless my Mum makes me.
Fri Sep 02, 2005 6:26 pm
Whoo~ I'm the 2nd voter for the Dark Jeans.
Dark Jeans just look better on me. But I do have some lighter ones.
I don't like ripped ones at all. And I do have some long jeans because I'm tall. :3
Fri Sep 02, 2005 6:28 pm
I haven't worn jeans in a while because they never fit me right, but I have been losing weight over the past few weeks so who knows...
I prefer long jeans... So I can drag them all over the floor
Fri Sep 02, 2005 6:48 pm
I used to wear jeans, but they didn't fit me anymore, so until I buy new ones, I'm wearing tracksuit.
My favourite are medium blue jeans with lighter blue/greeny bits around the knee.
So none of the options.
Fri Sep 02, 2005 6:50 pm
I don't know. Jeans are jeans. I like them all. Apart from pre-ripped jeans or other ones with pre-customisations. They're crap, and evil.
Last edited by
Paul on Fri Sep 02, 2005 6:52 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Fri Sep 02, 2005 6:50 pm
I don't understand why everyone cuts up their jeans and makes them look dirty. It's weird.
Fri Sep 02, 2005 7:51 pm
I only wear dark jeans. Ugh. I would never wear light-coloured jeans.
The more flared they are, the better. So they've at least got to be boot-cut. Or preferably flares. I used to have a pair of authentic vintage bellbottoms from the 70s that I literally wore until they fell apart.
I generally prefer low-slung jeans. But not the super-low ones.
Jeans with some kind of design on them are nice, I have a dark grey pair with little velvet flowers sewn onto them. But for the most part I tend to wear plainer jeans, because they can go with anything.
I'm a short person, but I often wear shoes with big heels. So I have mixed feelings about super-long jeans. They're good when I have shoes on. But if I don't, then my feet kind of swim. Alternately, jeans that fit me good barefoot tend to look too short when I have my shoes on.
No one should, ever, ever, ever have writing on their butt. That's the stupidest fad ever.
Almost as stupid is the fad of buying jeans that come pre-ripped, or even pre-dirty. That's the stupidest thing ever. If you want to look like trash, then go buy some cheap jeans, and go roll around in a cornfield.
Fri Sep 02, 2005 7:58 pm
I love any color, light or dark or orginal, as long as they are long and tight. I mean tight, I just love like a hug up top and a flare at the bottom

I feel cute.
Fri Sep 02, 2005 8:15 pm
Light, low cut, super long (I step on them), self-ripped jeans with writing all over them by yours truly and my friends.
Dark jeans look too dark, if I don't buy them low cut they need to be in bigger sizes plus they're still uncomfortable, they need to be long because if I don't step on them I feel funky, when they're ripped they're more worn in and therefore more comfortable, and pre-written on jeans are funny.
Fri Sep 02, 2005 8:17 pm
long flared jeans. i dont like ones that are tight round the ankle, so they have to be bootcut or flared for me. but you dont have that option
Fri Sep 02, 2005 8:38 pm
I wish normal pants were still made ;_;
Fri Sep 02, 2005 8:54 pm
Light jeans, I just started wearing them and I must say, they are quite comfortable.
Fri Sep 02, 2005 9:34 pm
Ewww. Jeans.
If I were to wear jeans, they'd have to be baggy and long. But they aren't.
So I don't wear them.
Fri Sep 02, 2005 9:46 pm
Ripped, light Jeans.
But, they have to be ripped in a professional way, as in, I don't want to see any legs. XD
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