Anything and everything goes in here... within reason.
Sun Sep 04, 2005 12:35 am
Welcome to Stange and Weird Polls, where every Saturday we ask you the PPTiers a new question, but it ain't no regular question, it's stange and/or wierd!!
Last week I asked you Do you or did you like the opsite gender's toys better then the toys that your gender are suppose to play with? ? , here are the Results:
Do you or did you like the opsite gender's toys better then the toys that your gender are suppose to play with?
48% [ 16 ]
51% [ 17 ]
Total Votes : 33
This week question is a question made by Inexistence and was requested to be put up. This weeks question is!!!!: Do you like the old Oompa Loompas or the new Oompa Loompas?
Do you have a weird or stange poll question that you'd like to see here, just pm me and I bet we can see it really soon.
Sun Sep 04, 2005 12:42 am
new Oompa loompas scare me.
the old ones where just weird.
frankly, give me the book's, weird stringy alien thingys beat Oompa loompas anyday.
Sun Sep 04, 2005 12:47 am
Haha. I hated the old ones, so freaky. All orange-faced and stiff and all. Plus, their singing just scares me. XD This reminds me when I was volunteering and the little kids were scared of them.
Anyways, the new ones. =)
Sun Sep 04, 2005 1:00 am
The new ones are really, really frightening :| I like the old ones a lot better.
Sun Sep 04, 2005 1:01 am
I like the new ones. They're better singers, at any rate....
Sun Sep 04, 2005 1:22 am
I know that the real Oompa Loompas weren't supposed to be orange-faced and stuff, but they own so much.
Sun Sep 04, 2005 1:25 am
I'll say the old ones for a reason no one here would understand, but I feel like typing it anyways, so if you don't want to read it, don't.
I have no idea what an Oompa Loompa is, but I know its a kind of candy, even though I know thats not what your talking about. I like the kind of candy, but I haven't had it in a while, so I had it a long time ago. I would call that an old time rather a new time, so therefore I like the old ones.
Sun Sep 04, 2005 1:26 am
Both creep me out, but I suppose the old ones are slightly less freaky than the new ones. o.o;
Sun Sep 04, 2005 5:00 am
The old ones obviously!! I hate it when people mess with classics.
Sun Sep 04, 2005 5:35 am
What are you kidding me!? THey are ALL EVIL! Evil oompa loompa's... baad oompa loompa's...
Anyway, I said new, cause they are at least a little better... I think o.O
Sun Sep 04, 2005 6:45 am
A thousand thousand hateful glares to the new one. I shun all those who suport the manging of that...grrr...
Sun Sep 04, 2005 8:48 am
Honestly I didn't even know what Oompa Loompas were until I saw that parody on smurf where Wee Man skated around looking like an Oompa Loompa

And that's also pretty much all I've seen of them.
Thus, I won't vote this time.
Sun Sep 04, 2005 9:42 am
I like the ones in the book.
Sun Sep 04, 2005 3:01 pm
The new ones... The old ones were freaky.
Sun Sep 04, 2005 6:06 pm
The new ones, the old ones were very scary looking.
But than again, the new ones are too. But less.
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