Anything and everything goes in here... within reason.
Sun Sep 11, 2005 8:58 am
I feel great, still. ^^
I have nifty music playing, I've done all my homework yesterday so I don't have to worry about that today, and I think today's gonna be a good day.
Sun Sep 11, 2005 8:59 am
I am tired, in pain, and really bored with my theatre research.
Sun Sep 11, 2005 2:58 pm
I feel giddy.
Must be the coke and chocolate.
Sun Sep 11, 2005 6:20 pm
Before I go on, I'd like to thank the people who've been posting on this thread regularly since I've started it. (this is the second split) Please continue everyone, it's nice knowing all of you and all your different moods, and what makes you happy and everything!
Today I feel very lazy because I'm not doing my homework! I also feel that there's a lot to do, but I don't have enough time for it. I hate that feeling!! =P Still naturally content, though! (a bit hyper, as you can tell!)
Sun Sep 11, 2005 6:21 pm
Tired, just woke up (four times from 3am to 6am), and have a whole lot of crap today.
Sun Sep 11, 2005 7:06 pm
Tired. I had to babysit all day yesterday and I only got five hours of sleep. And I have English, Bio, Geometry, and Spanish homework, and I have to print out a ton of monologues for drama and find a song to sing. I have no idea what I'm going to sing. And I have to go by the theatre and pick up a class schedule. And go get my guitar. I'll do that tomorrow.
Wow. This turned into a to-do list. XP
Sun Sep 11, 2005 8:41 pm
After being woken up by a crazy Englishman (aka bno) calling my cell phone at 6:40 AM and having a one minute, forty second conversation with him, I got online for like half an hour and then went back to sleep. What this means is that I got way too much sleep (Eight hours before I was woken up and six hours after) and I'm probably in trouble tonight.
Sun Sep 11, 2005 8:47 pm
Really relaxed. Listening to chillout music and planning my modern solo out.
Sun Sep 11, 2005 9:18 pm
Annoyed, because I really should be going to bed, but I'm not sleepy or tired at all.
Sun Sep 11, 2005 9:57 pm
I feel calm yet frustrated if that's possible

. I know I should be doing homework but I'm enjoying watching tv and browsing PPT. I also feel sort of annoyed in the back of my had because I'm sure the load of clothes I put to was is ready to be put to dry and I don't want to get up from my comfortable state.
Sun Sep 11, 2005 10:04 pm
Worried. Angry. a little Ambivilent.
Usual really.
Sun Sep 11, 2005 11:28 pm
I feel quiet, and I don't know the word. It's sad, yet not sad, like this is the way it is, and that's life. So I guess I'm in an accepting mood, no matter now much I don't want to accept it.
Mon Sep 12, 2005 12:25 am
Monique wrote:I feel quiet, and I don't know the word. It's sad, yet not sad, like this is the way it is, and that's life. So I guess I'm in an accepting mood, no matter now much I don't want to accept it.
Haha, I feel like that sometimes too! (It seems like you and I have very similar moods... except that I hardly ever get too tired to do anything, but anyways).
I'm procrastinating, supposed to be doing my homework. I guess I'm happy that I've just made a good (IMO) RP post, but I feel that I have lots of things to do too (not that that isn't a good thing, but anyways).
Mon Sep 12, 2005 12:32 am
I feel sick.
And sad.
Because my head hurts.
Mon Sep 12, 2005 12:21 pm
I currently feel really great. It's a long story most people here wouldn't understand anyway, but still- basking in happiness right now.
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