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Sun Sep 18, 2005 9:51 pm
What the heck is wrong with me? I can't seem to shake anything off just lately. If there's a bug going round I've caught it. I had a real bad case of a cold which my mom reckons was the flu. She was a nurse for twenty years so she recognises things. This was in June and it was so bad I couldn't do anything at all except mope around the house. I've got the bug again now and it's exactly the same as before. Streaming nose, sore throat and swolen glands, achy, diziness and a chest infection to go with it. Everytime I cough I get the feeling I'm about to puke. My grandad, gran and mom all caught it too but they've all got rid of it now. It hardly affected them actually. So why is it affecting me so much? My gran told me it should get better soon but so far it's just getting worse.
Sun Sep 18, 2005 10:03 pm
Sounds like you have a weak immune system. I would see a doctor about it. Maybe wear a mask whenever you go out as not to catch anything. My dad has that problem too.
Hope ya feel better soon, Ginger.
Sun Sep 18, 2005 10:08 pm
DM was on fire! wrote:Sounds like you have a weak immune system. I would see a doctor about it. Maybe wear a mask whenever you go out as not to catch anything. My dad has that problem too.
Hope ya feel better soon, Ginger.


This is what gets me though; I've always had a very strong immune system til about two years ago. I'd hardly ever catch anything. I had a strong stomach too and in my child-hood only had an upset stomach about 10 times. Now I get an upset stomach times about 10 times in a MONTH. And there's these colds I keep getting that take about two weeks to shake off.
Sun Sep 18, 2005 10:50 pm
I suppose considering you had this flu before, it will take the same amount of time as it did last time to "shake it off". I would advise a lot of rest and some tea with honey (Trust me, it soothes your sore throat a lot!).
Hope you get better.
Sun Sep 18, 2005 11:37 pm
Ouch. Perhaps because your mom is a nurse, she might carry some of those super-nasty strains of the flu that are found in hospitals (they get that way because they end up immune to many antibiotics)? Either way, I hope you get better soon.
Tea is good, but I perfer the classic chicken noodle soup for when I'm sick. Great stuff it is.
Sun Sep 18, 2005 11:59 pm
DiscordantNote wrote:Ouch. Perhaps because your mom is a nurse, she might carry some of those super-nasty strains of the flu that are found in hospitals (they get that way because they end up immune to many antibiotics)? Either way, I hope you get better soon.
Tea is good, but I perfer the classic chicken noodle soup for when I'm sick. Great stuff it is.
My mom used to be a nurse but she isn't anymore. She quit it ages ago. It's a good job cos I wouldn't like the thought of being in contact with all those nasty germs.
Mmm...chicken noodle soup. I'll go get some soon.
Mon Sep 19, 2005 5:00 pm
Try some echineacea tea with two spoonfuls of vitamin C powder. Always helps me.
Also go to your doctor about it. They can then precribe something.
get well soon!
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