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Mon Sep 19, 2005 10:39 pm
on the cbs 11 11:00 news, they said there are two hurricanes out, one which is currently (as far as i know) a tropical storm, but it will become a hurricane, is heading for the gulf coast, but it might hit Florida, but on the TV they showed it getting big enough to make landfall in Texas and reach the Dallas area, which doesnt make it a good spot for the Hurricane Katrina evac's.
The other hurricane, which is a hurricane, was behind Rita (^) is called Phillepe, as of last night it is a hurricane, but its hading up in the direction of Maine and New York, but it might not hit the U.S. because it went off the screen and they were focusing on Rita
pollution at its worst, thats 4 hurricanes in the last month.
EDIT:: i found a link for Rita coverage on >
Mon Sep 19, 2005 11:25 pm
I sure hope that second one isn't heading for the UK. We've had enough rain here already. I was in a plane when it was throwing it down with rain. Not pleasant I assure you! All these hurricanes must be terrifying for the US, and the worst part is, they can hit almost anywhere, which is why I wouldn't be surprised if one hit here; not a full-blown one but enough to give us a hefty shower of rain and some wind.
But hopefully I'm just being pessimistic
Tue Sep 20, 2005 5:10 pm
Hurricanes (definately not all of them) are caused by 'pollution' right? If so, this is nature's way of revenge.
Anyway, I hope they don't hurt anyone.
Tue Sep 20, 2005 5:37 pm
Stijn wrote:Hurricanes (definately not all of them) are caused by 'pollution' right? If so, this is nature's way of revenge.

Anyway, I hope they don't hurt anyone.
No. Hurricanes are a natural thing, just like tsunamis and tropical storms. However the frequency and strength of Hurricanes is starting to increase due to the rise in temperature of the oceans.
Tue Sep 20, 2005 8:44 pm
I don't know, but for some reason, there has been a LOT more hurricanes than I can remember from a few years ago. The only one I can remember that was not from last year (when those 4 hurricanes all hit Flordia) or this year so far, is hurricane Isabel, which I think hit 2 years ago. That's the only other one I can remember. It's just like all of a sudden we're getting tons more hurricanes than what we were getting just a few years ago.
Tue Sep 20, 2005 9:17 pm
I must say that for me, Rita was quite lame. Or is quite lame. I don't even know if it's still here. I just got a couple of feeder bands, lamest thing man XD. But the keys are getting battered pretty bad, now that it's a category two.
But hey, at lest I didn't go to school today lol.
Tue Sep 20, 2005 10:33 pm
ahoteinrun wrote:Stijn wrote:Hurricanes (definately not all of them) are caused by 'pollution' right? If so, this is nature's way of revenge.

Anyway, I hope they don't hurt anyone.
No. Hurricanes are a natural thing, just like tsunamis and tropical storms. However the frequency and strength of Hurricanes is starting to increase due to the rise in temperature of the oceans.
yea thats what i meant because pollution makes a hole in the ozone, causing global warming, cause temperatures in the water and everywhere like that to rise..
Tue Sep 20, 2005 10:38 pm
ahoteinrun wrote:Stijn wrote:Hurricanes (definately not all of them) are caused by 'pollution' right? If so, this is nature's way of revenge.

Anyway, I hope they don't hurt anyone.
No. Hurricanes are a natural thing, just like tsunamis and tropical storms. However the frequency and strength of Hurricanes is starting to increase due to the rise in temperature of the oceans.
which is caused by the Annual (well. relativly speaking) increase in tempereture that precedes an ice age.
the same ice-age that is expected to hit any time now.
that. or the Gaea theory is correct, in which case we're all about to be done off with.
Tue Sep 20, 2005 10:55 pm
Setekh wrote:ahoteinrun wrote:Stijn wrote:Hurricanes (definately not all of them) are caused by 'pollution' right? If so, this is nature's way of revenge.

Anyway, I hope they don't hurt anyone.
No. Hurricanes are a natural thing, just like tsunamis and tropical storms. However the frequency and strength of Hurricanes is starting to increase due to the rise in temperature of the oceans.
which is caused by the Annual (well. relativly speaking) increase in tempereture that precedes an ice age.
the same ice-age that is expected to hit any time now.
that. or the Gaea theory is correct, in which case we're all about to be done off with.
Actually most scientists are quite sure that this one has been caused by pollution and not an annual increase in temperature.
Tue Sep 20, 2005 11:00 pm
Setekh wrote:ahoteinrun wrote:Stijn wrote:Hurricanes (definately not all of them) are caused by 'pollution' right? If so, this is nature's way of revenge.

Anyway, I hope they don't hurt anyone.
No. Hurricanes are a natural thing, just like tsunamis and tropical storms. However the frequency and strength of Hurricanes is starting to increase due to the rise in temperature of the oceans.
which is caused by the Annual (well. relativly speaking) increase in tempereture that precedes an ice age.
the same ice-age that is expected to hit any time now.
that. or the Gaea theory is correct, in which case we're all about to be done off with.
well if the mayans are correct, we wont have enough time for another ice age, so maby the Earth is just getting slowly and slowly closer to the sun... because the sun's gravitational pull is to much for our planet and its getting weaker and weaker....
Last edited by
alien on Tue Sep 20, 2005 11:01 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Tue Sep 20, 2005 11:00 pm
and geologists -the ones who actually know about such things- say its an ice-age.
oh sure, the pollution probably isnt helping, but its not about to sink the world in a vast tide of water and soot, nor is it going to burn away the atmosphere leaving us open to attack from the vespids of the seventy second dimension.
Tue Sep 20, 2005 11:25 pm
Setekh wrote:and geologists -the ones who actually know about such things- say its an ice-age.
oh sure, the pollution probably isnt helping, but its not about to sink the world in a vast tide of water and soot, nor is it going to burn away the atmosphere leaving us open to attack from the vespids of the seventy second dimension.
Really because the geology profs who are teaching me right now, say it's not an ice age. Funny how that works. And according to them and their colleagues it's caused by global warming. Yes the temperature does increase, but it shouldn't be increasing this quickly; according to their research the temperature of the ocean hasn't risen this quickly before.
And I never said that pollution/global warming isn't going to sink us into water, even if the ice caps melt it'll only raise the ocean level something like a few inches to a foot at the most. It's just not good for the environment that pollution happens.
And if you want to debate this, there's both a topic in the debate board about global warming/pollution/conservation and one about the hurricane. so... I suggest continuing there.
Wed Sep 21, 2005 1:51 pm
ahoteinrun wrote:Stijn wrote:Hurricanes (definately not all of them) are caused by 'pollution' right? If so, this is nature's way of revenge.

Anyway, I hope they don't hurt anyone.
No. Hurricanes are a natural thing, just like tsunamis and tropical storms. However the frequency and strength of Hurricanes is starting to increase due to the rise in temperature of the oceans.
Like I said, caused by humans.
Wed Sep 21, 2005 2:04 pm
Hurricanes are not caused by polution or the "warming ocean temperatures"

*must resist urge to bash certain politcal parties*. Hurricanes work like waves, they have high points where theys alot of hurricanes and the lower points where there isnt as many hurricanes, and then back to high points. We have just gotten out of the "low points" and hence are seeing an increase in hurricanes.
Wed Sep 21, 2005 8:47 pm
Hurricanes thrive in warm water, they start in warm water. The warmer the water = more chances for hurricanes to form.
I'm in Rita's path. I shalist be staying right where I am, about 30 miles west of Houston. I shall be staying here until it makes landfall, and then I'll either be here, or at my dad's work. He works in a hospital so its pretty safe there.
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