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Sun Sep 25, 2005 5:37 pm
well I have the option of taking some grade 10 courses next semester and because I live in BC they have a new provincial exam out for grade 10's and I was just wondering if colleges just look at grade 11-12 grades or do they also look at the grade 10 ones??
if there are any college students on this forum either from canada or the US please help me.
Sun Sep 25, 2005 5:38 pm
I believe here they look at all four years of high school, as well as extra curricular activities, SAT scores, etc.
Sun Sep 25, 2005 5:43 pm
ok,thanks, hope colleges don't reject me cause I didn't do a full year of grade 9.
thanks for clearing that up, guess now all i have to work on are my provincials
Sun Sep 25, 2005 5:45 pm
If it helps with that concern, my mother never really graduated high school- she was missing a semester of gym (she moved around a lot and the requirements kept changing at different high schools). She applied to five different colleges, and all accepted her.
Sun Sep 25, 2005 5:47 pm
Yeah, they do. But your grade 12 will matter way more then grade 10; but it will be taken into consideration.
Sun Sep 25, 2005 5:49 pm
o good now all I have to work on is trying to hide the fact that I take grade 10 courses from my friends ...who will most likely calll me a fact one already has.
I offered him some help on his grade 10 courses once he got there if he shut his mouth..but you never know...
Sun Sep 25, 2005 5:56 pm
12 and 11 are more important, but they do look at grade 10. Atleast in Ontario I know they do.
Sun Sep 25, 2005 6:12 pm
Actually, since you apply in the middle of 12th grade, only the first semester really matters, and sometimes not even then. They'll still look at it, of course, but it's really 11th grade that's most important, I think.
Sun Sep 25, 2005 6:20 pm
Wow... everyone says that grade 10 matters, but everyone tells me that universities (not sure about colleges... but I expected them to be the same) only look at the 11th and 12th grades...
I'm not sure, sorry I might have made things even more confusing. Maybe you could ask the guidance people (people who help you with course choices and all that) at school?
Sun Sep 25, 2005 6:23 pm
Bangel wrote:I believe here they look at all four years of high school, as well as extra curricular activities, SAT scores, etc.
Yep. Colleges look at everything you do in your high school years, aka 9-12 grades. Don't think the major things are all that counts, too...small things like being on the yearbook staff, doing volunteer work, etc. can really help you get into college, but I don't think you'll have a problem with that.
Sun Sep 25, 2005 6:53 pm
DiscordantNote wrote:Bangel wrote:I believe here they look at all four years of high school, as well as extra curricular activities, SAT scores, etc.
Yep. Colleges look at everything you do in your high school years, aka 9-12 grades. Don't think the major things are all that counts, too...small things like being on the yearbook staff, doing volunteer work, etc. can really help you get into college, but I don't think you'll have a problem with that.

Most definitely. My dream college that I want to get into doesn't necessarily need you to be a super-duper-genius, but you do need to be a super genius with character, and extra curricular interests.
Sun Sep 25, 2005 8:14 pm
How about I put it to everyone this way.
If you're against someone with the same marks as you, the same "conduct record" for 11th and 12th grades, but your grades are lower in tenth then theirs, it could very well be that they're accepted and you are not.
And it does happen. *shrug*
Sun Sep 25, 2005 9:34 pm
oogabooga wrote:Actually, since you apply in the middle of 12th grade, only the first semester really matters, and sometimes not even then. They'll still look at it, of course, but it's really 11th grade that's most important, I think.
Nope, not always true. Some schools will reserve the right to reject your application (specially for those kids who get early acceptance, you can apply for school in 11th grade sometimes) if your grades lower or if your conduct changes during 12th grade up to your graduation.
Schools focus a lot more on 11th and 12th for grades usually (not that they don't look at your behavior and extra curriculars during these grades as well, just that the grades here sometimes may have a bigger impact than your 9th grade ones). I believe 9th and 10th are mainly used to see conduct, and extra curriculars than actuall grades. GPA is what their main focus is so they don't really need to look at each individual year unless you are applying to like a science school, they may focus on your sciences if your GPA is borderline on what they accept. SAT's are very important to them sometimes, however some schools understand some kids don't test well and value GPA over SAT scores.
You are safe just doing well in all four years and doing extra curricular activities through your school and any volunteer work you can outside of school run things.
Sun Sep 25, 2005 10:07 pm
colleges and universities here only see your grades from grade 11 and 12 courses, no matter what year you took them. i think they can see what courses you took before, but not your mark. they also see extracurriculars, and your permanent records with anything stupid that you did. i heard that they only really look at your grade 12 marks and they just see your grade 11s to make sure you weren't slacking or anything
Sun Sep 25, 2005 11:09 pm
Charisma wrote:oogabooga wrote:Actually, since you apply in the middle of 12th grade, only the first semester really matters, and sometimes not even then. They'll still look at it, of course, but it's really 11th grade that's most important, I think.
Nope, not always true. Some schools will reserve the right to reject your application (specially for those kids who get early acceptance, you can apply for school in 11th grade sometimes) if your grades lower or if your conduct changes during 12th grade up to your graduation.
Schools focus a lot more on 11th and 12th for grades usually (not that they don't look at your behavior and extra curriculars during these grades as well, just that the grades here sometimes may have a bigger impact than your 9th grade ones). I believe 9th and 10th are mainly used to see conduct, and extra curriculars than actuall grades. GPA is what their main focus is so they don't really need to look at each individual year unless you are applying to like a science school, they may focus on your sciences if your GPA is borderline on what they accept. SAT's are very important to them sometimes, however some schools understand some kids don't test well and value GPA over SAT scores.
You are safe just doing well in all four years and doing extra curricular activities through your school and any volunteer work you can outside of school run things.
Universities/Colleges look at your Grade 11 marks but they don't base your acceptance on it. They base it on your top 6 Grade 12 marks. Grade 9 and 10 don't even matter, that's not saying don't try in those grades just they don't matter that much. But as ahoteinrun said, if you land in a situation like that, Grade 10 may matter.
But Universities and Colleges will only let you know they accept you in May (At least that's what they do here in Toronto, Canada) and it depends on what program you're applying for. For instance, for an English major, they won't look that deep into your Math mark but they will take it into consideration.
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