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Sat Oct 15, 2005 12:49 pm
Does anybody wonder about death as much as I do? I think about death every day. I expect it crops into a lot of people's minds every day. It's things of the unknown that I find tend to intrigue the human race the most. So, what are your thoughts?
Do you believe in an afterlife or do you think that there's nothing after life, just a blank void? I have a few things that I believe in, although I think most of these I believe in because they sound good. I want these things to happen.
1. Reincarnation. It would be good to start your life over, wouldn't it? Achieve the goals you never got to achieve the first time around. Do other things. Get a different personality, a whole different life.
2. Ghosts. Because the thought of ghosts existing amongst humans really intrigues me and on many occasions I have found myself looking for ghosts.
I'm forever thinking about dead people. Sounds creepy but it's true. I just want to know what death feels like. Sometimes it scares me but sometimes it really does intrigue me.
Your thoughts now.
Sat Oct 15, 2005 1:00 pm
(Unless your heart was exploding, or you suddenly came to your senses and realised that killing yourself wasn't the right idea and that you really really didnt want to die, but had gone too far) I don't think dying would be all bad.
It's something everyone will do, inevitably, so why bother focusing on it constantly? Such morbid thoughts lead to depression when you realise you dont actually have a point in life and nothing makes you special.
Sat Oct 15, 2005 1:33 pm
I'm with Skullsplitter.
I'm going to die anyway, it's just a question of when. I'm not really too fussed about it.
The way you die would depend on how death feels like, anyway *shrug*
Sat Oct 15, 2005 2:39 pm
I used to think about death every day xP Now I have other things to worry about.
I believe mostly in the "blank void" thing. Just, complete non-existance. Besides, even if I was reincarnated, the new me wouldn't be me anymore, would he/she?

So it'd be equivalent to not existing anyway. Ghosts? I dunno x.x If everybody became a ghost, there must be zillions right now. Not enough space xP
Sat Oct 15, 2005 3:01 pm
Meh, too many other things to worry about at the moment to worry about death so much. Death can pick a number and wait in line... he'd better be patient as well.
I'm iffy about what happens after death. I'm extremely open-minded so really anything goes. There's no proof that one thing happens and another doesn't so me claiming such a thing would probably result in ignorance. Hence, I try not to choose just one thing. I suppose if I had to pick one, I would say nothing happens after you die, as it's the easiest thing to base other theories around, a blank slate. But, as I said, I'm always interested in hearing about all of the other methods, and I don't ignore them.
Last edited by
Kugetsu on Sat Oct 15, 2005 3:10 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Sat Oct 15, 2005 3:02 pm
I believe in the blank void. When you die, you just...die. However, one of the main things that has kept me from wanting too much to die is the thought of the possibilities...what if I go somewhere to after-live forever? That would be boring. Or worse, what if I could see all that was happening in my old life after I die? I would see everyone being all sad...I wouldn't like that.
Sat Oct 15, 2005 3:09 pm
I agree with Skull and Alex... thinking about it too much isn't good.
I myself don't know what I believe. Sometimes after a death (my cousin just died) I think of them in heaven, and I hope they are happy up there... but most of the other times, I believe that when you die, you just die (as tyma said).
Reincarnation would be interesting, though... but I really don't believe in it. Although when I was small, I would always imagine getting past the hammers that make you forget everything so I could remember everything in my past life (the hammers is according to some movie I watched, and now I've always thought of it that way XD).
I'd rather live for now though. We should face death when it comes.
Sat Oct 15, 2005 3:26 pm
Oh boy, it's time for Ammy's really complicated theory about what happens when you die!
I think that the moment you die, your soul (life energy, who you are) is broken down and sort of fades into everything. Then bits of these 'decomposed' souls come together to form new lives, so you could be partially reincarnated into a plant, an animal, or even a rock or river. Your spirit (thoughts, memories), however, may linger on as a ghost if it has reason to. And your body, of course, decomposes and gets recycled into everything.
I used to freak out about dying when I was little, but I don't so much now. I mean, it's going to happen whether I like it or not, and it's comforting for me to think that I'll be alive again in something else.
Sat Oct 15, 2005 3:27 pm
I was seriously depressed some weeks ago, wondering about death, then stopped thinking about it.
I'll have time to worry later. I believe in the blank void, and honestly hope there's no heaven because I'd end up in hell as an atheist.
Sat Oct 15, 2005 3:32 pm
Well, I believe in heaven. I don't think much about death though- there's not much you can do to stop it from happening or whatever. It's just something that is going to happen to everyone.
Sat Oct 15, 2005 3:35 pm
I like the Discworld theory of the afterlife - whatever you believe in is what will happen. Obviously I can't guess exactly what will happen but I believe there is an afterlife where your spirit rests/lives with your family and loved ones. I don't think religion or anything will come much into it, I reckon good things will happen to good people and if you believe in heaven/reincarnation then that will happen to you.
I never used to worry about death but if I think about mortality for too long it does make me depressed - not for myself but for those I would leave behind, or for others who may leave me behind...
*starts thinking happy thoughts instead*
Sat Oct 15, 2005 3:38 pm
meh, I still have a coupe of thousand years in the ticker
XP umm... seriously, I believe the void theory... which disturbs me

... The hought of dying, I dont like it! Sometimes I think I cant die (not like hey lets jump of a building I am immortal)... or just... I am not meant to or something...
anyway, now I'm scared... (I have been thinking of death for ges now x\)
Sat Oct 15, 2005 4:33 pm
I enjoy life too much to think about death, shallow may it make me seem.
Sat Oct 15, 2005 4:35 pm
Twinkle wrote:I enjoy life too much to think about death, shallow may it make me seem.
You're not shallow.
Honestly, I don't think I've thought about death for more than ten minutes total my entire life. It's just not something that bothers me.
Sat Oct 15, 2005 4:48 pm
Caesara wrote:Twinkle wrote:I enjoy life too much to think about death, shallow may it make me seem.
You're not shallow.
Honestly, I don't think I've thought about death for more than ten minutes total my entire life. It's just not something that bothers me.
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