Anything and everything goes in here... within reason.
Mon Oct 24, 2005 5:03 pm
I was just checking my inbox and deleted all but the most funniest and weirdest emails I've been sent in the last few days.
FabulousFauxFur - All of the luxury. None of the guilt. Faux fur. (Look, I already have a fur coat, alright? Don't need another one just yet thanks.)
GetMagicWandsHere - Which wand will choose you? Magic wands. (I'm not in Hogwarts, you know!)
ThePowerofDuctTape - One roll. Infinite uses. Duct Tape. (A whole email dedicated to duct tape and its brilliance. Wow...)
GetaPrivateJet - Get there on schedule. Your schedule. Private jet. (Believe me, if I had the money, I would!)
LasVegasWeddings - Your Vegas wedding awaits! (Well I should get a boyfriend first, you know?)
Mon Oct 24, 2005 5:14 pm
Nothing funny or amusing about all that crap. They're all just nigerian scams =/
Mon Oct 24, 2005 11:59 pm
*checks spambox*
Doctor - The Ultimate Online Pharmaceutical - Vlabgra - $3.3 Leviitra - $3.3 Cianlis - $3.7 Imithrex - $16.4 Flomeax - $2.2 Ultrvam - $0.78 …
Exhibitionism - E. Erratum Software - What IS 0EM software and why do you care? Why pay big bucks? Create your OWN website now! New …
Izzat funny? -.- I dunno ...
Tue Oct 25, 2005 1:01 am
I recently got an email about, *ahem* chest enlargement.
odd thing was it reffered to me by (first) name.
gave me a good giggle atleast.
Tue Oct 25, 2005 1:40 am
So Setekh, are you going to go the natural way or get surgery?
"ComplimentaryFridge Make the neighbors jealous - take this fridge on us"
Here's a fridge, compliments of the chef. :|
Tue Oct 25, 2005 1:46 am
I was thinking surgery actually.
Mind, i did get one of those "im a 12 year old brazilien living in kenya whos father just died, and i cant get his millions so will you take them and give me 10%"
Always fun those.
Tue Oct 25, 2005 2:54 am
Gah! Spam! Die! *stabs*
Tue Oct 25, 2005 3:46 am
Hehe. My RL friends have this odd habit (okay, maybe not...) of sending me chain letters. One of them said something about making my MSN guy blue again - and, at the moment, I was on appear offline as I had just gotten on or something, so my guy was red.
I thought that was a wee bit ironic. XD
Tue Oct 25, 2005 12:22 pm
GetMagicWandsHere - Which wand will choose you? Magic wands.
That... is stupid XD
I keep getting messages from khuyn777... and have no idea who that is (probably just some random) but the thing is, I know a huyn at school...

and I get a lot of other carp... it irritates me... I go and unsibscribe myself from something and it keeps sending me messages... (thats if I did subscribe... I think I did o.O...)
Anyway, I need a filter...
Tue Oct 25, 2005 1:11 pm
Probably that one about those Russian mail-order brides. I'm the perfect target-group for that, don't you think?
Tue Oct 25, 2005 1:44 pm
kanashimi wrote:I keep getting messages from khuyn777... and have no idea who that is (probably just some random) but the thing is, I know a huyn at school...

I'll assume you're not just joking/being sarcastic, and point out that khuyn777 is a PPT email reminder name-thingie (might actually be Yukio's PPT email addy?)...I think. Did you accidentally click "watch this thread" or perhaps have it marked to receive email notification when you receive PMs? That's possibly it. I only know, because I accidently clicked "watch this thread" the other day, and khuyn777 showed up in my junk mail box as the reminder that someone had posted in the thread.
Tue Oct 25, 2005 3:51 pm
MyleneFarmer wrote:kanashimi wrote:I keep getting messages from khuyn777... and have no idea who that is (probably just some random) but the thing is, I know a huyn at school...

I'll assume you're not just joking/being sarcastic, and point out that khuyn777 is a PPT email reminder name-thingie (might actually be Yukio's PPT email addy?)...I think. Did you accidentally click "watch this thread" or perhaps have it marked to receive email notification when you receive PMs? That's possibly it. I only know, because I accidently clicked "watch this thread" the other day, and khuyn777 showed up in my junk mail box as the reminder that someone had posted in the thread.
I'm preeeeetty sure kanashimi's post about that issue in particular was loaded with irony in a joking sense
Wed Oct 26, 2005 1:15 am
Silja wrote:MyleneFarmer wrote:kanashimi wrote:I keep getting messages from khuyn777... and have no idea who that is (probably just some random) but the thing is, I know a huyn at school...

I'll assume you're not just joking/being sarcastic, and point out that khuyn777 is a PPT email reminder name-thingie (might actually be Yukio's PPT email addy?)...I think. Did you accidentally click "watch this thread" or perhaps have it marked to receive email notification when you receive PMs? That's possibly it. I only know, because I accidently clicked "watch this thread" the other day, and khuyn777 showed up in my junk mail box as the reminder that someone had posted in the thread.
I'm preeeeetty sure kanashimi's post about that issue in particular was loaded with irony in a joking sense

Gods, I hope so. XD
Sat Nov 12, 2005 5:28 pm
Funniest junk email I've ever gotten... is not quite PPT appropriate. :P
Sat Nov 12, 2005 9:28 pm
The funnist ones aren't appropriate for PPT, and I got then when I was about 10 XD Go figure.
Although I've also had emails from 'PPT' and one from Olay, which I have no memory of signing up to.
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