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Sat Oct 29, 2005 6:07 pm
I was just wondering what type of computer is better, Mac, or Windows? What are the benifits of Mac? (I have Windows) Can you get Mac for laptops?
If some one could help me out, that would be great.
Sat Oct 29, 2005 6:47 pm
well microsoft was invented like 50 years ago, i had to do a report on Gates... it was originally Micro-Soft (micro software) but then all this other stuff happened.. but yea... he pretty much would buy other peoples things, fix them (make them stronger, faster etc) and then sell them for less.... so yea..... but i dunno.. i'd get Macintosh because my dad would always update it to a more recent thing...
Sat Oct 29, 2005 7:16 pm
It depends what you want from your computer. I'm not really sure about the upgradability of a Mac, whereas with a 'windoze' pc you can upgrade all the components. You don't HAVE to get a microsoft or mac OS though, you could go for linux.
Sat Oct 29, 2005 7:23 pm
I prefer Windows personally, just because I've had TERRIBLE experiences with Macs. My mom just got hers a couple months ago, and she's had to get it fixed at least five times since then. My Megumi-chan (who's a Dell) is almost 6 years old, running Win XP, and hasn't given me any problems at all.
-waves the Windows flag-
Sat Oct 29, 2005 7:25 pm
Forget those two. Also I like Mac OS X (never used it, I will admit), I'd go with Linspire 4.5 all the way! I don't know what Five-O's like, but Linspire is very easy to learn.
According to lbis, Ubuntu is too. ^^
Amethyst wrote:running Win XP
I'm sorry.
I've run Windows ME for about, oh, I guess 5 years now. Haven't had any problems.
However, my old Hewlett-Packard, that we had since about 2000 croaked, because of a bad motherboard. So my dad built me a new one. ^^
Sat Oct 29, 2005 7:29 pm
DM was on fire! wrote:I've run Windows ME for about, oh, I guess 5 years now. Haven't had any problems.
-chokes on apple cider-
Sat Oct 29, 2005 7:38 pm
Amethyst wrote:DM was on fire! wrote:I've run Windows ME for about, oh, I guess 5 years now. Haven't had any problems.
-chokes on apple cider-
It's the truth! Except for the one time my aunt sent me a virus with a forward...but I believe I was on Windows 98 with that one.
Sat Oct 29, 2005 8:06 pm
'Macs don't crash...but that's because they don't let you use anything good on them'
Said my mate with a mac, heh.
Sat Oct 29, 2005 8:19 pm
We've had a Windows 98 since 1998, and just within the past month we've been having minor problems.
Windows is great.
Sat Oct 29, 2005 8:31 pm
Mrr! I have windows, I love it. Go with windows. Yes.
Sat Oct 29, 2005 8:38 pm
I HATE Macs. We have them at school, and they're extremely slow. They also freeze every 10 minutes.

We have the newer ones, too. We've only had them for about 3 years, I think.
I have Windows XP, and it's great. My computer hasn't froze once since we got it, which was about a year and a half ago.
So, go with Windows.
Sat Oct 29, 2005 8:43 pm
I say Windows; more stuff is available for Windows.
Sat Oct 29, 2005 9:22 pm
As I think someone else has mentioned, your comparing apples and oranges. Windows is an operating system, Mac is a type of computer. What you're really looking at is which is better a Mac or a PC. While a large portion of PCs run Windows, there are other operating systems available, for example Linux.
I use a PC at home running Windows XP Home edition, and at my current job I use a Mac running Mac OS X. To put it nicely, I greatly prefer my PC. Say what you will about Windows, Microsoft, Bill Gates, capitalism, etc, etc, it still fits my needs and usage style much better than my Mac at work. A lot of this is due to conditioning, since I've used PCs for a very long time. But, even as I'm learning my way around my Mac, I still prefer my PC. Every Mac I've worked on has seemed very slow, even the brand new ones I used at university. The one I have at work is probably newer than my current PC (no, I don't know the Mac's specs), and yet it's three times slower.
That being said, there are uses for Macs. I could be wrong, but I believe they're the computers of choice for people in computer graphics, etc. Most of the biology professors I've met use Macs for their excellent modeling capabilities, etc. There is a use, or else they wouldn't exist. And then there are those people who simply prefer them.
If you're not already very familiar with the Mac, you may not enjoy switching over. I don't think Macs are horrible, but they are difficult for me to use. I'm finding more pros on my current one (mainly because it doesn't crash the instant I touch it like all other Macs I've used in the past), and I like some of the programs it has on it, but those are just because it's a work computer (no Photoshop at home for me). I'd say try to find a Mac at local library or some other public computer place that you could play around with and make your own decision on which works better for you.
Sat Oct 29, 2005 9:23 pm
Macs... they annoy me.
I'd go with windows.
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